Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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Carla Brown Guest |
#6012011-03-02 22:28Please keep the balanced calendar. It helps the teachers and students keep from burning out! |
Smyrna mom Guest |
#602 Re: The "Majority" cheated?2011-03-02 22:48#70: keep august 15th!!!!! - The "Majority" cheated? The "Majority" cheated? Really!! Ha! The only cheaters I see are the "CCSB 4". Have any of them bothered to go into schools and ask teachers, faculty, students and parents what they want? That would eliminate any doubt that the "Majority" cheated. Mr. Stultz admitted that he has not been inside ANY schools in his district since he was elected. What kind of representation is that?!?! He was asked the night before the Board Meeting to go into the schools and do his own informal survey, which he would not agree to do. I believe he's afraid of the truth. His term in office will indeed be short. |
Guest Guest |
#603 Re:2011-03-02 22:50Send the CCSB a bill! |
Guest Guest |
#604 Re: Re: The "Majority" cheated?2011-03-02 23:02#602: Smyrna mom - Re: The "Majority" cheated? re: The "Majority" cheated? Really!! Ha! - I don't see anything funny about it. It is a fact. Teachers, parents, etc. have admitted cheating I don't see where the board members cheated on anything. They were elected partly on a promise to change to a more traditional calendar - replacing 3 candidates that supported balanced calendar. Are you saying the election was rigged? or that people didn't know that the 3 candidates would do exactly what they promised to do? Do you consider 4+ years short?
Guest |
#605 Not Right2011-03-02 23:21I don't think they should have posted the school calendar knowing that it may change. Many people made plans based on that calendar. |
Cobb parent and teacher Guest |
#606 Check out this website2011-03-03 00:32
Jody Vane Guest |
#6082011-03-03 01:41The calendar needs to stay as promised. Give it 3 years and give us a reason to change it! |
Guest Guest |
#609 Re: Re: where is everyone?2011-03-03 01:45#572: Guest - Re: where is everyone? I have emailed the link to many people and even put it on my Facebook page. It is VERY important to spread the word about this!! Also, we need to make sure that our voice is heard when our board members have meeting in the community. Allison Bartlett will have a town hall meeting tomorrow at Osborne and Ms. Angelucci will be at North Cobb next week. EVERYONE needs to be there!!! |
Guest |
#610 Another survey2011-03-03 01:48 Send this to others in the community. |
Emma P Guest |
#611 Change it!2011-03-03 02:07i dont like the old schedule!!!!!!!! If they change it back ill be SOOOOO mad! ;-( |
Guest Guest |
#612 Re: Unfair decision2011-03-03 02:34#530: Heather Colier - Unfair decision Heather I agree with your statement! |
Not a cheater Guest |
#613 Not cheating2011-03-03 02:48I'm sorry, I don't remember the post number but it was someone saying that we were cheating the results of this survey because there are more signatures than IP adresses. I am a little computer challenged, so I asked someone and found out if 4 people signed on this computer, it is from the same IP address. My husband and I and 2 teenagers signed. So we aren't cheating... |
Greyhounds Lover Guest |
#6142011-03-03 03:09I like not as many breaks because it keeps me on track with what's going on at school, but from once a month breaks to this!? How will all of the students react when it is nearing 3 months into school? |
Guest Guest |
#615 Re: Not cheating2011-03-03 03:56#613: Not a cheater - Not cheating 14000 people said they were teachers There aren't that many teachers |
Guest Guest |
#616 Re: August 15th calender change2011-03-03 04:10#14: Rachel Wilson - August 15th calender change I though we were a republic. Hmm, I must have gone to Cobb County public schools. |
Colleen Ham Guest |
#6172011-03-03 04:39In addition to the previous survey results, I hope statistics concerning lowered costs for teacher absenteeism, student absenteeism, decrease in #s of discipline issues will also be taken into account when reviewing the calendar issue. It would see a compromise could be affected - lose the week in September - add the week back in February... start school the 7th or 8th... |
Guest Guest |
#618 Re: Re: Not cheating2011-03-03 07:05They also showed the results without teacher input and the majority was still for the august 1st start date. |
Doug Guest |
#619 Cheating...2011-03-03 07:42Amazing that only those who were for the balanced calendar "cheated." Also amazing that every person I've spoken with has told me they voted for the balanced calendar. You'd think that if there were even odds that people were for either calendar, that half of the parents I've spoken with would have been for the "traditional" calendar and against the balanced one. That probably just means that people are lying about what they did. There's certainly no chance that there really were at least 70 percent of the people who wanted to keep the balanced calendar for two more years, or at least were against switching to either of the other two calendars. |
Guest Guest |
#620 Re: Cheating...2011-03-03 14:03I haven't seen anyone anywhere say that ONLY the balanced calendar folks cheated. The survey was fraudulent. The election was not. |
Jenn Batarseh Guest |
#621 Cobb County Aug. 1 start date2011-03-03 14:04Essentially, a disgruntled board chair and newly elected board members went AGAINST the will of the majority of their constituents and voted OUT the Balanced Calendar that was voted IN for 3 year trial. This is AFTER creating a poll to clearly show that majority. Shameful, borderline Tyranny! Reinstate the Balanced Calendar forthwith! |
Guest Guest |
#622 Re: Re: Re: Not cheating2011-03-03 14:05#618: Guest - Re: Re: Not cheating So, everyone concurs that teachers clearly cheated. And, you are suggesting that they didn't also cheat by marking surveys as "parents". And, we should take the survey results seriously. |
Guest Guest |
#623 Re: Cobb County Aug. 1 start date2011-03-03 14:07#621: Jenn Batarseh - Cobb County Aug. 1 start date FOUR, not 1 duly elected board members voted the way they promised to vote when they were running for office Yes, they made a change. But, isn't "hope and change" supposed to be good? |
Cobb teacher and parent Guest |
#624 Re: Re: Re: Re: Not cheating2011-03-03 14:12#622: Guest - Re: Re: Re: Not cheating So are you saying that once you become a teacher - you are no longer a parent? We are teachers, parents, homeowners,voters and taxpayers - we have a right to voice our opinion too!!! |
debbie lipe Guest |
#625 petition for August 1st Calendar2011-03-03 15:12I think this is a good idea. This new petition shouldn't even have to had been done. Thank you. If they weren't going to go my the most majoritiy of the vote the first time then why let us vote in the first place on the calendar anyway. I think as educators, parents, and students we made our vote clear the first time!!!!!!! |
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