Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #1618

2014-11-20 15:18

I understand that someone may have gotten offended bc they took the Duggers stand against homosexuality and transgender personally. But they place their beliefs on the Bible and it is clearly states it is a sin. The bible also tells us to love people, I believe the Duggers do that. I believe that if a homosexual walked into their home they would love them, the person, but not the sin, there is a difference. Just the same an alcoholic, drug attack, compulsive lier.... You still love that person but not the sin. If someone is that offended turn the channel. There are shows all over tv that support homosexuality, we as Christian, have not taken a stand against them to be taken off the air, should we? If we do that puts us in a place of judgement and that is not our place , our place is love.... I just don't support them by watching, these people can do the same if they choose. Every American is free to their belief and setting that belief, every American is free to turn the channel.