Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 08:13

For the sake of welfare of human kind,Bhagwat Geeta should not be banned.



2011-12-19 08:15




2011-12-19 08:15

Please Save Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita As It Is



2011-12-19 08:16

Please do not do this.



2011-12-19 08:17

banning this great scripture is the biggest offence russia will have commited as it will mean banning god himself from the country. if people respect god and dont want to see his bad side, they wont let that happen.


2011-12-19 08:18

Как стыдно перед мировой общественностью за это ужасное проявление невежества, демонстрируемое Россией на весь мир, притом ещё и городом, который считался одним из самых просвящённых в стране! Теперь Томск надолго преобретёт дурную славу на весь мир. Стыд-то какой. Почему руководство России делает вид, что не в курсе происходящего, словно это не с их гражданами происходит? Наверное, ждут ноту из правительства Индии. Дорогой Господь, пролей свою милость на заблудшие души, помоги им прозреть!



2011-12-19 08:18

Without BHAGVAD GITA there is no hope for any peace, bliss and happiness.



2011-12-19 08:19

This is "Kaliyuga". so many things can happen in near future. End of the day "GOODNESS" will come out by overtaking "PASSION & IGNORANCE"



2011-12-19 08:19




2011-12-19 08:19

Always influenced by the bodily conditions of this material world, human-beings have imperfect senses, a natural propensity to cheat, to be in illusion and make mistakes. Deluded by the great illusionary energy (maha maya) the atheists try to convince themselves that there is no God. According to published statistics, 97% of all surveyed scientists are atheists. Why don't these scientists believe in God? The big bang theory, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, Internal Inflation, string theory, Dark Energy, Multiverse and any other future scientific theory, speculation and discovery, can be illuminated unequivocally by the timeless Vedic injunction, and understood clearly, from the position of the absolute truth (the Vedic conclusion). Do your own research. Do your own due diligence. Discover, for yourself, the answer to this question, and the answers to the following three most important questions in the Universe... (1) "Who am I?" (2) "Who is God?" (3) "What is my relationship with God?" The Vedas say, paraphrased, "You are part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - Lord Krishna," and that, "you, and all these embodied living entities (plants, animals and minerals with consciousness), throughout this entire Universe, are eternal, and were created for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - Lord Krishna." But to understand this impeccably, implicitly and scientifically, you should read: Bhagavad Gita As It Is, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (also known affectionately by his disciples as Srila Prabhupada). If you are willing to get this far, then you should know that the association of the Vaishnava devotees of The Lord is 80% of your success in an attempt to understand this timeless knowledge on the path of becoming a self-realized soul. Hare Krishna


2011-12-19 08:19

Hare Krishna



2011-12-19 08:19

Please Save Bhagavad-gita in Russia



2011-12-19 08:19

Extremism is condemned Bhagavad Gita in verses such as yukta ahara ..., nati ashnatas... etc. Extremism has nothing to do with Krsna consciousness or Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Srila Prabhupada states in Bhagavad Gita As It Is "religion without philosophy leads to fanatism" and that is the case with the extremists. It is "extremist literature" in the sense that it is extremely important for all the people of the world to read it.

Hare Krsna! Srimad Bhagavad Gita As It Is ki jaya!



2011-12-19 08:20

Study the scripture-Bhagavad Gita- carefully and try to understand its message to humanity before taking any hasty action of banning the same. The message from the God Himself is for the welfare of the humanity and NOT for its destruction.



2011-12-19 08:20

please save gita which can save whole world.......



2011-12-19 08:20

Bhagavat Gita is not at all a extremist literature.
One should refer to histry who are extremist then come to conclusion. Thank You.



2011-12-19 08:20

Bhagavat Gita should be for all



2011-12-19 08:21

Russian Govt Pls Don't Do This You Don't Know What You are Doing...?



2011-12-19 08:22

It is rubbish to hear this.
It will have nagative effects on the Russian Government. If someone does not respect the Gita, he/she is not a human being.



2011-12-19 08:22

Gita is a sacred book notonly for Indians butalso to the whole human race. If it is understood no fool speak ill of Gita. We follow secularism in our country that is our Dharma. Krishna taught us such good culture thatswhy all these bugs could survive in India peacefully. Otherwise we teach these miscrients a lesson , India is very strong mentally and physically. We have the grace of Great saints, rishis and gurus.We dont get afraid of such kind of foolish acts who arethey to ban if we ban their bible what can they do? I seriously want to say onething Lord Krishna takes care this matter we need not to worry. This is Satyam. we can just relax surroundering it to our Swamy Lord Krishna. Thank you.



2011-12-19 08:22




2011-12-19 08:23

As BHAGAVAT GITA is speech from LORD KRISHNA(Supreme Personality of GOD HEAD). So as human being it is GREAT SIN to burned this HOLY BOOK. MAY GOD mercy all of you people who couldn't not belief in ALMIGHTY.



2011-12-19 08:23




2011-12-19 08:23

Hinduism and the Indian culture is based on the teachings of Bhagavad Gita and cannot be banned



2011-12-19 08:24

please plz don't do