Action against Whitburn Health Clinic
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Action against Whitburn Health Clinic.
Guest |
#262013-11-20 09:46I agree. It is disgraceful how people are being treated in Whitburn surgery. Not only the waiting times, but indeed the way in which people are treated. You have to be sick in advance of being sick in order to get an appointment. I have never had any help from any of the doctors in there, with the exception of the female doctor that works in there. I have no faith or trust in what they do as they pan people off. Something needs to be done. I appreciate that Whitburn is full of work shy people that need a doctor's line in order not to work. But that is no excuse to tar everyone with the same brush and have a blanket approach with regards to treating people. I pay their wages. Their astronomical wages and I expect to be treated fairly in return. |
Guest |
#272013-11-20 10:06I am disgusted at this page as a health professional no one see's or knows the pressures doctors are under there is a certain standard of care that should be expected and off course we should not be accepting of certain things especially when it comes to our health children and families. Whitburn is an area of depravation as stated by the Scottish Executive so you can imagine on a daily basis what social classes and issues they deal with and the violence and aggression they are subjected too. Mistakes are not acceptable though they are under strict governence and guidance and budgets. They work with the tools they are given and we are lucky to have primary care. I suggest you change surgery if its so bad or go private. Before anyone goes on about this happened that happened I do have been at the receiving end if stuff at GP's and hospitals though rather than do this I choose to understand and empathsize and work with the doctors. Anytime I go in its drug addicts people who have not worked a day in their life's, people wanting sick lines and antibiotics when that have a sniffle. This page disgusts me. |
Guest |
#282013-11-20 13:04The attitude from some the reception staff is disgusting, I do not know why you need to tell them what's wrong with you and then try tell you what to do! They have no idea what's wrong and what you should be doing or taking to help! I've been at this health centre for 6 years and it's the worst one I've been at, I have no faith in the doctors and they are refusing to help me with a re occurring problem I have every year and has got worse the least few years but refuse to help and pap me off with penicillin and it's starting to effect my work life balance. I understand that they may be under pressure but aren't all doctors in other practises? The fact they give false info is terrible and that needs to be addressed. |
guest 73 |
#292013-11-20 13:10As a frequent visitor to whitburn health centre i cant really complain about my treatment or service i have had from the gps and nurses i have been dealing with. my only complaint is the time it takes to go through the motions and to get referd hospital is terrible wait .mix up with perscriptions is terrible at times and waiting on results and one reception staff wouldnt give me my blood results as it was ten past 4 and results close at 4 but i had to wait 10 in a cue to ask then had to phone next day but over all have not had many problems with them |
Guest |
#30 Re:2013-11-20 13:18Action that needs to be taken. The plan is to have staff & doctors get training to deal with situations that need a bit more empathy. To have a better appointment system. Better ways of dealing with complains. More Doctors employed at this surgery. A better surgery for all, the people of this town & for the staff. I can imagine some of the situations that they find themselves in, simply because they have their hands tied & cannot help someone. As far as moving to another surgery!!!! Why should we, why should decent hard working people who do need help because they are genuinely ill, be subjected to unfair treatment by a so called health professional. This is not a personal dig at any of the staff/doctors, nor is this a witch hunt. Some staff at the surgery, will go that extra mile for you & they should not have that taken away from them. This is petition that will be taken to local councillors & will be taken higher if need be. We need to have a surgery that we have faith in & unfortunately this is clearly not the case listening to everyone. |
Guest |
#312013-11-20 15:05Well im disgusted with the health clinic! I agree it must be so hard for the doctors and other staff to deal with people who are time wasting and just looking for a line blah blah blah.. But what about the people who are hard workers and do need help? The people that have been diagnosed with silly things such as migraines and minor infections to then visiting the hospital and getting diagnosed with serious illnesses. Its unfair to say whitburn doctors is the only doctors dealing with people not working, drug addicts ect looking for lines cause this happens in every town and there surgerys seem to be better than ours, a suppose its how u deal with it! There quick to fix the junkies up with there meth though but we can wait weeks just to see a doctor!! Fair point that its hard they can only work with what they have, yeh this is true but maybe if they were more caring towards people and actually listened instead of assuming everyones there for a line, also u clearly haven't read some of these horrific comments cause if u ask me its shocking and to be honest surprising people still even go to this doctors! As for go somewhere else, well not everyone can travel to other towns specially when they are looking to see the doctor as they are unwell. This doctors needs a big shake! Not all the doctors are bad but the majority are, not all receptionist are rude and obnoxious but again the majority are and as for the pharmacy they seem to all to be lovely from my experience but the time u wait to get ur prescriptions is a joke but a know its not there fault! Im a very understanding person and i feel it for the staff that get all the grief from people for something that they can't help but at the same time when people need help and they can help they dont always do it!!! |
Guest |
#322013-11-20 17:09Better more helpful staff not being left on the phone for 15 mins for then to get so e old bat with a attitude problem and when the docs gives u a time u show up at the time asked but does the doc no all ways late every time |
Guest |
#332013-11-20 20:40I had stroke 2years ago,didn't really know, I phoned up for house visit, Dr Kerr phoned back I explained my symptoms, he actually told me go for walk n get some exercise, ended up later that day speaking to Dr liam brown who go me rushed to St Johns, put a written complaint in against Dr Kerr,very nice apology letter from medical complaints but nothing off Dr kerr |
Guest |
#34 Re:2013-11-20 21:04Doctor Kerr or should I say-Herr Kerr is the problem-he has killed as many people as DR. Harold Shipman with his attitude.All whitburn residents know someone he has shown no compassion for and who has died as a result. OUT with Dr.Kerr I say he is the most ignorant. pompous asshole ever to write a prescription. BLACKBURN is a deprived area too but the Practice has been overseen by genuine heartfelt doctors-why is Blackburn great and WHITBURN NOT SO GOOD-head of practice thats all-Kerr is a total retard of a human being with no compassion for anyone but himself-McCauley McKinstry are diamond human beings who care. Im on record as never wanting Kerr to to see me. What does it take to get rid of a head practice doctor-??????????? |
Guest |
#35 Re:2013-11-20 21:14#27: - your comment disgusts me. For you, as a health professional, to say that it is acceptable to be insulted and misdiagnosed by your gp whom your supposed to trust is appauling. Have you read the comments? This page is open for a reason.
Guest |
#36 Dr Kerr2013-11-20 21:28Sue me for my comments if you dare-the peoples deaths will come back to haunt you.Ie 26 yr old rugby player with chest compaint-"your too fit to even be examined" _take a rennie- and he was dead in 10 minutes after leaving the practice. RESEARCH LCP Liverpool care practice_they are killing people for MONEY and he is a LCP practitioner all at the succesive UK Governments approval. There are too many human beings not paying TAX, useless eaters as far as they are concerned- so dont help them live-help them DIE. LCP Killed my Mother |
Admin. |
#37 Regarding - Dr Kerr2013-11-21 08:56I'm sorry to say but you cannot say things like!!!!! Dr Kerr cannot be called a murderer, he might not be a great doctor but he does have the right to defend himself. That could be classed as slander & I don't want anyone getting into trouble for expressing their feelings. I can honestly sympathize with you regarding him but plz don't think I'm defending him because I'm not. This page I has been set up to have something done at the surgery & with comments like that. Well, it might not get taken seriously. I feel very strong about this and I don't want anything to jeopardize it. Please feel free to comment on your problems with the surgery but any comments that could be classed as slander or personal attacks towards Staff & Doctors, will be removed. I'm sorry but this has to be done right if we genuinely want a better surgery. |
Guest |
AppreciateNHS |
#40 Warning!2013-11-22 18:17Please remember that members of Whitburn Health Centre will be able to access all this information. You risk being removed from your doctor's list. If you don't like Whitburn Health Centre register with a different practice or put your complaint in writing to The Practice Manager. Remember the good that the staff have done. If there are a lot of concerns then ask for a public meeting to address them. Naming and shaming staff on here could end in legal proceedings against all those who are involved in this petition. Be careful folks! |
Guest |
#412013-11-23 14:53really hope this petition works not after much just a better service and not as long waiting time on appointments |
Guest |
#42 Re: Warning2013-11-24 19:56Unfortunately I have put complaints into the surgery (in writing) John the manager deals with the complain very well indeed. He sorts the problem & is a true gem in that practice. He is very good with everyone & does his best, as do a lot of the staff. As for people continually telling me to move doctors. Not everyone has that choice. I don't keep very well & suffer from Agoraphobia which gives me major issues with going out. So I should put myself through the stress, aniexty, panic & emotion of moving Doctors because they cannot or will not do their job. A job they choose to do!!!!!! I know there are problems in the NHS with cut backs & sort staff etc etc etc..... But that does not excuse some of the behaviour & conduct that goes on at this health centre. If they strike me from the practice then I will still continue to fight. |
I. R of Whitburn |
#43 Dr Hutchinson2013-12-04 16:11Dr Hutchinson was a breath of fresh air in Whitburn Health Centre, so I'm disappointed she's now moved to a surgery in East Calder. She was very down to earth and you actually felt you were speaking to another living, breathing, feeling, human being when you were seen by her. Today in the clinic I over heard two patients discussing with staff of their disappoinment that she's moved on and the staff voiced their disapointment to. I think the day of Doctors being rather 'removed' from their patients should be cast to the past and they should be more caring and compassionate towards their patients. People skills are just as important in medicine as intellectual ability - or at least it should be! |
I. R of Whitburn |
#44 Re:2013-12-04 16:18While most of us understand the pressures our G.Ps face on a daily basis I think it's important that people are given the opportunity to air their grievances. The people of Whitburn have long been unhappy with the service from SOME of the doctors appointed at Whitburn surgery. I very rarely come across anyone who has anyone nice to say about any of them (apart from Dr Liam Brown who is praised quite frequently). GPs are paid handsomely to look after our health and the people of Whitburn have a right to complain. Your 'disgust' doesn't change that. For good or bad, now that most people have access to the internet, this is the forum most people choose now to get their point across. |
Josh |
#45 Re:2013-12-08 17:34Dr Kerr is the most uncompassionate doctor ever, i dont know why he is still employed , he should be struck off! I would rather wait 2 weeks to see Dr Liam Brown , wonderful Dr. Sorry for your loss , sincerely , Joshua. |
tabatha |
#462014-02-04 06:14I am sick and tired of people constantly blaming the ills of the world on alcoholics and drug addicts. we are all entitled to health care and lets face it, you may be out of work and need help yourself one day, the fact of the matter is doctors are only human and therefore make mistakes like everyone else. the other factor is pressure as spoken of above, I worked as a care assistant in the community and the private homes and the wages were a pittance the work was only appreciated by the residents, a lot of the families came in for flying visits and expected miracles while you had been on your feet for ten or more then get verbally abused. until you work in health care youdonot realise just how hard and stressful it all is. yes everyone wants thebest care for themselves and their families but you cannot keep blaming the vulnerable they are notyour doctors and did anyone ever stop to think, not every alcoholic smokes, do you? if you are going to cast blame atleast cast in the right direction , compassion goes a long way , not all people in for a sick note are out of work on a permanent basis, maybe you should try and open your mind a wee bit and then you wont feel as bitter towards everyone else. |
Guest |
#48 In defence of the receptionists2014-02-26 13:53They have been portrayed as dragons, stuck up, miserable, rude, little Hitlers and the list goes on... but please realise that what they have to deal with on a daily basis is quite challenging to say the least. From the moment the surgery opens at 8am, they never know what they are going to be faced with - every day is challenging and never the same. They have every walk of life to deal with on the front desk and over the phone. From the old guy walking in with chest pains who has been up all night but decided to wait till the surgery opens, the alcoholic giving you a hard time and leaching over the counter making lewd comments, drug dependants kicking off if they can’t have what they want i.e. “I want my meds NOW....I cant wait till tomorrow, sort it!” They get mums in panic because their baby is struggling to breath, walk in patients with cuts, scalds etc, demanding to be seen there and then....the list goes on and on...... They process hundreds of prescriptions per day and make sure the patients get their meds with a 48 hour turn around - and even sooner if patients forget to order in time. They deal with hundreds of calls hourly (and yes they DO answer the phones - sorry if it’s not straight away, but it’s because they are busy on other calls - not filing their nails). They are also taking requests for home visits, hospitals ringing, calls for GPs, secretaries, nurses, blood test results, sick notes, ambulances, emergencies etc. etc. On a final note they NEVER diagnose patients.....when a patient calls in looking for something urgent, the receptionists ask for a brief description of symptoms - this is because the DOCTORS ask them to do this, so the doctors can prioritise their calls, thus ensuring the most urgent cases are dealt with first ............. it is no use expecting the receptions to accept “it is urgent and none of your business” without any other explanation, as the doctors insist on more information before they even consider dealing with the call – this is because, invariably it is not as urgent as the patient thinks or says it is. This is how EVERY GP SURGERY OPERATES. It is commonly accepted that a GP or A&E receptionist is one of the most difficult jobs in any region in any country. It is not their fault. They should be praised for the good work they do and not pilloried for any perceived shortcomings – think about it – what profession is without fault? None! |
Distraught and powerless |
#49 Re: Warning!2014-06-08 20:52The Practice Manager is so arrogant and rude. He told me to complain if I wasn't happy with him. When I asked who to complain to I was told - THE PRACTICE MANAGER. I said there must be someone above him and he said 'No' I'm the top!! Nightmare - very pompous man. Keep clear |
Poor and broken |
#50 Re: For 'health professional' (#27) above to consider ...........2014-06-10 22:13If you are disgusted it may be because you have not suffered from the unprofessional behaviour of Doctor Kerr or his 'full of his own importance' Practice Manager. You have no idea how much it hurts and how humiliating it is to be brutalized for just being ill and in need of help. Harsh, cruel, judgemental and bad, to say the least. No compassion, no understanding and snide remarks followed by criticism +++++++++++. One day they'll need mercy and I hope they get it - not like what they have meted out to us. I thought they were supposed to 'Do no harm.' If you are poor expect to be treated like dirt, as you surely wil, and you won't be disappointed. You are treated like an inanimate object - except inanimate objects aren't human and they don't feel pain or suffer mercilessly at the hands of these inhumane people of power. Can you imagine what it is like being terrified to go in to see Doctor Kerr knowing that he'll just insult and belittle you yet you have no other option - see him or wait four weeks for a more reasonable doctor to see you. It's like being trapped. You feel really sick afterwards and are just glad 'it is over - until the next painful appointment.' People who can choose to move away are lucky. Harsh words hurt as much as physical pain. They'll pay for it sooner or later even though they think they've got off 'Scot free.' I asked for help and, metaphorically speaking, I was kicked in the teeth. Enough's enough. |
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