Megatronus the Fallen

/ #196 Be a fucking parent

2013-06-14 15:48

If you're so concerned about kids' media or what they learn from it, try (now this is a really radical idea, so try to keep up) Watching TV WITH your kids and talking to them about what they see! Communicate with them like an actual parent!
This absurd petition implies that you want the TV to raise your kids for you, so you want to dictate what goes on it so you can have peace of mind to abandon your little sprogs in front of the big shiny box while you go online and make stupid petitions in the name of protecting them.
Yes, TV, films, games and toys are all part of the formative years of childhood and will teach kids things they will carry into their adult lives, but guess what? SO ARE YOU!
TV is not meant to teach your kids, you are.
Also, you missed out Erector, Thrust, Lube, Clench and Discharge.