Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 12:02

It is an ancient words of knowledge handed by supreme lord to human beings. Either take it or leave it, don't ban it.



2011-12-19 12:02

'Bhagavad Gita As it is' gives us knowledge about our real identity. Just like if somebody is madman and he is getting treatment from doctor. Then doctor will tell him who he is and how he should act. should we ban this act of doctor? No. Every one say he is doing nice job. because noen wants to talk with crazy or madman. everyone wants him to be treated by someone. In the same this 'Bhagvad Gita As it is' gives us knowledge about our real identity. So instade of baning it, it should be awarded for its nobel act.



2011-12-19 12:03

Indian culture is neverbeen Fascist, and Bhagvad Gita is for betterment of all humanbeing.



2011-12-19 12:03

The religious book like GITA must be allowed everywhere in this World to learn the truth of life.It does not spread extremism it spread sprituality.



2011-12-19 12:04

Banning commandments from Lord is nothing but falling into W(H)ELL during night eventhough you spotted same W(H)ELL during light.
There is no LOSS to GEETA if you BAN, LOSS is to YOU that you lose MERCY of ALMIGHTY for NOTHING



2011-12-19 12:04

I had a very good image of Russia in my mind.Hinduism is not a religion but it is a philosophy on how to live our lives.This can be strongly seen in our lifestyles.
We accept people as they are, we respect people independence, we respect people thoughts, and we believe in the brotherhood, this is what we belive in and this is what we practise in our lives.
Geeta - direct words by Lord Krishna - teaches about the same things.It is not on any specific caste,gender or anything like that, I feel myself very small when I say something about "Gita" .
Gita is for all.



2011-12-19 12:04

It might be affecting people to go on extreme but it not guiding ppl to do something wrong or unlawful.......if anything is required to ban that is Alchohal.tobbacco etc.hope Rusian will take this decisions back.,but they have right to make choices



2011-12-19 12:04

All the Best...!!! "Satyamevajayathe" Because Srimadbagavadgeetha is True.



2011-12-19 12:04

Where thses people will go after death ? Krishna save them.



2011-12-19 12:04

What the heavens this world has come to??? To ban the holiest of books....shame on them!



2011-12-19 12:05

Gita is a very peaceful litreture. Not expected this from a nation which has been friend of India.



2011-12-19 12:05

We will fight this war for DHARMA.



2011-12-19 12:06

it's a holy novel of india,and have world's best philosphy to live.



2011-12-19 12:06

B/Gita is as though an empire speaks to us.Nothing smallor unworthy.The voice of the old intelligencewhich in another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same questions that exercise us.Hare Krishna. Harichandradas.



2011-12-19 12:06

stop to ban



2011-12-19 12:06

The Bhagvat Gita is a crux of all scriptures of all religions. Therefore, it is useful for all religions and all countries.



2011-12-19 12:07

AC Bhaktivedant Prabhupadji never broke any state law and instructed his disciple also to do the same. He instructed to follow the state law first.



2011-12-19 12:08

This is act of ADHARMA



2011-12-19 12:08

pls stop



2011-12-19 12:09

In Bhagvad Gita Supreme personality of GODHEAD speaking to you directly. How can God himself will be wrong



2011-12-19 12:09

Hi, It is unacceptable that the city of Tomsk is attempting to ban the Bhagavad-gita-a well known scripture revered by 100s of millions of people on the planet. This is an evidence of crass illiteracy of whoever is the prosecutor. That he has never heard of this special holy book. Those individuals pushing this ban should be aware of the irreparable damage this will do to the image of Russia globally.



2011-12-19 12:10

Its a matter of shame, as one of the worlds most secular religion, who teaches toleration and humanity not only for human but for whole living thing, has been charged for extremism.



2011-12-19 12:10

Before giving any judgement they should read and understand what is the message of Bhagvad Gita As it is



2011-12-19 12:11

Problem is U R not eligiable to understand it, thats why ask for BAN.



2011-12-19 12:12

Bhagvad Gita has changed lives of millions of people.