502 Producers & Processors: ACT NOW! Sign this Petition to the LCB!



2016-02-09 03:49

Some of the measures, like destroying product if a business has an infraction, seem overly punitive.



2016-02-09 05:11

We need less government in our lives.



2016-02-09 05:44

I'm A I-502 Producer



2016-02-09 05:46

I 'M A I - 502 Producer



2016-02-09 15:51

The WSLCB has to much control now. These changes will screw all.



2016-02-09 17:07

They opposition statements were fair and meant for common good as a whole.



2016-02-09 18:13

To clarify and restrict the options the WLCB proposes, some are unfair and arbitrary, some are un necessary and some are downright wrong!



2016-02-09 18:24

Because it seems like the LCB is intent on driving us all out of business, and I don't want to lose my life savings.



2016-02-09 19:15

Please keep the out of state investment.



2016-02-09 23:11

Gene Flynn, Managing Member, Canna Herb Farms LLC, Ford, WA - has prepared an excellent document highlighting NOTES & COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT WAC - that need more much more attention and adapted corrections immediately.  I am grateful for his time and attention to detail on this matter.


My greatest concern with the proposed legislative changes, is that many of the most controversial amendments

introduced in this draft had not been included in the published draft that was the subject of six (6)

public hearings held around the state last year. 


I think we all need more time to digest these new changes and really consider the consequences versus just pushing this misguided new legislature through.


Remember the first inital WAC for i502 was 43 pages.  And I had both the time and commitment to read this WAC all the way through to completion several times.   However, currently - very few of us can afford the investment of time to consider all of this new legislation, as we are ultra busy doing our best to run successful businesses and pioneer a new industry.


I would like to believe that these new policy proposed changes have our best interests in mind - as we are big part of the success formula for a working Cannabis model for Washington State Revenue generation - that benefits us all.


I hope we will take the time to consider these changes very closely and carefully - and Gene Flynn's excellent commentary is a good start for all of us to consider.




Michael Anderson



2016-02-09 23:21

B/c the regulations are overbearing!



2016-02-09 23:34

The rules for the Producer/Processors is extremely biased and unfair. The rules need to be clear and concise and easy to understand.

#38 Penalty Language

2016-02-09 23:39

We strongly suggest all penalty language suggesting destruction of inventory be stricken and replaced with:  "Retailer/Transporter/Producer/Processor suspension of all sales and marketing activities OR monetary option.



2016-02-09 23:43

Our government needs to be responsive to its citizens and create regulations that suit the subject. Senseless over-regulation hurts small business and causes the governed to be disrespectful of the laws.
Tier 3 P/P

#40 Thank you!

2016-02-10 00:10

Thank you, for sharing your valuable time and energy to champion these extremely important issues. I strongly support this excellent petition!



2016-02-10 01:00

WSLCB would be better served by helping this indrustry be sustainable rather than making rules that emped it.



2016-02-10 01:51

I signed this petition because people involved in a legal voter mandated industry are being treated with the same suspicion as common criminals. This is a lucrative undertaking for the State and should be embraced with the spirit of helping those involved find success within the parameters of reasonable laws.



2016-02-10 01:56

This was well written and pertains to the same issues we have with these purposes changes.



2016-02-10 01:57

This was well written and pertains to the same issues we have with these purposes changes.



2016-02-10 02:40

Because I believe in this purpose and want to support it.
Teir II P/P

#46 Re:

2016-02-10 03:17

#42: -  I signed this petition because people involved in a legal voter mandated industry are being treated with the same suspicion as common criminals. This is a lucrative undertaking for the State and should be embraced with the spirit of helping those involved find success within the parameters of reasonable laws.

 Nicely said, thank you!!



2016-02-10 04:51

I just want to grow and the stores can come pick up the bushels they want. All i do is trace a plants lifecycle from clone or seed to sale now. Does anyone know how many different barcodes are created for a 5lb plant life cycle if 2.5 lbs was sold in 1 gr 3.5 gram 7 gram packages, 2 gr testing sample, 1 gr personal sample, 1 lb made into shatter 1/2 gram and 1 gram packages, 1/2 gram testing sample, 1 lb made into buble hash then rosin, 1/2 gram testing sample, wet waste, dry waste, processing waste, mother plant, weight loss and i'm sure there could be a few more 16 digit numbers created that needs to be kept for book keeping..............dare ya to try it with out the fancy software

This is all if you had a 5 lb single plant lot not sure where you get those but usually there are few more to combine then split up over and over so nobody really knows where that particular barcoded plant is once it is cut into 2500 little pieces and once they hit the jars it is anybodys guess. 

Anything to remove this nonvalue added data that is being required. Fight the real problems by reducing tax structure once again. Remove and lift all bans and put in proper requirements that have substantiation and data to back up their feelings. Open more stores they are crippling the industry by putting caps on anything. Educate a bunch of legals that cannabis isn't poison as their parents and their parents have taught them. There is always going to be bad and unfortunately there is no getting away from it. We are the bow of the boat and must take allot of beatings but see, feel and appreciate before any others.

Please find the voice to protect our community from the blinded and uneducated. 



2016-02-10 06:10

if u need my assistance or if u have any question please dont hesitate to ask thank you Austin



2016-02-10 14:39

I am a licensed recreational producer/processor. The rules are overbearing. We thought we were becoming business owners of a state approved industry. However, the rules position us as being "illegal" business with extreme oversight needed. This is not necessary.



2016-02-10 18:05

Some much of these changes are taking us two steps backward in democracy. The most vocal of the opposition bases it's argument upon non-science, petty personal agenda, and money grabbing. No children have died, no cartels have opened a 502 store in WA, and I believe not one child has died...in over 40,000 years of cannabis use.
I believe Washington has become a talking point about how twisted the politics of marijuana cam be. Archaic.