502 Producers & Processors: ACT NOW! Sign this Petition to the LCB!


/ #35

2016-02-09 23:11

Gene Flynn, Managing Member, Canna Herb Farms LLC, Ford, WA - has prepared an excellent document highlighting NOTES & COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT WAC - that need more much more attention and adapted corrections immediately.  I am grateful for his time and attention to detail on this matter.


My greatest concern with the proposed legislative changes, is that many of the most controversial amendments

introduced in this draft had not been included in the published draft that was the subject of six (6)

public hearings held around the state last year. 


I think we all need more time to digest these new changes and really consider the consequences versus just pushing this misguided new legislature through.


Remember the first inital WAC for i502 was 43 pages.  And I had both the time and commitment to read this WAC all the way through to completion several times.   However, currently - very few of us can afford the investment of time to consider all of this new legislation, as we are ultra busy doing our best to run successful businesses and pioneer a new industry.


I would like to believe that these new policy proposed changes have our best interests in mind - as we are big part of the success formula for a working Cannabis model for Washington State Revenue generation - that benefits us all.


I hope we will take the time to consider these changes very closely and carefully - and Gene Flynn's excellent commentary is a good start for all of us to consider.




Michael Anderson