Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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Guest Guest |
#501 Re:2011-03-01 02:11You just found it - I'm one who disagrees with you. We don't need that many breaks! We start and stop and start and stop. I've heard from TEACHERS who say that it has not been what they had hoped and they feel that there are too many breaks. It's about EDUCATION, increasing test scores, moving out of last place in the country for education - not about vacations. Please! I'm all for August 15th or 17th! |
Patricia Scanlan Guest |
#502 Keep the current school calendar2011-03-01 02:14Keep the current school calendar...don't let the board change it. Children's performance improves when they attend school "year round". |
Abby Camillo Guest |
#5032011-03-01 02:39In every single voting category (students, parents, employees, etc.), the August 1st calendar received more than 50% of the peoples' votes! The calendar needs to stay as it is for 2010-2011!!!!! |
Guest Guest |
#504 Re: School Calendar2011-03-01 02:53#482: Disgusted! - School Calendar I haven't heard this. Might be the case. Whether they did or not, who cares? That's how politics works in this country. This may be a shock to you, but, Democrats take money for their campaigns from unions. |
Cherie Vodopia Guest |
#505 Yes I signed2011-03-01 02:57Yes, I am a school employee, and I signed. Not, not because I want all the breaks, but because I saw a difference in our school--for the better. There have been less discipline problems, less teacher absences and less stress overall. I also signed because the new calendar totally disregards families--how can you expect children to be in school until December 23rd? People travel and children are excited. I also signed because we no longer live in an agrarian society--the children no longer need to be out of school to help care for crops--which was the original purpose of having summer vacation. |
James Luster Guest |
#506 CCSD is fake2011-03-01 03:26Ok, just about a year ago CCSD approved this august 1st start date for a 3 year plan. Now it only lasted 1 year. This just proves how ignorant the CCSD is. Also the CCSD has been named one of the best "educational countys" of Georgia for awhile now, so why dont they just give us a brake for awhile. This change in the 3 year calender in just 1 year just shows how "professional" CCSD is. Finally the poll results on the website just shows a sign of corruption within the CCSD. Who knows what lies they are telling us about the SPLOST money that is being used. |
Tired of Complaints Guest |
#507 Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.2011-03-01 04:24Complain. Complain. Complain. That is all I hear, and I'm kinda sick of it. SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE! LOOK ON THE OTHER SIDE! Sure, breaks can give students much needed rest, but what do they get in exchange? A mountain of quizzes and tests that pile up either just before the break or just after. I'm a student, and I loathe how the random breaks are kinda random. Plus, they suck at timing. When I'm off, I want to visit my cousins, but how can I if they don't have a February Break or September Break? It is just a waste of time. The stress before and after the break just piles up. Let's not forget how some parents have to pay for two more weeks of daycare for young children. This year has sucked for me. I'm so glad that the board member had some sense this time to vote for this new calender of NOT August 1st. I bet you are wondering why I'm on this site if I don't want to petition for this. My friend has always said, "It is great to know the other side in order to properly shoot 'em down!" Sorry, Erica for banging you down.... |
Tired of Complaints Guest |
#508 Re: Re:2011-03-01 04:27Totally agree with you! All of my friends just complain about it. I haven't even heard anybody from my school who likes this. I'm so glad I'm not alone! I liked it so much better without breaks so then I could actually study without having random breaks distracting me. |
Deborah Free Guest |
#5092011-03-01 04:29This calender seems to give students and employees time to refresh thru the school, which is great for their attention. |
Guest w/ a view Guest |
#510 Balanced calendar versus Six Flags -- REALLY?2011-03-01 05:23Issue here is simple: a)3 year calendar was approved. How can a new board overturn that? If you don't like it- wait till the 3 years are up and then vote in what you want. b)Board is voted in by the Cobb county residents - respect your constituents opinions c)Any board member who claims they are worried about the lost revenue of Six Flags because Cobb county students go back to school 2 weeks early should be investigated for a conflict of interest. d)I will boycott Six Flags forever thank you very much. e)EVERYONE should boycott Six Flags. Then maybe the new board members will realize our voices count! |
Will C. Guest |
#511 Let's put this into perspective...2011-03-01 05:50We are the people. They are our mouthpieces. When the school board starts doing anything other than what WE have explicitly expressed as our desire for the school system, one knows that SOMETHING is off-balance. Let's restore the balance AND the balanced calendar. Cobb is our turf, and we're taking it back. |
Student Guest |
#5122011-03-01 07:09Don't you just love the way these so called "elected school board officials" Work their magic? |
Disappointed student Guest |
#5132011-03-01 07:11All I have to say to the school board is... Way to fail guys. |
Guest |
#5142011-03-01 07:48I wonder why the school board members have insisted on their own agenda. I wonder why they gathered "votes" and opinions on an issue that 4 of them had already decided on and that was contrary to what the mass majority was in favor of - especially considering that they were going against a calendar that they put into effect for a three year period. I assume they have relationships with outside interests that are more concerned about their business success than the educational success of our students . I am especially disturbed by the fact that those board members do not have children or grandchildren that attend our Cobb County Schools. I think we deserve an explanation but know that we won't get one because there is no possible way to "spin" the decision they have made. I wonder also who will be repaying all of the people who have made non-refundable deposits on vacations that were planned based on a calendar that was previously approved. Lastly, how much money will the school district lose when a large portion of their students are absent for the previously granted breaks in the school year? I know that my children will be enjoying the family time that was arranged and paid for prior to this farce of a vote by the school board. I only hate that this will negatively impact my children and my children's teachers. |
Ann White Guest |
#515 new calendar2011-03-01 12:11I think the students, staff and teachers need the balanced calendar for the week breaks. Everyone seems to be better rested. Besides, we never gave the new calendar a chance. Not even a full year. |
Angel Cope Guest |
#516 Very glad to speak out.2011-03-01 14:57Thanks for organizing this and giving us an opportunity to speak out. |
Christine Jones Guest |
#517 August 1 start date for Cobb County Schools2011-03-01 15:00I have already arranged a family trip for September break out west. To have a calendar set for 3 years and then change after 1 year without warning is thoughtless and not giving this change a chance to succeed (if those that voted against it thought it was not working). |
Cathy Worthington Guest |
#518 Calendar Choice2011-03-01 15:10The calendar that is currently in place is the choice of the majority of responders and should not be ignored by the board. |
becca beall Guest |
#5192011-03-01 15:11Due to the disregard of some board members to their constituents, the previous 3 yr plan being disregarded, and the student absenteeism rate being lowered, I feel this calendar should stay in effect. |
Kelly Union Guest |
#520 School Calender2011-03-01 15:22I believe that the new calender was not given a chance and the votes were ignored. As a employee and a parent of two children in the county, I think the breaks allowed the children time to rest without losing all that they have learned. The staff was also in a better mood and overall the school atmosphere was better. My daugter in middle school is disappointed that the board changed after only trying the calender for less than a year. The calender was voted on for three years. Not only are adults disappointed, but the messasge to our children is that our voice doesn't matter. Please reconsider the calender. |
Carolyn Woodall Guest |
#521 Calender2011-03-01 15:35I think that the school board members are not listening to the people. They must have forgot why they were put into office to begin with. To listen to the people and help educate our children. My daughter who is a child at North Cobb High School now belives that people who were supposed to keep thier word on something that the people voted for can just go back and change their mind. Way to go in setting a good example for the future of America. |
Carol E. Davis Guest |
#522 August ! Calendar2011-03-01 16:56Please take into account the rest breaks that are needed by both the students and the teachers. Allowing for rest breaks may cut down on absenteeisms. |
Mary Lou Morris Guest |
#523 /August 1st. Calendar2011-03-01 16:59This calendar seems to work much better. Alot of families have already made plans for the time the kids are out of school.... |
Guest Guest |
#524 Re: Spelling2011-03-01 18:11Yes please. It looks silly. |
Hans-Peter Siegmund Guest |
#525 short the summer break.2011-03-01 18:18It's the overall best solution for our kids not to forget everything after a very long summer break. |
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