Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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Guest Guest |
#701 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calendar doesn't make sence2011-03-05 23:57#693: Guest - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Calendar doesn't make sence I KNOW you are not a teacher in a classroom. I'm not even sure you are a parent. You sound like one of the board |
Guest Guest |
#702 Re: Where's the data?2011-03-06 00:01#697: Disgruntled Parent of 2 AND Teacher of Area 5 - Where's the data? More likely, the new teachers absence policies and sense of urgency caused by RIF's is what has led to reduced absences. I have no data to support this cause/effect relationship - just as you have no data. If I'm correct - AYP performance and performance of many/most? schools/grades has increased a bit in the past couple of years - at the same time - the budget has been drastically reduced! Perhaps there is a cause/effect relationship in cutting the bottom teachers and instilling more of a performance-based culture. "Although I have NEVER seen her face in my school building (Yes, she has my area)-I'd love to see her face EXITING my area!" - AND another catty comment from our professional corps of teachers
Guest |
#7032011-03-06 00:31It seems that the Board members who voted against the Aug. 15th calendar are the most active in the schools and have a more realsitic view of why the balanced calendar is best for students and teachers. I was shocked to hear at Bartlett's town hall that Osborne doesn't have a full time social worker. Important issues like that (in her area schools) should be her main concern if she truly wants to do what is best for students. To the person commenting about teacher absences - yes I was out more last year. Reason - my daughter had braces and I teach middle school. If you don't know the Cobb MS schedule - it is impossible to make appts. before or after school - you must take sick days. This year - 0 sick days thanks to the balanced calendar. |
Guest Guest |
#705 Re:2011-03-06 02:34Odd, you would think that Chair Bartlett, a teacher (and most active in schools) would have a realistic view. I hope you aren't teaching children to build fact-based discussions like the one you have put forth ("it seems"). Candidly, I don't remotely care about your daughter's braces or your challenges in scheduling appointments. Every job has its difficulties (night shift workers, people who travel, people who are put in harm's way, etc.). Learn to deal with your profession's challenges or get out. The community is fed up with whining teachers. |
Guest Guest |
#706 Re: Re:2011-03-06 03:23I don't think that I was whining - simply stating why I've taken less sick days this year. Teaching is not a job that you can come in a little late and stay longer to make up the time - you are either there the entire time or you have to get a sub. I actually want to be in my classroom teaching my students as much as possible. I feel most teachers in Cobb feel the same way. I work with some amazing teachers and my own children's teachers blow me away. They are incredible and I feel blessed to live in a county with such dedicated teachers. The citizens oif Douglas might feel differently since I believe Mrs. Bartlett was out close to 25 days last year. |
Guest Guest |
#707 Re: Re: Re:2011-03-06 03:31I believe Mrs. Bartlett was out close to 25 days last year. - you believe? you know? source? rumor-mongering? busy body perhaps? - another teacher on this board is throwing out the 35 day number
Guest Guest |
#708 Re: Re: Re: Re:2011-03-06 03:44So you think it is ok to malign every teacher in Cobb - just because they have a different opinion than you on the calendar but anyone who questions Bartlett is a rumor-mongering, busy body? It is a matter of public record - research it for yourself. You will discover that she is not the conscientious teacher that you believe her to be. |
Cindi S. Guest |
#709 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2011-03-06 04:04It would be really good if we can keep throw the fact of Barlett's abandoning the Douglas kids front and center (while at the same time she's mucking up Cobb's schools). I just googled some key words to find the public records you mentioned, but I can't find anything. Could you please tell me where to look? |
Guest |
#710 Why2011-03-06 15:46Why has this discussion/issue become about whining teachers? I know many fantastic teachers both for and against the balanced calendar. I have never heard any whining from any of them, and I am in an elementary school 5 days a week! Most teachers are too busy teachering our kids to waste time whining. I just don't understand the teacher bashing. |
Cobb Teacher Guest |
#711 Re: Why2011-03-06 16:11THANK YOU!! |
goddess dillard Guest |
#7122011-03-06 16:17More time off by the county is less takn off for personal reasons |
Guest |
#713 for the balanced calendar2011-03-06 21:14I don't understand why some people think this is ONLY a teacher issue. I didn't look at all of the almost 5,ooo signatures but what i did see why A LOT of parents supporting the balanced calendar...i am one of them. IN THE summer by the time aug. rolls around, my kids are ready to go back to school and see there friends. we all are tired of the summer activitys. this has been a refreshing year of school. during feb, break, we enjoyed the days and my kids went back to school refreshed |
Guest Guest |
#714 would the calendar 2 years ago be acceptable2011-03-06 22:11Last year the calendar was changed...... people were not happy! It reminds me of what is happening now with the recent change. Then new board members were elected. The new members voted the way their areas wanted them to. I have read where the main dislike here is the Christmas Break and when it begins. So I was just wondering if going back to the calendar before last year ( the Christmas Break was earlier ) would be exceptable to most. It concerns me that some of the people here say they voted against the traditional only because of the Christmas Break. Maybe the board could adjust the Christmas Break to make more people happy.... The "monkey survey" has no way of knowing if only Cobb County residents voted.... and even though they said duplicates were removed - there were ways of getting around that thus making multiples entries by one person possible. If the board wanted a true picture then they should have chosen a different survey. Again... Maybe someone should suggest the modification of the Christmas Break dates to the there are parents, teachers & students who like the traditional calendar. Since both calendars are liked.... why not try to find a compromise of the two. Just trying to find a win win for everyone. |
Guest Guest |
#715 Re: for the balanced calendar2011-03-06 22:58#713: - for the balanced calendar I haven't seen anywhere where anyone has said this is ONLY a teacher issue. I do see a lot of writing in numerous places about the boorish behavior of a minority of teachers being an issue. |
Guest Guest |
#716 Re: Why2011-03-06 23:00I believe what has led to much discussion on teacher whining is the behavior of a minority of teachers: - in the board meeting, message boards, facebook, etc. It's sort of like the teachers have set themselves up to be bashed. |
Guest Guest |
#717 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2011-03-06 23:14You put forth a clear-cut statement as fact: Barlett has missed 25 days. The only reason you could have to bring this point forward in a discussion about calendars is to smear her character. If indeed it is a fact, and the community deems it pertinent - then you have done a service to the community. When asked further about your statement - you go further and state that is a well-known fact that is easily found by research. You then go even further and say that in conducting the research I will find that:"... she is not the conscientious teacher..." You know what, so far in my research: - I've found no public facts about her absences - I've learned more about commendations she has received in her career that show that she is conscientious As a Cobb citizen, her job performance in Douglas isn't a big concern of mine (nor is the day job performance of the other board members). So, again, if you would: 1) please point to the public record of facts that you speak of (showing her not to be conscientious and have 25 abscences) or 2) admit that you have lied and slandered Ms. Bartlett - and when you look in the mirror you'll get a sense for why people malign the bottom-tier whiners in the teaching profession. |
Rajan Guest |
#718 Folks let's all plan to attend the district board meetings2011-03-07 01:21We all need to attend school board meetings and tell them that they cannot go against the wishes of the public. |
M DuQue Guest |
#719 school year calender2011-03-07 01:52If the main reason for making changes was to "NOT" return to school the first week of August, then why not modify by going back the following week and elimination the September break. |
Guest Guest |
#720 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2011-03-07 02:02I would imagine that you could contact DCSD for this information - during the school week. |
T.F. Guest |
#7212011-03-07 08:21So what happened to doing what's best for the students & teachers? |
Lynda Guest |
#722 Repeat of Health Care Reform2011-03-07 14:43Thank you for starting this petition. I was outraged to learn that the board voted in favor of the old calendar when the majority of people clearly showed a preference for the balanced calendar. Why ask our opinion if they are going to completely disregard it? It reminds me of the health care reform (I mean DEform) bill. |
Monica Anschel Guest |
#723 2011-12 Balanced Calendar2011-03-07 16:331. The calendar was brought in for 3 years and people made plans based on that communication. 2. The survey results show a clear mandate from the constituency that should not be ignored by our representatives. 3. The balanced calendar creates a better learning environment--less burnout and more retention for teachers and students. |
Bonnie Garrett Guest |
#724 August 1st Calender2011-03-07 17:12This calender had previously been approved for 3 years, plans & pre-paid vacations have already been made by many employees according to the calender we were told would be in place for 3 years. Please abide by the Aug 1st Calender for the 3 years we were told it would be in effect. |
Steffany Brown Guest |
#725 Thank you2011-03-07 18:35I feel as parents our opinion what is BEST for our children should matter to the board. They were elected to represent us,not ignore and do what they want! |
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