Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 11:16

Krishna Consciousness is beyond religion. Bhagwat Gita teaches us how to lead a human life by being Krishna Conscious. So without knowing the subject matter if any one considers this holy book to banned I think he is in ignorance.



2011-12-19 11:17

This should not be banned



2011-12-19 11:17

pls do not ban this book.



2011-12-19 11:17

If we are not attempting to ban bible are others trying to attempt to ban Bhagwat gita. Sentiments of many people are attached to it so they are trying to hurt the feelings of many people. It is a holy book and every person has the right to decide what he/she wants to read .Those who are attempting this have not been able to understand its meaning or have misinterpreted it.It is based on how one should fight the battle of life. So think on it before taking such a big step.



2011-12-19 11:17

Bhagavad Gita - as it is - by Srila Prabhupad will enable mankind to have brotherly relationship irrespective of religion / caste / creed / country and to maintain & a happy & satisfied life and to attain the ultimate goal of human life...So pls don't ban it anywhere.



2011-12-19 11:18

Everyone must be encouraged to read all the scriptures and see for himself where the secrets of God hidden. Gita is oldest scriptures and the original Bible of God. But those who cannot understand the reality of these scriptures, God had given the same in the form of Bible and Koran for those who cannot understand the value of original Bible. If one read them and scrutinize all the messages, it will show the path of God is one.



2011-12-19 11:19

This is not acceptable



2011-12-19 11:20

Кали Юга друзья, Кали юга



2011-12-19 11:20

Alalanatha dasa


2011-12-19 11:21

There has not been even one case of some extremist behaviour based on Bhagavatgita as it is. Actually if all people read this book they will become normal. World is crazy nowadays, but if they will take up this teaching then the world can become normal and sane again.
But thank you for creating so big publicity for Bhagavatgita as it is. This is very good. They have no chance to win the case anyway, but even if Gita would be banned, just remember the old Soviet times, when it was banned and devotees jailed. How greatly the teaching was spreading in underground ways in Soviet union...because better to eat the forbidden fruit. But there is nothing to fear, Krishna is always victorious.....



2011-12-19 11:21

Gita is the body of supreme God in forms of words. Gita is a blessing of God to human. It teaches the high moral and character of life. Gita gives motion to every life / creature in right directio. Its like a head light, break and control panel for the humane like vehicle.



2011-12-19 11:21

Please stop being rude to Hinuism



2011-12-19 11:24

Please save holy name of Krishna, his teaching in no way are offensive to any society , ISKCON preaches to love every religion and respect it , what is our fault ??

If you say that we are brainwashed people then look at the current society , every one is brain washed by intoxication , illicit sex, meat eating and gambling

we are proudly brain washed by taking nice qualities of human behavior ,m ISKCON teaches people to stay human in the animal civilization. PLease protect Bhagvad Gita , please protect the holy name.

Rascals how can they misunderstand Bhagvad Gita, i have tears in my eyes writing this , how can some one misunderstand Bhagavd gita to be offensive to any religion

Prabhupada help us

hare krishna !!!



2011-12-19 11:24

no one has right band BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS.
its lords words..........are we challing lord?



2011-12-19 11:24

Please save our holy bhagvad gita



2011-12-19 11:24

Бхагават-Гита - это духовное произведение, достояние культуры



2011-12-19 11:24

Bhagwad Gita is a very sacred book.



2011-12-19 11:25

insulting others religion and their sentiments is not a decent behavior.everyone has to respect others feelings and not to disturb the peace and harmony



2011-12-19 11:25

Please don,t ban this holiest scripture. This is the best guide of human civilization.



2011-12-19 11:25

Jay Srila Prabhupad



2011-12-19 11:26

Bhagavat Gita is a text that transcends religions..It is not just about Hinduism. It's message is about "Dharma" which in fact resonates with the messages of most of the world religions today.



2011-12-19 11:26

Let us exhibit our love for God by all his scriptures. Why is the difference there between Gita or the Bible ?? It is only because you are christian and I am Hindu. Once we remove this difference we become the real same children of one God. The difference of hatred lies in our heart not in the scriptures. Original Bible or the Vedas said ban those scriptures that make a person sinful. Gita has never made anybody sinful but has risen one from the sinful life. Our Gita is against illicit sex, drinking alcohol, meat eating and gambling. But many other scriptures encourage these activities, therefore they find Gita is against such way of living or find it uncommon to propagate these activities to people. Those who are fond of such way of living do not want the teachings of Lord Krsna to be spread.



2011-12-19 11:28

Tolerance is the MOST IMPORTANT teaching of the Gita, how ironic to BAN it!!!



2011-12-19 11:28

This clearly indicates the less intelligence of the degraded Russian politicians...

Hare Krsna....



2011-12-19 11:28

Bhagwad Gita is not just book it is a full information about our lives. it teaches us how to become a good person and be gentle and good citizen