Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #3913

2011-12-19 11:24

Please save holy name of Krishna, his teaching in no way are offensive to any society , ISKCON preaches to love every religion and respect it , what is our fault ??

If you say that we are brainwashed people then look at the current society , every one is brain washed by intoxication , illicit sex, meat eating and gambling

we are proudly brain washed by taking nice qualities of human behavior ,m ISKCON teaches people to stay human in the animal civilization. PLease protect Bhagvad Gita , please protect the holy name.

Rascals how can they misunderstand Bhagvad Gita, i have tears in my eyes writing this , how can some one misunderstand Bhagavd gita to be offensive to any religion

Prabhupada help us

hare krishna !!!