Keep Coach Scott


/ #22 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2015-03-29 03:14

#21: - Re: Re: Re:  

 Why is that?  Because I do not have a child that has played for him means I can't speak on the things I know from basketball coaches I have talked to about this situation? I am not allowed to draw upon my own experiences as a high school head coach of 17 years? Until you can prove any of the allegations made that thus far remain without merit or for that matter consideration, I firmly continue to say that if I had a son I would have absolutely no problem with him playing for Tron. And I will continue to actually put my name in my posts, as I have no need to remain anonymous. 

And yes I also realize your post was not directed at me at all (not having a child that played for him). The people that write the negative posts that fail to put a name on the end of it should indeed go elsewhere to flex their internet muscles. 
