Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#33512011-12-19 06:45Please dont ban our hindu sacred bhagavadgita. It does not contain any hatred towards anybody. |
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#33522011-12-19 06:45Дорогие преданные,давайте в это непростое время объединимся.Как хотел наш дорогой и уважаемый Ачарья-основатель Е.С.Шрила Прабхупада в сотрудничестве мы выстоим в это непростое время и оправдаем Имя Кришны.На всё воля Бога.Мы его слуги и последователи.Харе Кришна.С поклонами Ваша слуга Наталья. |
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#33532011-12-19 06:45http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Asura A man is not qualified or disqualified simply by birth. Prahlada Maharaja was an asura by birth, yet he possessed all the qualities of a perfect brahmana Acaryas who advocate the daiva varnasrama (the social order of catur-varnyam mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita) do not accept the proposition of asura-varnasrama, which maintains that the social order of varna is indicated by birth According to one's receptiveness - whether one be a devata, asura, Yaksa or Raksasa - Krsna's quality is proportionately exhibited Asuras, however, although superficially showing expertise in passionate activities, are actually all fools Asuric varnasrama B Because these people are asuras, they do not know what to do in this human form of life and what not to do. They are killing animals without any hesitation Birth after birth, such asuras go still further down, finally to animal forms like those of tigers or similar ferocious beasts. Thus for millions of years they have to remain in darkness without knowledge of Krsna G God's mercy is shown to the asuras if they are fortunate enough to be killed by Him L Like Jarasandha, any man who performs Vedic rituals but does not accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead must be considered an asura, or demon P Persons who are sinful asuras like Kamsa and Jarasandha cannot think of Lord Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth S Since bhakti, devotional service, is not ordinary, Pariksit Maharaja was astonished that an asura could rise to the exalted position of a devotee T The demigods, semi-demigods, Gandharvas, etc., are all highly intelligent persons in the upper planets, the human beings are inhabitants of the intermediate planets, and the asuras are inhabitants of the lower planets The difference between the Aryan and non-Aryan, the sura and asura, is in their standards of spiritual advancement W We don't restrict to the ordinary man, but if one comes forward to become our student, serious student, then he must follow this pravrtti-nirvrtti. Otherwise he remains asura Y You can arrange and can take bath. This is essential. Not that sleeping up to ten o'clock. This kind of civilization will not help you. This asuric civilization will degrade the human society Categories: Demons | Sanskrit Terms | Good and Bad - Umbrella Category |
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#33542011-12-19 06:45Bhagavad Gita is the crest jewel of all vedic literature spoken by Lord Krishna; for the ultimate benefit and welfare of human population, it must be read and propogated to all parts of the world where humans reside. |
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#33562011-12-19 06:46http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Demons Demons (BG) Demons (SB cantos 1 and 2) Demons (SB canto 3) Demons (SB cantos 4 and 5) Demons (SB canto 6) Demons (SB canto 7) Demons (SB canto 8) Demons (SB canto 9) Demons (SB canto 10.1 - 10.13) Demons (SB cantos 10.14 - 12) Demons (CC) Demons (Other books) Demons (BG Lectures) Demons (SB Lectures) Demons (Other lectures) Demons (Conversations 1968-1974) Demons (Conversations 1975) Demons (Conversations 1976) Demons (Conversations 1977) A A devotee cares about the instructions of Krsna, not those of demons or nondevotees. He does not give any respect to a demon, even though the demon be his father A devotee is not weak, but the demons think that "These devotees, they are weak..." Actually these persons are demons, but because we are preacher, we are preaching, if we simply become angry and cannot convince him, that means imperfect preacher All glories to Radha's love for Krsna, the enemy of the demon Mura! Although it is all-pervading, it tends to increase at every moment. Although it is important, it is devoid of pride. And although it is pure, it is always beset with duplicity Although Prahlada's mother was in the conditional state and was the wife of a demon, even Yaksas, Raksasas, women, sudras and even birds and other lower living entities can be elevated to the acyuta-gotra, the family of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Although a demon may be very powerful and extraordinary in the eyes of an ordinary man in the material world, to the Lord, killing such a demon is no difficulty. He can kill millions of demons as simply as a child plays with dolls and breaks them Although the demons are insignificant in comparison to Lord Brahma, because of the strength of their guru they were so powerful that they could even seize Brahmaloka from Lord Brahma Although there is perpetual animosity between the demons and demigods, Narada Muni is welcomed everywhere Among the kavis, Usana, Sukracarya, was the spiritual master of the demons Animosity between the demigods and the demons Another son of Lord Brahma was Irreligion, whose wife's name was Falsity. From their combination were born two demons named Dambha, or Bluffing, and Maya, or Cheating. These two demons were taken by a demon named Nirrti, who had no children Apparently even demons can be elevated to positions as demigods when their atheistic character is reformed As soon as the demons see a Vaisnava dressed in saffron garments with beads on his neck and tilaka on his forehead, they are immediately irritated. They criticize the Vaisnavas by sarcastically saying Hare Krsna, and some people also chant sincerely As the impersonalist jnanis or the demons killed by the Lord attain Brahmaloka, or Satyaloka, persons killed by a devotee of the Lord also attain Satyaloka At the end of the millennium, ignorance personified assumed the form of a demon, stole all the Vedas and took them down to the planet of Rasatala At the present moment in the Kali-yuga, practically they're all demons B Bali Maharaja has become the most famous among the demons and nonbelievers, for in spite of being bereft of all material opulences, he is fixed in his devotional service Better read these books thoroughly and be firmly convinced yourself before going to these demons for convincing them. if you are weak yourself, while trying to convert them, you will be converted by them Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demons become envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in their own bodies and in the bodies of others, and blaspheme against the real religion By the grace of Prahlada Maharaja, all his class friends, the sons of the demons, became Vaisnavas C Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not kill the demons, but He converted them. So this should be our example Commentation by the devotees is real, whereas that of the demons is useless D Demon means... Demoncracy, demon-crazy D cont. Demoness Demons are generally fond of worshiping the demigods, and there are evidences that by such worship they get power for their sense gratification. This later proves to be a cause of trouble to the brahmanas, demigods and other innocent living entities Demons are very fond of sex life. The more one is free from the desires for sex, the more he is promoted to the level of the demigods; the more one is inclined to enjoy sex, the more he is degraded to the level of demoniac life Demons are very much fond of sucking blood. Indeed, all of them are meat-eaters and bloodsuckers Demons become envious of God and blaspheme against the real religion Demons have a very high standard of sensual pleasure, wealth and influence Demons proudly declare, "Who is God? Why, I am God! When I can illegally manipulate funds and become so wealthy that I can enjoy everything in this world, then I am indeed Almighty God" Demons think of their possessions as their property, but actually everything belongs to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can take anything at any time He likes Demons think that they will manufacture their own process of yajna and prepare some machine by which they will be able to reach any higher planet. The best example of such a demoniac man was Ravana Demons were relying upon the dependability of Krsna, because they were confident that Krsna would never attack them without due cause. Therefore, with faith and confidence, they used to live with their doors wide open Demons without godly qualities should not accept false praise from their followers Development of factories and mills is called ugra-karma, or pungent activities, and such activities deteriorate the finer sentiments of the human being and thus turn society into a dungeon of demons Devotees can show mystic yoga so powerful that a demon could not even dream of it, but they never try to demonstrate it for their personal sense gratification Devotees in Krsna consciousness should be very careful to avoid such demons. One should strictly follow the vidhi-marga regulative principles in the worship of Laksmi-Narayana, although the Lord is present in the temple as Radha-Krsna Doubts are always compared to demons. He therefore addresses Krsna as Kesi-nisudana. Kesi was a most formidable demon who was killed by the Lord; now Arjuna is expecting Krsna to kill the demon of doubt F Fight like brave soldiers, Krsna will help you. Don't make any compromise. No truce with these demons. Fight must be. Our fighting weapon is Hare Krsna movement. That's all G Giant demon I I shall bewilder the demons by creating a quarrel among them If one offends an exalted personality, especially the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one certainly becomes most abominable; bereft of the results of pious activities, one must fall down like Ravana and other demons If the Krsna consciousness government is there, no meat-eating, no smoking, no illicit sex, so many no's, the demons will die. (laughter) That is the position If you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with If you want to finish your individuality and merge into the existence of God, that is not very difficult job. Even the enemies of Krsna - Kamsa, Jarasandha, Dantavakra, Sisupala, and many demons - they also merged into the existence of Krsna In Kali-yuga vice increases to such a point that at the termination of the yuga the Supreme Lord Himself appears as the Kalki avatara, vanquishes the demons, saves His devotees, and commences another Satya-yuga In two hands Lord Visnu always carries a club and a cakra to kill demons, and in His other two hands He holds a conchshell and a lotus to give protection to His devotees Is it possible for one person to be part demon and part devotee in the same person? J Just as a child is attracted by a beautiful doll, similarly a demon, who is less intelligent and full of ignorance, is attracted by material beauty and an appetite for sex Just like a big lawyer takes the protection of the lawbook and he makes the law unlawful. Similarly, the demons are so intelligent that they take advantage of scriptural injunction and do all nonsense K Kama (lust) can be utilized to satisfy Krsna, and krodha (anger) can be utilized to punish the demons. When both are used for Krsna's service, they lose their material significance and become spiritually important Kamsa, Jarasandha, Sisupala and other demons like them were also always rapt in the thought of Lord Krsna, but they were absorbed in a different way, namely unfavorably Kill the demon of misunderstanding Krsna's welfare activities are absolute, for whether He annihilates a demon or gives protection to a devotee, the result of His activities is one and the same Krtavarma said that Kamsa, although powerful and assisted by many demons, could not be saved from Krsna's wrath, and what to speak of Jarasandha, who had been defeated by Krsna seventeen times L Like Jarasandha, any man who performs Vedic rituals but does not accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead must be considered an asura, or demon Lord Buddha appeared for the purpose of bewildering the demons or atheists Lord Siva takes charge of reforming persons who are ghosts and demons, not to speak of others, who are godly; therefore he is the spiritual master of everyone, both the dull and demoniac and the highly learned Vaisnavas Lord Siva's followers and devotees, headed by Virabhadra, are known as viras, and they are ghostly demons M Materialist person perform all pious activities or devotional activities for some material gain, and as soon as there is any hindrance in the path of material gain, they at once become demon Mundane violence and nonviolence have nothing to do with the Lord's acts. A demon killed by Him attains the same result as one who attains liberation after many, many births of penance and austerity N Narada informed Kamsa that in his previous birth Kamsa was Kalanemi, a demon killed by Visnu O One is recommended to associate only with saintly devotees so that worldly demons and ghosts cannot exert their sinister influence One who is attracted by the beauty of Radha and Krsna cannot be attracted by the false beauty of this material world. That is the difference between a demon and a godly person or devotee One who takes shelter at the lotus feet of the Lord is favored by the Lord, regardless of whether such a person is a demon or a demigod R Regarding your enemy, Mr. Lust: I have noted the difficulties, but we should always remember that Krishna is stronger than any demon, and Mr. Lust, or his father or his grandfather, nobody can do anything provided we take shelter of Krishna very tightly S Salva begged from Lord Siva the gift of an airplane which would be so strong that it could not be destroyed by any demigod, demon, human being, Gandharva or Naga, or even any Raksasa S cont. Since Krsna is so expert in killing demons, Arjuna here addresses Him as Madhusudana so that Krsna might kill the demonic doubts that arise in Arjuna's mind Smeared with bloodstains from His killing of demons Srimad-Bhagavatam says that Lord Buddha appeared for the purpose of bewildering the demons or atheists T Teach the small children to play Krishna games: one child is a cow, another is cowherd boy, they go to the forest, there are demons there, Krishna kills the demons, like that; in this way, let the children play Krishna games That Krsna is the supreme authority is accepted by the whole world, not only at present but from time immemorial, and the demons alone reject Him The Lord assured Bali Maharaja of all protection, and finally the Lord assured him of protection from the effects of bad association with the demons The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees The atheistic, demoniac education imparted to the young in modern universities is simply producing a bunch of demons with titles The demons certainly cannot have any faith in the words of authorities. In fact, they are always disrespectful to authorities The demons misinterpret the words of Lord Krsna concerning caste and social division, and they act capriciously on that basis. But this cannot blemish Lord Krsna or His words The demons or atheists have faith in their own endeavors, but although they work very hard day and night, they cannot get any more than their destiny The demons' learning, intelligence, and titles are like the gems that glitter on a poisonous snake's hood The demons, instead of utilizing the good opportunity, misused the brahminical culture due to being puffed up by vanity in becoming brahmanas The devotee of the Lord, because of manifesting godly qualities, is called a demigod, whereas the atheist is called a demon The devotees do not want the fruitive results of their work, nor do they want any kind of salvation. They relish the glorious superhuman activities of the Lord, such as His lifting Govardhana Hill and His killing the demon Putana in infancy The devotees of Krsna should be trained up both ways: not only to give protection to the devotees, to give them encouragement, but if need be, they should be prepared to kill the demons The few religious deeds that the demons perform are merely a show; they are meant only to flatter their false ego and bring them more recognition and respect. They perform them only for their own sense enjoyment and are invariably acts of violence The fighting between the demons and demigods is perpetual; it cannot be stopped unless intelligent persons from both sides take to Krsna consciousness The killing of the demons in Vrndavana was carried out only by the Visnu portion of Krsna The mentality of the demons in being enamored by the false beauty of this material world is expressed herein. The demoniac can pay any price for the skin beauty of this material world The moon-god is one of the demigods, but to fight against the other demigods he took the assistance of the demons. Sukra, being an enemy of Brhaspati, also joined the moon-god to retaliate in wrath against Brhaspati The yogi should meditate upon His club, which is named Kaumodaki and is very dear to Him. This club smashes the demons, who are always inimical soldiers, and is smeared with their blood There are many demons who think of themselves as the Supreme and present themselves as the directors of the sun, moon and other planets. This is all due to false pride There are two classes of men - devotees and nondevotees. Nondevotees are called demons, and devotees are called demigods There is no question of overpopulation, it is a question of demons. The number of demons has increased and therefore by nature that supply is minimized These demons they say that this is asatya, this is untruth. There is no cause. There is no isvara. This is the demoniac declaration. If Krsna is fact, His creation is fact. His energy is fact. We don't say it is false. The Mayavadis say it is false Those who are not devotees are called adharma-sila. The Sudarsana cakra is just like an inauspicious comet for all such demons Those who are only miscreants throughout their lives are compared to demons. They are bereft of all knowledge, in spite of any academic educational career they may pursue Those who undergo severe austerities and penances not recommended in the scriptures, performing them out of pride and egoism, who are impelled by lust and attachment, who are foolish and who torture the material elements of the body are known to be demons To kill "demon-crazy", LSD - yes, that is my mission To rectify our material existence, austerity (tapasya) is absolutely necessary. However, when people in general come under the control of a demon or a demoniac ruling power, they forget this process of tapasya and gradually also become demoniac W We are demons, and therefore we take pleasure in so-called material activities. And that means we are doomed. We should stop this nonsense and take to the principles of nivrtti-marga. Then our life will be success We have to fight with all these so-called leaders, scientists, and philosophers, just like Krsna came to kill all the demons because the whole world is full of demons We may not kill the demons like Krishna did it, but we can kill the demoniac tendency. How is that? By this Sankirtana weapon We should understand that Bhagavad-gita is meant for a person who is a devotee and dear to Krsna, not for the demons, who are against Krsna. The demons are trying to kill Krsna What is the duty of the first-class demon? That he'll never understand Krsna When Maharaja Dasaratha ruled Ayodhya, the great sage Visvamitra once came to him to take away Lord Ramacandra and Laksmana to the forest to kill a demon When a female messenger from Indra named Sarama chants a particular curse, the serpentine demons of Mahatala become very afraid of Indra When natural disturbances occur on a planet, one should understand that a demon must have taken birth there When the Lord descends on this planet, He acts in many ways. He kills demons and performs acts not sanctioned by the Vedic principles, that is, acts considered sinful. Even though He acts in such a way, He is never contaminated by His action When the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes angry or kills a demon, materially this may appear unfavorable, but spiritually it is a blissful blessing upon him When the people take to eating only prasadam offered to the Deity, all the demons will be turned into Vaisnavas When we say others are animals, demons, we don't say whimsically, capriciously, no. On the basis of sound knowledge. Therefore our declaration is completely right When you are preaching, you have to come to the middle stage. Even if you are on the top stage, you have to come on the middle stage because you have to discriminate: "Here is a devotee; here is a demon" Related categories This category has the following 6 related categories, out of 6 total. A [+] Asura (15) D [+] Daitya (1) [+] Demoniac (69) [+] Demons in Vrndavana (13) N [+] Names of Demons (39) R [+] Raksasas (6) Category: Good and Bad - Umbrella Category |
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#33572011-12-19 06:46There is nothing wrong in Bhagavad-gita. It is a holy book of HINDUS and some other religions are also following it. Russians are trying to ban it, with a fear that their people may convert to HINDU religion.. |
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#33582011-12-19 06:46http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Demoniac Demoniac (BG) Demoniac (SB cantos 1 to 6) Demoniac (SB cantos 7 to 12) Demoniac (CC and other books) Demoniac (BG lectures) Demoniac (SB lectures) Demoniac (Other lectures) Demoniac (Conversations) Demoniac (Letters) A A demoniac preacher tells his followers: "Why are you seeking God elsewhere? You are all yourselves God! Whatever you like, you can do. Don't believe in God. Throw away God. God is dead According to astrological calculation, a person is classified according to whether he belongs to the godly or demoniac quality. In that way the spouse was selected. A girl of godly quality should be handed over to a boy of godly quality Animal killing is very prominent amongst demoniac people Aryans do not deviate from the instructions of Krsna, nor do they have doubts about Krsna, but non-Aryans and other demoniac people fail to follow the instructions of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam As early morning is the period for spiritual cultivation, the beginning of evening is the period for passion. Demoniac men are generally very fond of sex enjoyment; therefore they very much appreciate the approach of evening Atheistic and demoniac cultivation of spiritual knowledge is always futile B Because nature is taking revenge on the demonic population malnutrition is also one of the branches of such revenge By the grace of guru you learn something. Then when you learn something, then you become greater than him, don't care for guru. This is demonic D Demoniac activities are predominant when innocent, faultless living entities are killed Demoniac civilization is attached to ugra-karma, horrible activities, and big industries are created to satisfy unfathomable lusty desires Demoniac mentality Demonic civilization is creating problems. Not the increase of population. This is not the fact Demonic principles Demonic propensities D cont. Demonic tendency Demonism Demons are very fond of sex life. The more one is free from the desires for sex, the more he is promoted to the level of the demigods; the more one is inclined to enjoy sex, the more he is degraded to the level of demoniac life Demons think that they will manufacture their own process of yajna and prepare some machine by which they will be able to reach any higher planet. The best example of such a demoniac man was Ravana F For the demoniac persons everything is matter only, and the whole cosmos is supposed to be a mass of ignorance H Hellish existence in various demoniac species of life I In Kali-yuga, due to the increase of the modes of passion and ignorance, almost all men are asuric, or demoniac; therefore they are very much fond of eating flesh, and for this end they maintain various kinds of animal slaughterhouses In Kali-yuga, trees are indiscriminately and unnecessarily cut for industry, in particular for paper mills that manufacture a profuse quantity of paper for the publication of demoniac propaganda In other descents the Lord sometimes used weapons to defeat the demoniac, but in this age the Lord subdues them with His all-attractive figure as Caitanya Mahaprabhu In the Caitanya-sampradaya there is sometimes a demoniac misconception about the descent of Nityananda Prabhu In the present age such demoniac men are striving to reach the higher planetary systems by mechanical arrangements. These are examples of bewilderment In the present age the number of demoniac people is increasing; therefore natural disturbances are also increasing. There is no doubt about this, as we can understand from the statements of the Bhagavatam K Kamsa, protected by his father-in-law, Jarasandha, and with the help of his demoniac friends - Pralamba, Baka, Canura, Trnavarta, Aghasura, Mustika, Bana and Bhaumasura, Arista, Dvivida, Putana, Kesi, Dhenuka, Salva, began oppressing the Yadu dynasty L Lord Siva takes charge of reforming persons who are ghosts and demons, not to speak of others, who are godly; therefore he is the spiritual master of everyone, both the dull and demoniac and the highly learned Vaisnavas M Modern society enjoys sex life with contraceptive methods or more abominable methods to avoid the responsibility of children. This is not in the transcendental quality, but is demoniac O Our experience has been that if we ignore them such demoniac class of men, they will go away Out of the twelve mahajanas, Prahlada Maharaja is one of them. Because he was very bold. He was not afraid of his demonic father P People jeer at Krsna because they are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Their destiny is certainly to take birth after birth in the species of atheistic and demoniac life Persons of demonic or atheistic mentality cannot know Krsna Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance - these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature, O son of Prtha S Since Krsna is so expert in killing demons, Arjuna here addresses Him as Madhusudana so that Krsna might kill the demonic doubts that arise in Arjuna's mind Sometimes in Western countries a trespasser is shot, and there is no crime in such shooting. This is the position of demoniac householders, and such houses are considered to be the residential quarters of venomous snakes T Taking shelter of insatiable lust and absorbed in the conceit of pride and false prestige, the demoniac, thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent The atheistic, demoniac education imparted to the young in modern universities is simply producing a bunch of demons with titles T cont. The demoniac accept that the enjoyment of the senses is the ultimate goal of life, and this concept they maintain until death. They do not believe in life after death The demoniac class of men will always remain, but unless there is a strong body to present God Consciousness proposals to the leaders of the world, there will be no hope The demoniac persons who want to kill the Vedic culture are extremely envious of the feeble citizens, and they act in such a way that ultimately their discoveries will be inauspicious for everyone The demonic means atheist and unnecessarily, falsely, very much proud of their knowledge The homosexual appetite of a man for another man is demoniac and is not for any sane male in the ordinary course of life The mentality of the demons in being enamored by the false beauty of this material world is expressed herein. The demoniac can pay any price for the skin beauty of this material world The transcendental qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demoniac qualities make for bondage There is a class of men with demoniac mentality who are always reluctant to accept the Lord as the Supreme Absolute Truth There is no cause. There is no isvara. This is the demoniac declaration These demons they say that this is asatya, this is untruth. There is no cause. There is no isvara. This is the demoniac declaration. If Krsna is fact, His creation is fact. His energy is fact. We don't say it is false. The Mayavadis say it is false They cannot make even one egg, and they are going to manufacture life? And we have to believe it? They are lunatics, this is demoniac. They want to compete with God This process of concentrating on the different bodily parts of the Lord will gradually diminish the demoniac challenge of godlessness and bring about gradual development of devotional service to the Lord Those of demoniac mentality will go on increasing and increasing their insatiable desires for material enjoyment Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated Those who maintain a demoniac mentality are bewildered by the beauty of a woman, but those who are advanced in Krsna consciousness, or even those on the platform of goodness, are not bewildered To rectify our material existence, austerity (tapasya) is absolutely necessary. However, when people in general come under the control of a demon or a demoniac ruling power, they forget this process of tapasya and gradually also become demoniac U Unfortunately, mundane wranglers have taken advantage of Bhagavad-gita to push forward their demonic propensities and mislead people regarding right understanding of the simple principles of life W We have personal experience of a person of such demoniac mentality who, even at the point of death, was requesting the physician to prolong his life for four years more because his plans were not yet complete We may not kill the demons like Krishna did it, but we can kill the demoniac tendency. How is that? By this Sankirtana weapon We should agree to Krsna's desires. We should not allow our desires, demonic desires, to grow. That is called tapasya When the citizens abide by the rules of the king, the kingdom runs smoothly and everyone is prosperous and content. But when the demoniac population of thieves, rogues, and criminals steadily increases, the kingdom is filled with chaos and terror When the world becomes degraded, civilization becomes demoniac, and for the common man the rectum and the genital are taken very seriously as the centers of all activity Categories: Demons | Good and Bad - Umbrella Category | Good and Bad Qualities - Umbrella Category |
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#33602011-12-19 06:46http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Raksasas According to one's receptiveness - whether one be a devata, asura, Yaksa or Raksasa - Krsna's quality is proportionately exhibited Although Prahlada's mother was in the conditional state and was the wife of a demon, even Yaksas, Raksasas, women, sudras and even birds and other lower living entities can be elevated to the acyuta-gotra, the family of the Supreme Personality of Godhead B Because atheists are Raksasas, they dare to do things that are most abominable, and thus they are punished without fail Brahma, the head of the demigods, full of anxiety, asked them, "Do not eat me, but protect me. You are born from me and have become my sons. Therefore you are Yaksas and Raksasas" S Salva begged from Lord Siva the gift of an airplane which would be so strong that it could not be destroyed by any demigod, demon, human being, Gandharva or Naga, or even any Raksasa T The leader of the Yaksas and Raksasas is Kuvera, the master treasurer of the demigods, and he is a representation of the Supreme Lord Categories: Names of Races | Demons | Good and Bad - Umbrella Category |
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#33612011-12-19 06:47http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Names_of_Demons [+] Aghasura (5) [+] Aristasura (1) B [+] Bakasura (4) [+] Balvala (1) [+] Banasura (3) [+] Bhaumasura (2) C [+] Canura (1) D [+] Dantavakra (3) [+] Demons in Vrndavana (13) [+] Dhenukasura (2) [+] Dvivida (1) H [+] Hiranyakasipu (27) [+] Hiranyaksa (7) J [+] Jarasandha (28) K [+] Kalanemi (2) [+] Kalayavana (2) [+] Kaliya (6) [+] Kamsa (33) [+] Kesi (4) [+] Kumbhakarna (3) [+] Kuvalayapida (1) M [+] Maya Danava (3) [+] Mura (2) [+] Mustika (1) P [+] Pancajana (2) [+] Paundraka (1) [+] Pralamba (2) P cont. [+] Putana (6) R [+] Ravana (21) S [+] Sakatasura (1) [+] Salva (4) [+] Sankhacuda (1) [+] Sisupala (11) T [+] Trnavarta (2) V [+] Vatsasura (1) [+] Vibhisana (1) [+] Virabhadra (the ghostly demon) (2) [+] Vrtrasura (3) [+] Vyomasura (1) Categories: Demons | Names - Umbrella Category | Good and Bad - Umbrella Category |
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#33622011-12-19 06:47We in India accommodate all the religions and respect everybody and others are trying to take advantage of this as weakness, which is not in particular, that is culture and spritual knowledge spread among every brotherhood. My request to authorities to take a broad look and desist from ban. |
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#33632011-12-19 06:47http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Demons_in_Vrndavana [+] Aghasura (5) [+] Aristasura (1) B [+] Bakasura (4) D [+] Dhenukasura (2) K [+] Kaliya (6) [+] Kesi (4) P [+] Pralamba (2) [+] Putana (6) S [+] Sakatasura (1) S cont. [+] Sankhacuda (1) T [+] Trnavarta (2) V [+] Vatsasura (1) [+] Vyomasura (1) Categories: Demons | Vrndavana | Inhabitants of Vrndavana | Names of Demons | List of Umbrella Categories | In and Out - Umbrella Category |
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#33642011-12-19 06:48http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Atheist Atheist (BG) Atheist (SB) Atheist (CC) Atheist (Other Books) Atheist (BG Lectures) Atheist (SB Lectures) Atheist (Other Lectures) Atheist (Conversations) Atheist (Letters) A According to Bhagavad-gita this atheistic conclusion is false. In the verse under discussion it is stated that Krsna is the original cause of the material manifestation According to the atheists, dharma, or religious principles, are meant to establish an imaginary God to encourage one to become moral, honest and just so that the social orders may be maintained in peace and tranquillity After Lord Caitanya accepted the renounced order, all agnostics, critics, atheists and mental speculators became His students and followers Apparently even demons can be elevated to positions as demigods when their atheistic character is reformed At the time of death, atheists' attempts to use their so-called scientific knowledge and philosophical speculation to deny the supremacy of the Lord cannot work At the time of death, the atheist must submit to the supreme kala, and then the Supreme Personality of Godhead takes away all his possessions and forces him to accept another body Atheist means they don't believe in any transcendental nature. Even they do not believe in the existence of the soul. They simply concern themselves with this material body Atheistic and demoniac cultivation of spiritual knowledge is always futile Atheistic attitude Atheistic principles Atheistic temperament Atheists are of the opinion that there is no need to accept the authority of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be successful in religion, economic development, sense gratification or liberation Atheists may think that the devotees are engaged in idol worship, but the fact is different Atheists, agnostics and skeptics are beyond the sense of spiritual understanding B Because atheists are Raksasas, they dare to do things that are most abominable, and thus they are punished without fail Because atheists are not interested in God consciousness, they try to be happy by cultivating Krsna consciousness in various unfavorable ways Because the karmis are very much attached to the world and material activities, they always try to establish atheistic principles that oppose the understanding of the Vaisnavas Because the people became atheist, so Lord Buddha, just to take them under his control, he also collaborated and said, "Yes, there is no God, but you hear me." But he is incarnation of God B cont. Bhismadeva's piercing of the body of Lord Krsna is a sort of bewildering problem for the nondevotee atheist, but those who are devotees, or liberated souls, are not bewildered But those who are thinking very poorly, without any advanced knowledge, atheist, they think that everything is coming automatically. They say there is no isvara, supreme ruler, and everything is happening by nature E Everyone is seeing God according to his capacity; the only difference is that the theist sees God as the Supreme Personality, the most beloved, Krsna, and the atheist sees the Absolute Truth as ultimate death F Following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all the preachers engaged in the service of ISKCON should be very expert in putting forward strong arguments and defeating all types of atheists For those who are sinful, atheistic, foolish and deceitful, it is very difficult to transcend the duality of desire and hate I I am convinced that if you simply glorify Krsna and our books in the best descriptive manner, that anyone and everyone, no matter even atheist or otherwise, they can be convinced to purchase I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency I have invited Krsna and He may not be insulted by disrespectful behavior. I have introduced this system of Deity worship amongst the non-believers, the atheists, the mlecchas, the yavanas In Germany during the Second World War, many women went to the church to pray to God to get back their husband, son, or brother. But nobody came back. And they became atheist In the Western world one atheistic government tried to induce the innocent citizens to embrace atheistic views. The government sent their propagandists to proselytize the people in the villages It would be better to be an atheist by slighting both brothers than a hypocrite by believing in one and slighting the other L Lord Buddha appeared for the purpose of bewildering the demons or atheists Lord Buddha came to cheat the atheists Lord Buddha deluded the atheists because such atheists who followed his principles did not believe in God, but they kept their absolute faith in Lord Buddha, who himself was the incarnation of God Lord Nrsimha-deva killed Hiranyakasipu and took away all his power, influence and pride. Atheistic men, however, never understand how everything they create is annihilated N Nonbelievers in the existence of the soul are called atheists by followers of Vedic wisdom Now India is atheist. Very tragic position O One is accepted as atheist who does not believe in the tenets of the Vedas. That is the sum and substance of atheism One should always be free from the association of atheists and nondevotees and should try to associate with devotees, for by the association of a devotee one can be elevated to the platform of self-realization Our fighting is very strong. You don't think that we are keeping idly. I have come here to fight with these atheists, you see, and we go everywhere P People jeer at Krsna because they are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Their destiny is certainly to take birth after birth in the species of atheistic and demoniac life People will be surprised that Lord Buddha is designated as atheist and still the Vaisnavas, they are offering their respectful prayers to Lord Visnu (Buddha) Persons of demonic or atheistic mentality cannot know Krsna S Since death must take away the living entity without hesitation, it is the ultimate God realization of the atheists, who spoil their lives thinking of country, society and relatives, to the neglect of God consciousness Sri Sankaracarya, by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, compromised between atheism and theism in order to cheat the atheists and bring them to theism Srimad-Bhagavatam says that Lord Buddha appeared for the purpose of bewildering the demons or atheists Stubborn atheist T Technically Lord Buddha's philosophy is called atheistic because there is no acceptance of the Supreme Lord and because that system of philosophy denied the authority of the Vedas. But that is an act of camouflage by the Lord T cont. That a devotee (Jaya and Vijaya) should come into an atheistic family is surprising, but it is simply a show. After finishing their mock fighting, both the devotee and the Lord are again associated in the spiritual planets The Lord appeared as Nrsimha and bifurcated the strong body of the atheist Hiranyakasipu with His nails, just as a carpenter pierces cane The Manu-samhita prescribes that a man who has committed murder should be hanged and his own life sacrificed in atonement. Previously this system was followed all over the world, but since people are becoming atheists, they are stopping capital punishment The argument of the atheist that one cannot be punished for one's misdeeds unless proved before a qualified justice is refuted herein, for we accept the perpetual witness and constant companion of the living being The atheist class of men foolishly inquire "Where is God?" And we present them Krsna—here is God, and if you have got sense and intelligence just try to understand Krsna, whether He is not God The atheist class of men, they are always busy for economic development. They have no idea of spiritual existence or spiritual advancement of life. That is the distinction between atheistic life and theistic life The atheist may declare like that, "There is no God," but he will see God as death The atheist will see God, but when he will see, his life is finished. That means death. Atheist will see God in the form of death. And theist, Krsna conscious devotee, will see God twenty-four hours within his heart The atheists directly say there is no God, and the Impersonalists say there may be God, but He has no form. It is indirectly saying that there is no God The conclusion is that everyone sees God at every moment, but the atheist class, they do not accept that he is seeing God. He denies or telling lies that he is not seeing God. But a devotee of God, he sees God at every moment within his heart The conclusion is that no one falls from the spiritual world, or Vaikuntha planet, for it is the eternal abode. But sometimes, as the Lord desires, devotees come into this material world as preachers or as atheists The demonic means atheist and unnecessarily, falsely, very much proud of their knowledge The demons or atheists have faith in their own endeavors, but although they work very hard day and night, they cannot get any more than their destiny The devotee of the Lord, because of manifesting godly qualities, is called a demigod, whereas the atheist is called a demon The devotee realizes the presence of God by devotional service, whereas the atheist realizes the presence of God in the shape of death The devotees who have developed a mentality of genuine service to the Lord and who thus make friendships only with similar devotees, show favor to the neophytes and avoid the atheists are called the second-grade devotees The people amongst whom Buddha preached, they were mostly atheistic people; therefore he did not preach about God. But he did not deny also The potencies of the Lord are also known to the all-powerful Siva, the great king of the atheist family, namely Prahlada Maharaja, Svayambhuva Manu, his wife Satarupa, his sons and daughters The vivid example of this presence of God both before the theist and atheist simultaneously is Lord Nrsimhadeva The world is suffering on account of atheistic conviction of life, so our theistic proposition presenting Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is certainly a great relief to the agnostics, atheists, impersonalists and voidists There are many sastric injunctions which give instructions for carving forms of the Lord. These forms are not material. If God is all-pervading, then He is also in the material elements. There is no doubt about it. But the atheists think otherwise These atheist class of men, who defy the authority of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they'll meet Krsna. When? At the time of death, when Krsna will take everything, his body, his society, his country, his family, his bank balance, his house These atheists, they have been taught to worship the form of Lord Buddha, and Buddha is incarnation of Krsna, so one day they will be delivered. But these rascals (Mayavadis) will never be delivered Those who are atheistic, i.e., who do not believe in Visnu, or who recognize only the impersonal part of Krsna as the Supreme, cannot have the divine vision Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated U Unfortunately, unauthorized scholars of the Vedas become captivated by the purificatory ceremonies only, and natural progress is thereby checked. To such bewildered persons of atheistic propensity, Lord Buddha is the emblem of theism W What is today being labeled varnasrama is an atheistic concept totally unsupported by the scriptures. Real varnasrama is based not on birth but on people's qualities and activities When the atheists annihilate inhabitants of different planets, flying unseen in the sky on well-built rockets prepared by the great scientist Maya, the Lord will bewilder their minds by dressing Himself attractively as Buddha Related categories This category has the following 3 related categories, out of 3 total. A [+] Atheism (21) M [+] Mayavada and Atheism (2) S [+] Sunyavadi (7) Categories: Do Not Believe | Not Believe in God | People and Persons - Umbrella Category |
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#33652011-12-19 06:48Bhagavad-gita is very much essential to shape the lives of humanbeing. It is useful to every one not restricting to caste,religion and country. Kindly this spreading the teachings be accepted and allowed. Thanks, Shrikanth Hiremath & Family Bangalore India. |
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#33662011-12-19 06:48may lord forgive these fallown souls and give them proper intelegence...... |
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#33672011-12-19 06:48Please, do not do that, you will hurt so many people around the world, lets not be so narrow mainded. Let people dicide what is good or bad for them. God Bless you. |
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#33682011-12-19 06:48http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Sunyavadi Sunyavadi B Buddha's philosophy: zero, sunyavadi I Is called sunyavadi O Our request is that if you at all want to understand what is God, don't go to the Mayavadi or Sunyavadi, but try to understand about God from God Himself S Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu clearly said that because Mayavadi philosophy is disguised as Vedanta philosophy, it is more dangerous than Buddhism or atheism (sunyavadi) S cont. Sunyavada philosophy Sunyavadi means zero, voidist Categories: Void | Atheism | Atheist | Sanskrit Terms |
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#33692011-12-19 06:48If father uses bad word to wellbeing of son then it father is not fulish, but one who says as father is fulish then surely he is Big Big fulish. |
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#33702011-12-19 06:49http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Atheism Atheism (Books) Atheism (Lectures) Atheism (Conv. and Letters) A Atheistic philosophy F For one who acts impiously and ignorantly because of atheism, the resultant hellish life is the worst I If, instead of treating the people's inherent disease - atheism - the leaders simply show a superficial sympathy for the disease's symptoms, certainly there will be no benefit whatsoever for suffering humanity M Mayavada philosophy misleads people to atheism O One is accepted as atheist who does not believe in the tenets of the Vedas. That is the sum and substance of atheism Our only fighting is against atheism, godlessness. This is our main fight S Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu clearly said that because Mayavadi philosophy is disguised as Vedanta philosophy, it is more dangerous than Buddhism or atheism (sunyavadi) Sri Sankaracarya, by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, compromised between atheism and theism in order to cheat the atheists and bring them to theism T The atheistic philosopher, they think that this combination of prakrti and purusa is without any aim, without any idea The atheistic, demoniac education imparted to the young in modern universities is simply producing a bunch of demons with titles The desire to merge into the impersonal Brahman is the subtlest type of atheism This is going on now: atheism. Big, big professors, educationists, they're also in this opinion. I have traveled all over the world. One Russian professor said, "Swamiji, after this life, there is no... Everything is finished." But that's not the fact Y Your question why Lord Siva was ordered to appear as Sankaracarya and teach the Mayavada philosophy to turn the people to atheism and thus increase the population - that nobody can understand Related categories This category has the following 5 related categories, out of 5 total. B [+] Buddha and Atheism (15) M [+] Mayavada and Atheism (2) Q [+] Questions on... Atheism (6) S [+] Sunyavadi (7) T [+] There Is No God (26) Categories: Atheist | This Ism or That Ism |
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#33712011-12-19 06:49http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Mayavada_and_Atheism Mayavada and atheism (Books) Mayavada and atheism (Lectures, Conv. and Letters) Categories: Mayavada | Atheism | Atheist | Personal and Impersonal - Umbrella Category |
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#33722011-12-19 06:49Bhagawad Gita is the most perfect knowledge ever told. How can it be banned. Mukherjee |
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#33732011-12-19 06:49http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Buddha_and_Atheism Buddha and atheism (Books) Buddha and atheism (Lectures) Buddha and atheism (Conv. and Letters) B Because the people became atheist, so Lord Buddha, just to take them under his control, he also collaborated and said, "Yes, there is no God, but you hear me." But he is incarnation of God C Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that Buddha philosophy is atheism undoubtedly, but Sankara philosophy is dangerous atheism because he is accepting Vedanta, but he is preaching atheism L Lord Buddha appeared for the purpose of bewildering the demons or atheists Lord Buddha came to cheat the atheists Lord Buddha deluded the atheists because such atheists who followed his principles did not believe in God, but they kept their absolute faith in Lord Buddha, who himself was the incarnation of God Lord Buddha is mentioned specifically in Srimad-Bhagavatam as incarnation of Godhead, and yet Vaisnavas do not accept his philosophy, which is classified as atheism Lord Buddha preached that there is no God P People may question that "Lord Buddha is accepted as an incarnation of Lord Krsna. Then why he preached atheistic philosophy?" P cont. People will be surprised that Lord Buddha is designated as atheist and still the Vaisnavas, they are offering their respectful prayers to Lord Visnu (Buddha) T Technically Lord Buddha's philosophy is called atheistic because there is no acceptance of the Supreme Lord and because that system of philosophy denied the authority of the Vedas. But that is an act of camouflage by the Lord U Unfortunately, unauthorized scholars of the Vedas become captivated by the purificatory ceremonies only, and natural progress is thereby checked. To such bewildered persons of atheistic propensity, Lord Buddha is the emblem of theism W When there was too much animal-killing and people became almost atheist under the shadow of Vedic rituals, Lord Buddha appeared Categories: Buddha | Atheism |
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#33742011-12-19 06:50banning Gita is the most horrible and ignorant deed to do..it is the basic essence of life..try understanding it...any person can relate to it. |
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#33752011-12-19 06:50http://www.vaniquotes.org/wiki/Category:Questions_on..._Atheism And Buddha (this sankhya philosophy which is known in Europe amongst the European scholars, that is the atheist Kapila. It is not the original Kapila)? As the world is coming to be divided into just two classes, atheist and theist, is it not advisable for all religions to come together, and what positive steps can be taken in this direction? B But there is no, no atheism, literate, some atheism, atheism, atheism, religious indifference, materialists exist in the towns, in the towns (in India)...? D Does it do atheists any good to chant your verses if they only want to be happy through chanting them? I Is there any stage at which these atheistic people have done anything good by accident?... Is there any step? Is there such a thing as a sincere atheist... who benefits by austerity? Categories: Atheism | Questions asked to Srila Prabhupada - Umbrella Category |
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