Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3455

2011-12-19 07:20

Teachings of great lord Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna are the same. Indian civilization is the oldest in the world. Hinduism belieives in giving respect to all gods . Hindus believe Jesus is their god too. We repsect all great people. This acceptance should come among christians also. If you observe Christ and Krishna sound similar. The sound Chri/kri is a very basic sound which formed the universe. If you are banning bhagawat gita then its a sin same as banning Bible. Did india ban bible. Please ask yourself this question. Examine the content of gita. Hindus believe in peaceful existence of religions. The world saw Islam extremism never hindu extremism. Hinduism considers criticising or not accepting Jesus as god as sin. we give so much value to great person(enlightened ones).