Action against Whitburn Health Clinic


/ #34 Re:

2013-11-20 21:04

#1: -

Doctor Kerr or should I say-Herr Kerr is the problem-he has killed as many people as DR. Harold Shipman with his attitude.All whitburn residents know someone he has shown no compassion for and who has died as a result. OUT with Dr.Kerr I say he is the most ignorant. pompous asshole ever to write a prescription. BLACKBURN is a deprived area too but the Practice has been overseen by genuine heartfelt doctors-why is Blackburn great and WHITBURN NOT SO GOOD-head of practice thats all-Kerr is a total retard of a human being with no compassion for anyone but himself-McCauley  McKinstry are diamond human beings who care. Im on record as never wanting Kerr to to see me. What does it take to get rid of a head practice doctor-???????????