Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#34012011-12-19 06:57http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Nonvegetarian Nonvegetarian G God is open for vegetarian and nonvegetarian, both. But once he becomes, I mean, a devotee of God, automatically he becomes vegetarian. So we don't make any propaganda to make one vegetarian. We make propaganda to make one devotee of God I In this material world, either vegetarian or nonvegetarian, they are on the same platform, birds of the same feather. You see? So that is not our propaganda. We are introducing Krsna-prasada It is not a question of vegetarian or nonvegetarian It is not the question of vegetarian or nonvegetarian. It is the question of understanding higher standard of knowledge L Lord Siva is also a great Vaisnava and never eats nonvegetarian food, and the goddess Kali accepts the remnants of food left by Lord Siva. Therefore there is no possibility of her eating flesh or fish N Nonvegetarian diet means fish and meat S Sometimes they put forward this argument that "You are also eating vegetables. They have got life. Why you object that nonvegetarians who are eating four legged animals...?" T There is no question of nonvegetarian diet, including fish, eggs, even onions, and lentils There is no question of vegetarian, nonvegetarian. Even nonvegetarian, he is eating sinful things, provided he is not offering to Krsna Those who are vegetarian, they are thinking that "We are better than the nonvegetarian." But it is not the fact. Either you eat vegetables or nonvegetable, you are liable to be punished because you are accepting something without offering to the supplier T cont. To become vegetarian is not very good qualification. It is better than the nonvegetarian, but that is not the ultimate solution. The ultimate solution is when you become a lover of God U Undoubtedly these Americans are habituated to take nonvegetarian food but I am confident that they can be trained up to our line of living because they are sincere to take up the training W We are after Krsna-prasadam. That is our motto. We don't fight with vegetarian and nonvegetarian. We are not making propaganda... We are not advocate of vegetarianism or nonvegetarianism. That is not our business. We are Krsna-ites. What Krsna said, we have to do Related categories This category has the following 5 related categories, out of 5 total. A [+] Animal-eating (21) E [+] Eating Fish (7) [+] Egg (11) F [+] Flesh-eating (16) M [+] Meat-eating (76) Categories: Vegetarian | No's and Not's - Umbrella Category | No Intoxication, Gambling, Meat-eating, or Illicit Sex - Umbrella Category |
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#34022011-12-19 06:57http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Questions_on..._Prasadam Back to the temple we'll be performing aratik to Your Divine Grace. And there was not very much time. I was wondering whether during the time we're performing aratik to you, whether it's proper to be giving out cookies to the children? C Can we drink date rasa? We are allowed to drink date rasa? D Did you get some barley flour? D cont. Do you have any ideas where you would want (the facility to chant the holy name of God and distribute prasadam)? Do you like it (bitter melon), Prabhupada? Do you want us to offer feast to your Guru Maharaja at noontime? A special plate of feast? L Lord Caitanya used to eat a lot of food? L cont. Lots of kirtana and prasadam (whatever you have learned from Krsna, from your guru, just vomit it, that's all. There is no need of becoming very expert. Simply whatever you learned. That's all)? O On the 13th of September, Srila Bhaktivinoda's Appearance is there any special observance? Related categories This category has only the following related category. Q [+] Questions on... Vegetarianism (1) Categories: Prasadam | Questions on... Food |
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#34032011-12-19 06:57it is a serious test for the defenders of bhagavat-gita. but dangers wait accusers. hare krishna. |
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#34042011-12-19 06:58http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Prasadam A devotee eats only prasada, or foodstuffs offered to the Supreme Lord A pure devotee actually has no problems for himself; wherever he is he can read books like Krsna Books and chant Hare Krsna, get some prasadam and always think of Krsna After three days after the demise of a Vaisnava a function should be held for offering the departed soul and all others prasadam. This is the system Amongst the various vegetables were newly grown leaves of nimba trees fried with eggplant B Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once and reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam and other nice gifts and giving them our philosophy Both prasadam and the Lord’s name are on the Brahman platform, or spiritual platform D Diwali ceremony can be observed in the temple by illuminating hundreds of candles, in different parts of the temple, and offering special prasad to the Deity G Go on distributing this Simply Wonderful. Your philosophy is simply wonderful. Your prasadam is simply wonderful. You are simply wonderful. And your Krsna is simply wonderful. The whole process of simply wonderful Good prasadam Guru-krsna-prasade: by the mercy of the spiritual master and Krsna, one attains the path of salvation, devotional service H Have nice Deity program, always have lots of Kirtana, serve ample Prasadam very sumptuously and speak something from my books He may be treated as a guest, if he comes to our center, give him prasadam, honor him as an elder Vaisnava, but he cannot speak or lecture. If he wants to lecture, you can tell him that there is already another speaker scheduled. That's all I I am sure this Prasadam attraction will make our neighbors friendly and surely they will come in number in future so that New Vrindaban will be ideal place for visiting from the neighboring provinces, counties I have already tested how the people here like the Vegetable Prasadam prepared by me. They will forget meat eating and they will pay for the expenses I have noted your questions about the serving of prasadam... I want that you shall distribute prasadam at least to hundreds of persons daily, and advertise very widely all over Nadia Province for people to come there and take prasadam daily without charge I went to Jagannatha Puri in 1958 during some special function. I was taking Lord Jagannatha prasada very sumptuously. I am praying to Lord Jagannatha to take me there again at His will and honor His remnants of food If I want to supply you something food, it must be fresh and palatable. Then you'll enjoy. But if it is rotten, decomposed, and if we supply you that foodstuff, what you will enjoy and what you will get benefit out of it? If Krishna would have eaten meat, we would have also eaten His meat Prasadam. We are concerned with Krishna Prasadam If you eat krsna-prasadam, then you infect Krsna consciousness. This is our process. We don't take anything directly. We offer to Krsna. Then we take krsna-prasadam. That helps us In my room at Radha Damodara Temple you should keep one photo of me and offer to it Prasadam of Sri Radha Damodara In the Christian religion all we see is Christ's picture as he was crucified, so how people can be attracted to such thing? There is no science, philosophy, music, art, Prasadam, it is no wonder that the people are rejecting this nonsense I cont. In this material world, either vegetarian or nonvegetarian, they are on the same platform, birds of the same feather. You see? So that is not our propaganda. We are introducing Krsna-prasada It is called prasada-seva, not "prasada enjoyment" J Just remember under all circumstances to chant sixteen rounds of japa daily, offer your prasadam to Krsna, and do all of the things which you already know, as you are senior disciple M Maharaja Ambarisa's tongue was engaged in two ways: in speaking about Krsna and in tasting prasada offered to the Deity Marriage is not recommended. Are you prepared to get a job, live outside the temple in apartment, provide the wife with bangles, saris and sex? Better you concentrate on this chanting and hearing process, teach others and give them prasadam Mushrooms are generally not offered, but there is no prohibition, there is no harm in them My movement is so perfect that I can do well even to the cats and dogs, by offering prasadam, by giving him chance to hear Hare Krsna maha-mantra N Nice prasadam Nondevotee rejects prasadam as material Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dahl and rice prasadam to hungry people all over India O Of course, devotion and love are the chief things which the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts. But it is also mentioned that the prasadam should be prepared in a particular way Offer prasada to the guru Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasada and offering prasada are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another One should never consider prasadam to be like ordinary hotel cooking. Nor should one touch any kind of food not offered to the Deity Ordinary edibles are touchable and untouchable, but there are no such dualistic considerations where prasadam is concerned Our temple in Vrindaban must be managed expertly that everyone who comes is given caranamrta and prasadam of the Deity P Prasada is transcendental. It is not material thing Prasada means... Prasadam is offered only from the category of fruits, vegetables, grains, milk products, and sugar. This is according to the Bhagavad-gita wherein Krishna states what He accepts Prasadam means foodstuffs which is offered to Krsna first. This is civilization. If you say, "Why should I offer?" that is uncivilized R Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, who was a householder at this time, met Nityananda Prabhu. According to His advice, he executed this festival of dadhi-cida-prasada Regarding your questions: Once prasadam (water, or foodstuffs) is offered to the Lord, His Plate should remain on the altar for about 15-20 minutes (while the portion in the pots may be taken by the devotees) S Servings S cont. Simple food like rice, dhal, capatis, vegetables, milk and sugar constitute a balanced diet, but sometimes it is found that an initiated person, in the name of prasada, eats very luxurious foodstuffs So you describe that you have set up an altar in your home and you are offering prasadam, and this is all approved by me Sraddha ceremony means to offer foodstuff to Visnu, and with the prasadam, to the forefathers or father it is offered so that by eating prasadam, if he is in ghost life or in hellish life, he'll be delivered T The idea is that all the devotees must attend arati, prasada, and other temple services. If they miss they will be deviated The list of 108 feast preparations is also approved by me The main thing is that whenever prasadam is offered to the Lord, everything should be very respectfully and cleanly presented and prepared The population has a right to use goods only after offering them to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the process of accepting prasada. Unless one eats prasada, he is certainly a thief The prasadam room should be immediately cleaned after taking prasadam, otherwise you are inviting rats. Be careful Those who are honoring prasadam, accepting the remnants of food offered to the Deity, must always remember that prasadam is not ordinary food. Prasadam is transcendental To make food antiseptic, eatable and palatable for all persons, one should offer food to the Supreme Personality of Godhead U Use brown or unrefined sugar if you can find it V Vaisnavas, they have no stringent law. They accept everything as Krsna-prasadam, actually offering Krsna, working for Krsna, living for Krsna W We are after Krsna-prasadam. That is our motto. We don't fight with vegetarian and nonvegetarian. We are not making propaganda... We are interested in eating Krsna prasadam. If Krsna says "Give Me meat," we shall give Him. But He does not say We are not vegetarian, neither non-vegetarian. We eat Krsna prasada. Rather, "prasadarian." We are neither vegetarian, nor non-vegetarian. Because we don't eat which is not offered to Krsna Whatever prasadam you are offered by the grace of the Lord, you accept. Don't take anything more. That is our motto When I see so many boys and hundreds of centers, they are living very peacefully in a nice house, getting good prasadam, having good knowledge in the books, and reforming their character, and getting some good home, that is my success When a devotee distributes prasada, remnants of food offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to maintain our spirit of devotional service we must accept this prasada as the Lord's grace received through the pure devotees When one engages his senses in the service of the Lord - specifically, when one engages the tongue in chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and tasting only Krsna prasada with a spirit of service - the Supreme Personality of Godhead is revealed Y Yes, I am not so fool that I shall give everything Yogurt can be prepared in the temple, it is not very difficult. Boil the milk at night, put a little yogurt in it, and next morning you will find it full of yogurt You can begin to reach that stage of revelation by training your tongue. What is that? Chant Hare Krsna and taste Krsna prasadam. Very simple method. You try it and see. Otherwise it is not possible Related categories This category has the following 7 related categories, out of 7 total. B [+] Bhagavat-prasada (3) [+] Bhoga (6) M [+] Maha-prasadam (3) P [+] Prabhupada responding to Comments... Prasadam (1) [+] Prasadam Distribution (43) Q [+] Questions on... Prasadam (10) T [+] Take Prasadam (43) Categories: Offer Food to Krsna | Mercy | Food | Sanskrit Terms | Nutrition and Health - Umbrella Category | Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness - Umbrella Category |
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#34052011-12-19 06:58I am a Muslim.But still i think Bhagavad Geeta should not ban in Russia.Its attack on faith of our Hindu brothers.So please support Bhagvad geeta...... |
Guest |
#34062011-12-19 06:58http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Prasadam_Distribution Prasadam distribution (Books) Prasadam distribution (Lectures) Prasadam distribution (Conversations) Prasadam distribution (Letters) D Distribute prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna. For the mass of people this is the only medicine E Everything belongs to Krsna. He'll give you supply. You have to attempt only. So chant Hare Krsna and distribute prasadam, your movement will be success G Give them nice prasadam by which they are attracted. It doesn't matter khicuri, puri, kacuri, ladu. That I want I I have also appreciated the photos showing you distributing Prasadam and performing Kirtana. Southeast Asia is a very good field for our activities, so you should continue vigorously in the same way you have been I want that you shall distribute prasadam at least to hundreds of persons daily, and advertise very widely all over Nadia Province for people to come there and take prasadam daily without charge If we believe that Krsna is providing and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? We are confident Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come, we can feed them In Panihati, following the order of Nityananda Prabhu, Raghunatha dasa observed a festival - cida-dadhi-mahotsava - by distributing chipped rice mixed with yogurt In the evening after ceremony of kirtana is observed, light refreshments like fruit and milk, boiled potatoes may be taken and the next day general feasting and distribution of Prasadam to public may be observed It is a very good idea for people to come to our vegetarian restaurant and take so many nice things, especially the panir, fried cheese, and sandesh, kachori, rasagulla, samosa and in this way they will forget their meat-eating I cont. It is nice that we are feeding 200 daily, but gradually try to increase. But do not advertise, we shall be self-advertising. And do not go to poor areas, this is not our philosophy K Keep them alive. "Simply because we have opened a center, the business is finished." No. Alive means this morning class must go on, evening class must go on, there must be regular program for prasada distribution. Busy. That is alive L Lord Visnu should be offered everything, and His prasada should be distributed to all the demigods M Mangala-arati sweets, they should be distributed amongst the children Many people have mentioned the nice prasadam distribution program in our New York Temple. I have heard also that on Sundays there are 500 people attending. So there is tremendous scope for preaching Marriage is not recommended. Are you prepared to get a job, live outside the temple in apartment, provide the wife with bangles, saris and sex? Better you concentrate on this chanting and hearing process, teach others and give them prasadam Music and dance and distribution of prasadam are the main items of my Krishna Consciousness propagation, and they are acting so nicely My only desire is that our temple must be a living temple by chanting Hare Krsna Mantra and distributing prasadam as well as distributing books to the intelligent class of men N Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dahl and rice prasadam to hungry people all over India O Observe many festivals, that will keep both public and devotees alive. Temple means festivals and festivals means chanting and distribution of Prasadam One should distribute sumptuous prasada, considering everyone a part of the Supreme Lord, but one should not juggle words to make a poor man Narayana Our Krsna consciousness movement distributes krsna-prasadam, and those who eat such transcendental food are sure to become devotees of the Lord. This is a very scientific method Our procedure is very simple and consistent. We chant, we read from Bhagavad-gita & Srimad-Bhagavatam and we distribute prasadam R Regarding your schedule of temple activities, it is approved by me. So please continue this program of classes, Sankirtana, Deity worship, offering and distribution of Prasadam, and working in Krsna's service S Simply by liberal distribution of prasada and sankirtana, the whole world can become peaceful and prosperous T That is our real business, travel and preach, distribute literature and prasadam. I want now that all of my GBC secretaries do my work The Krsna consciousness movement vigorously approves this practice of preparing food, offering it to the Deity and distributing it to the general population The idea of distribution of prasadam is long standing, and I suggested this from the very beginning of my missionary activities, both in New York and in San Francisco This Ratha-yatra, Radha-Govinda seva, prasada distribution. Only the new thing I am doing-writing of books by the order of Guru Maharaja. Otherwise, whatever I have introduced, I was trained up in childhood. I simply imitated. I am simply surprised This food distribution program is to be done very, very nicely as I have already written in my last letter. Generally people make a plea that why are there so many hungry and naked. So we invite all hungry and naked people to come to us Try to concentrate on these farm projects. Let the villagers come and hear, and distribute prasadam. In this way draw their sympathy and gradually they'll become our associates. Then they can come to live with us and work with us W We are simply Sankirtana men; our program is chanting, dancing, distributing prasadam, and speaking high philosophy, that's all We should hold sankirtana as much as possible and distribute prasadam. Gradually when their heart is softened, then we will talk of philosophy, not in the beginning We will present our program at Bhaktivedanta Manor exactly in the line of Lord Caitanya, by kirtana, prasadam distribution and speaking from Bhagavad-gita When I took my own apartment I did the same thing, distributed prasadam; then, gradually, they came forward to assist me When a devotee distributes prasada, remnants of food offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to maintain our spirit of devotional service we must accept this prasada as the Lord's grace received through the pure devotees Y You have written that chanting, dancing and book distribution are going on nicely. Prasadam distribution should also be introduced. This will make the program even more effective You write to say that with prasadam and the Maha Mantra we shall conquer over the world. That was the beginning of my program in your country. I thought like that Related categories This category has the following 2 related categories, out of 2 total. I [+] ISKCON Food Relief (2) L [+] Love Feast (10) Categories: Prasadam | Distribution | Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness - Umbrella Category | Communicating, Distributing, and Sharing - Umbrella Category |
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#34072011-12-19 06:59http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hare_Krishna_Food_for_Life Hare Krishna Food for Life From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Member of Food for Life Russia giving food Food for Life distributes food on an international basis produced solely from vegan and lacto-vegetarian ingredients. Hare Krishna Food for Life is the world's largest vegan and vegetarian non-profit food relief organization with projects in over 60 countries.[1] Volunteers serve more than 1,500,000 free meals daily[1] in a variety of ways, including: food vans serving to the homeless within major cities around the world; lunch time meals for poor school children throughout India; and also in response to large natural disasters, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.[2] With roots in India, the Food for Life project is a modern day revival of the ancient Vedic culture of hospitality with its belief in the equality of all beings. It was conceived of and began by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in 1974 and is thus commonly known as ISKCON Food For Life or Hare Krishna Food For Life. It has been lauded by the New York Times and the International Rescue Committee (among others) for its relief efforts worldwide.[3]Contents 1 History 2 Mid Day Meals 3 Disaster Relief 3.1 Siege of Sarajevo 3.2 Chechnyan Wars 3.3 2004 Tsunami 3.4 Hurricane Katrina 3.5 Pakistan Earthquake 4 Food for Life Global 5 References 6 External links 7 See also History Food for Life was born more than 30 years ago, elderly Indian Swami, known as A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In 1974 when watching a group of village children fighting with dogs over scraps of food, the Swami became upset and told his students, "No one within ten miles of a temple should go hungry... I want you to immediately begin serving food." [4] In response to his plea, members of ISKCON and volunteers around the world were inspired to expand that original effort into a global network of kitchens, cafes, vans, and mobile services, all providing free food, and establishing daily delivery routes in many large cities around the world. Since that day, Food for Life has grown into the world’s largest vegan/vegetarian food relief program. Food For Life volunteers have provided food for the poor and homeless during several recent disasters. 2008 - Food For Life served freshly cooked vegan meals to survivors of Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike in the southern United States. 2007 - Food For Life volunteers were on the ground to feed many of the hundreds of thousands of survivors who were left homeless after the deadliest cyclone to hit Bangladesh in a decade. 2005 - Following the earthquake in Pakistan, Food For Life volunteers worked side-by-side with local military and police personnel, distributing drinking water, food, tents and blankets. 2005 - When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast with deadly force, Food For Life volunteers were among the first responders, distributing up to 800 freshly cooked meals daily to needy families in Mississippi and Texas. 2004 - 2005 A killer Tsunami wreaked incomprehensible devastation in South Asia, resulting in the deaths of nearly 200,000 people. Food For Life volunteers joined the relief effort on the very day of the disaster, providing thousands of meals daily, along with medical care, clothing, and shelter in Sri Lanka and India. 1990s - Food For Life volunteers risked their lives in the war-torn countries of Chechnya, Bosnia and Abkhazia, distributing food to needy and frightened civilians. In total, Food for Life has distributed more than 750 million meals since its inception. Food for Life has expanded its reach to include, eco projects such as Working Villages International; as well as orphanages such as Gokulam – Bhaktivedanta Children’s Home Gokulamin Sri Lanka, a refuge where needy children receive food, shelter, medical care, education and loving care. Mid Day Meals A Strategic program to address two of the most pressing problems of India : Hunger & Education. The Government of India has made education for children in the age group of 6 to 14 years compulsory, but poverty prevents the underprivileged from getting full value of their educational experience. Hunger obstructs education as children are forced to leave schools and take up menial jobs. Lack of education curtails opportunities for development and leads to the vicious cycle of poverty and hunger. Education empowers a child to explore his potentials and earn a decent living and live a respectable life in our society. ISKCON FOOD RELIEF FOUNDATION, has resolved to liberate the underprivileged from this vicious cycle by feeding the poor with sanctified and nutritious food. In the three years since it was founded, the program has scaled to provide over 1,000,000 hygienic and nutritious meals every day through a cost-effective program.[5] has demonstrated and is now showcased as an operating model that can strategically address two of the most pressing problems for poor children in India : hunger and education. Disaster Relief Siege of Sarajevo In the war zone of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, volunteers visited orphanages, homes for the elderly, hospitals, institutes for handicapped children, and basement shelters on a daily basis throughout the three-year conflict; an estimated 20 tons of food have been distributed since 1992.[citation needed] Chechnyan Wars In a New York Times article dated (December 12, 1995) volunteers in Chechnya were described as having "a reputation like the one Mother Teresa has in Calcutta: it’s not hard finding people to swear they are saints." [6] 2004 Tsunami Food for Life was the first food relief agency to respond to the tsunami disaster of December 2004. On the same afternoon the great tsunami hit, Vaisnava monks at ISKCON's temple in Chennai, India were preparing their weekly Sunday vegetarian feast, when they heard of the disaster. They immediately raced to the most affected areas on the southeast coastline of India and began serving thousands of people with their preprepared vegetable curry. Over the following 6 months, Food for Life Volunteers in Sri Lanka, India, Europe, USA and Australia provided more than 350,000 freshly cooked meals, along with medical care, water, clothing, and shelter for children at ISKCON's orphanage in Colombo, the Bhaktivedanta Children's Home (http://www.gokulam.org) . Hurricane Katrina Volunteers responded to the Hurricane Katrina disaster in late August of 2005 by providing meals to families relocated to Mississippi and Texas. Up to 800 meals were served daily. [7] Pakistan Earthquake Volunteers from Jammu, Amritsar, New Delhi and Haridwar came together to provide relief for victims of the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Working from an ISKCON temple in Udhampur, which was within the earthquake-affected region, the volunteers loaded trucks with drinking water, rice, bread, and blankets.[citation needed] Food for Life Global Food for Life Global (FFLG) website (http://www.ffl.org) , a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization established in 1996 and registered in the State of Maryland, is the international headquarters for all Food for Life charitable activities. In order to position itself as completely non-sectarian, the organisation registered independently from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness ISKCON. The non profit has numerous affiliates that are not connected with the Hare Krishna movement. FFLG overall mission is to create peace and prosperity in the world through the liberal distribution of pure food prepared with loving intention. To achieve that end, the organisation strives to collaborate with other NGOs that are in line with the core beliefs of Food for Life. The managerial role of FFLG is providing organizational and operating support to Food for Life projects through activities such as: coordinating and sponsoring emergency relief publishing a Food for Life Global newsletter providing small grants to FFL affiliates producing training material for Food for Life volunteers maintaining the Food for Life website producing promotional materials – videos, music CDs, media kits, posters, etc. conducting training seminars representing Food for Life at health conferences Food for Life Global is funded by private donations, foundations, and corporate and government grants. With the support of its members and corporate sponsors, Food for Life Global seeks to maintain and expand its current programs to feed the world’s hungry and fight poverty by promoting health, education and sustainability. References ^ a b About Food for Life Global (http://www.ffl.org/ffl_about.php) ^ European Vegetarian and Animal News Agency article: Interview with Paul Turner (http://www.evana.org/index.php?id=7759) ^ Network for Good (http://partners.guidestar.org/controller/searchResults.gs?action_gsReport=1&partner=networkforgood&ein=52-1952901) ^ About Food for Life (http://www.ffl.org/ffl_about.php) ^ [1] (http://www.middaymeal.com/) MIDDAY MEAL ^ New York Times, December 12, 1995 (http://www.ffl.org/ffl_newyorktimes.php) ^ "Summary of Katrina/Rita Relief" (http://www.ffl.org/emergency-relief/katrina-and-rita-2005/) . Retrieved July 6th, 2011. External links Food for Life Homepage (http://www.ffl.org) ISKCON Food Relief Foundation (http://www.middaymeal.com) See also ISKCON Srila Prabhupada Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hare_Krishna_Food_for_Life&oldid=465904772" Categories: International Society for Krishna Consciousness charities International Society for Krishna Consciousness organizations Vegetarianism and religion Vegetarian organizations Poverty and hunger non-governmental organizations Free meals International charities 1974 establishments This page was last modified on 14 December 2011 at 23:17. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of use for details. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. |
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#34092011-12-19 07:00this is nothing but the threat to the humanity, It is requried to read and Understand the BG not to Ban it i strongly oppose this unhuman act and request the russion people to please come forward to stop this. |
Pravin |
#3410 Bhagavd Gita is Words from mouth of God2011-12-19 07:00Bhagavd Gita is Words from mouth of God |
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#34112011-12-19 07:00Bhagavad Gita is beyond religion. It has nothing to do with extremism. it only focus on God consciousness. please dont stop the message of God to the human race. this is the only salvation. |
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#34122011-12-19 07:00This is the right of every human to follow some faith and talk about that faith to others including Bhagvad Gita.Others will take it or not be bothered its upto them.So there is no question of banning Bhagvad Gita. |
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#34142011-12-19 07:02this book Bhagavat Gita as it is will bring pure love and devotion in to the heart of all human being. If this book is banned it will be very hard to expect love and devotion in the heart of human. |
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#34152011-12-19 07:02Lord Krishna n we (His followers) will still love u.. jst 1 thing to say- u sud not comeent on what u dont know well. Its a Book of love, humanity n real life virtues..plz go through it urself and u will find CHRIST HIMSELF... THE THING WICH MATTERS IS LOVE AND NOT D ORATOR'S RELIGION. |
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#34162011-12-19 07:04read gita in court and we can define each and every eord and prove how it is true whatever said in gita........... |
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#34172011-12-19 07:04The Bhagavad Gita As It is a gift to the Man Kind from the Lord Ship and there is no meaning to ban it. This book the one and only book shows the right path to the human being originated from Bhagawan Lord Krishna. Due to ignorance they are trying to ban it. May Lord Nirsimhadeva appear on the Judge mind and spell a favourable Judgement so that all the Russian Community shall benefit. Your servant Tribhanga Gopala Dasa |
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#34182011-12-19 07:04The Bhagwad Gita gives us the sublime princles of life and it's a handbook for living a life of integrity and understanding the Supreme Lord! |
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#34192011-12-19 07:04If someone says to Ban Bible it means the person is not in Knowledge or knows no more and is an extremist, seperatist, similarly Bhagavad Gita is a book containing knowledge and wisdom for bringing peace, harmony and culture in human society, anyone asking to ban it just shows his intent and attitude just to promote voilence and hatred in the society. Kindly read and examine Bhagavad Gita and not just blindly demand to ban? |
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#34222011-12-19 07:06There is a misunderstanding that Bhagavad-gita is Extermist. It is actually a way of life. How to achieve peace and harmony among people, nation and most importantly within oneself. How can one call it a case of violence |
Guest |
#34252011-12-19 07:07for the benefit of human civilization iskon must expand, not only it gives peace but protection as well. Hare Krishna |
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Urgent Concern – Kingston Council to Continue the After-Hours School Program at Southmoor Primary School
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
Developing Nations Stand Against Sodomy!
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Time period | Number of signatures |
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