Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 07:19

read it onnce whole gita and then take the dissgen on it....

#3452 Bhagvad -Gita

2011-12-19 07:19

This Gita is spoken by directly from supreme personality of godhead so this is transcendental knowledge so it will not be create any fight or any problem in our life so please do not stop distribution this transcendental knowledge.My humble request to Court please think about that.



2011-12-19 07:19

It is right step to save our Holy Gita.



2011-12-19 07:19

v pray to God dat pls gv us strength to fight against dis protestors.
thnk u.
Radhey Radhey


2011-12-19 07:20

Teachings of great lord Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna are the same. Indian civilization is the oldest in the world. Hinduism belieives in giving respect to all gods . Hindus believe Jesus is their god too. We repsect all great people. This acceptance should come among christians also. If you observe Christ and Krishna sound similar. The sound Chri/kri is a very basic sound which formed the universe. If you are banning bhagawat gita then its a sin same as banning Bible. Did india ban bible. Please ask yourself this question. Examine the content of gita. Hindus believe in peaceful existence of religions. The world saw Islam extremism never hindu extremism. Hinduism considers criticising or not accepting Jesus as god as sin. we give so much value to great person(enlightened ones).



2011-12-19 07:21

truth is truth no can say because i do not know it so i will discard it, it is childish act so we will not ever care for your such a act....



2011-12-19 07:21

Это недостойно правового государства, устраивать такие "суды". Требую прекратить этот никчёмный процесс.



2011-12-19 07:21

Gita is universal scripture good for everyone.



2011-12-19 07:22

If Bhagavad-gita is banned by any government then it will be very shameful to that country for all time to come.
Use basic commonsense.
If you think and if you believe firmly that you are right then why do you fear any other thing?



2011-12-19 07:22

Bhagavat gita makes people lives happy. Please dont ban it.

#3461 Re:

2011-12-19 07:22

#3395: -  

 Srimad Bhagavatham is  translated through a powerful pen, which has removed the sorrows of crores of people around the world.The origion of Bhagvadgita in 5000 years back has  now changed the  lifes of all people in the  entire world, due to the real,moral,principles involved in It



2011-12-19 07:23

we will not let it happen......



2011-12-19 07:23

Please Save KRSNA Temple.



2011-12-19 07:23

For thousands of years, the Bhagavad Gita has inspired millions of readers. Here’s what some of the greats have to say in praise of this venerable scripture.



2011-12-19 07:24

Bhagvad Geeta is the words of lord krishna.
It is essence of all the scriptures.
It has divine knowledge of life and spiritual.
All the religions are based on the its doctrine only.
Everyone should read it once in his/her lifetime.
Thanks, Sachin Nikam. Pune.



2011-12-19 07:24

Bhagawada Gita is one of the most widely read Literature in the world because this book gives us the topmost knowledge and also has the solution to all the problems.

PLEASE do no stop distribution of this literature.

Akhilesh Tiwari, Mumbai



2011-12-19 07:25

After Reading Bhagvad _gita as it is !! People are becoming human Beings not terorist . We have many example not in INDIA but in whole world Like Albert Eisenstein, Ruthe rd Ford ,Mahatma Gandhi , Lalabahadur Shatri & Many More have changed the life. So it is creating nice people Not terorists!!



2011-12-19 07:25

Save the World by abiding by the instructions of God.
Live and let live.
Hare Krsna!



2011-12-19 07:25

Bhagavad Gita is a sacred scripture for millions of people around the world. All classes of people cutting across different boundaries revere and practice the teachings of this sacred scripture.



2011-12-19 07:25

If you think certain statements are improper, then allow printing without them.
do the same with other scriptures too!



2011-12-19 07:26

Bhagwat Gita teaches the basic principles of leading
a happy , purposeful balanced life and has nothing to do
with any particular religious beliefs.
Soviet court should desist from interfering into the 5000 years old ,time tested testamount



2011-12-19 07:26

Ban seems to be motivated by inappropriate understanding of the Bhagwad Geeta and by vested interests. Shall forward this to maximum possible people. Actually government of India should take it up officially with the Russian Government



2011-12-19 07:27

god knows and he will do right thing......



2011-12-19 07:29

I condemn strongly to attempt ban the Baghavad geeta @ Russia by the fanatical Christians. Any such attempt wiil create serious reprucussiona among the hindus @Russia. May Lord Krishna bring good sense to them.



2011-12-19 07:29

Please dont ban the Bhagavad Gita As It Is as its a holy book for everyone in the world which will save us all on the planet EARTH from this time of Kaliyuga.