Petition for the August 1st Calendar


/ #714 would the calendar 2 years ago be acceptable

2011-03-06 22:11

Last year the calendar was changed...... people were not happy! It reminds me of what is happening now with the recent change. Then new board members were elected. The new members voted the way their areas wanted them to. I have read where the main dislike here is the Christmas Break and when it begins. So I was just wondering if going back to the calendar before last year ( the Christmas Break was earlier ) would be exceptable to most. It concerns me that some of the people here say they voted against the traditional only because of the Christmas Break. Maybe the board could adjust the Christmas Break to make more people happy.... The "monkey survey" has no way of knowing if only Cobb County residents voted.... and even though they said duplicates were removed - there were ways of getting around that thus making multiples entries by one person possible. If the board wanted a true picture then they should have chosen a different survey. Again... Maybe someone should suggest the modification of the Christmas Break dates to the there are parents, teachers & students who like the traditional calendar. Since both calendars are liked.... why not try to find a compromise of the two. Just trying to find a win win for everyone.