Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3595

2011-12-19 08:22

Gita is a sacred book notonly for Indians butalso to the whole human race. If it is understood no fool speak ill of Gita. We follow secularism in our country that is our Dharma. Krishna taught us such good culture thatswhy all these bugs could survive in India peacefully. Otherwise we teach these miscrients a lesson , India is very strong mentally and physically. We have the grace of Great saints, rishis and gurus.We dont get afraid of such kind of foolish acts who arethey to ban if we ban their bible what can they do? I seriously want to say onething Lord Krishna takes care this matter we need not to worry. This is Satyam. we can just relax surroundering it to our Swamy Lord Krishna. Thank you.