Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita.
Guest |
#40512011-12-19 12:23Bhagwat Gita is not a extremist religious book but its a worldly acknowledged spiritual book. |
![]() Anonymous |
#40522011-12-19 12:25This whole creation is kingdom of god & to make it godless is impossible, therefore trying to ban god or his instructions (Bhagavad Gita or the holy scriptures) out of his creation is simply foolishness. |
Guest |
#40532011-12-19 12:25So many Acharyas have devoted their life to preach Bhagvad gita, to make others life beautiful.there are thousands of people who have dedicated their life for the propogation of this transcdental knowledge, just for the betterment of mankind and not for any material benifit. |
Thor |
#40552011-12-19 12:28Давайте обратимся к йудеиским писаниям которые не считаются экстремистскими. - Если еврей испытывает искушение совершить зло, то он должен пойти в тот город, где его никто не знает, и совершить зло там. (Моэд Каштан 17а) - То, что еврей получает воровством от кьютина (нееврея), он может сохранить. (Санхедрин 57а) - Все дети неевреев — животные. (Йевамот 98а) - Неевреи предпочитают заниматься сексом с коровами. (Абодах Зарах 22а-22в) - Лучший из гоев достоин смерти. (Абода зара, 26, в Тосафот) - Язычник (т.е. нееврей), который сует нос в Тору (и другие еврейские священные писания) осуждается на смерть. Поскольку, как написано, это наше наследство, а не их. (Санхедрин 59а) -Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "Разрешается убивать обличителей евреев везде. Разрешается убивать их даже до того как они начали обличать." -Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "Вся собственность других наций принадлежит еврейской нации, которая таким образом имеет право пользоваться всем без стеснения." -Tosefta Aboda Zara VIII, 5: "Как определить слово грабёж? Гою запрещено воровать, грабить, брать женщин и рабов у гоя или еврея. Но еврею не запрещено делать всё это по отношению к гою." -Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "Бог дал евреям власть над имуществом и кровью всех наций." -Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: "Еврею запрещено пить вино из бокала к которому прикасался гой, потому что его прикосновение могло сделать вино нечистым." -Baba Necia 114,6: "Евреи - человеческие существа, а другие нации мира не люди но звери." -Yebhamoth 11b: "Сексуальные сношения с девочкой разрешены если девочке есть 3 года." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! В Бхагавадгите есть что то подобное, хотя бы близко ?? |
Guest |
#40562011-12-19 12:28This is absolutely undesirable. This holistic books like this cannot be banned any where in the world. If this is banned then it will start a trend in the world and I may be the first to file petition to ban the Bible. So I request from the bottom of my heart that this should not happen at all. |
jmohini Guest |
#40572011-12-19 12:29Bhagavat Gita, Song of God contains exclusive instructions for human evolution. Human civilization cannot prosper or be sustained if humans don't evolve. A civilized human society cannot think of banning any sacred literature which includes Bhagavat Gita. God save such a society which thinks of banning Bhagavat Gita. |
Guest |
#40592011-12-19 12:30позор! ФСБ показывет свое истинное лицо! Как Путин, бывший фсбешник, еще имеет наглость смотреть в лицо народа и говорить возвышенные слова |
Guest |
#40612011-12-19 12:33please vote for this petition. this is bvery important to protect our culture and the teachings of lord krishna. |
#4062 Why ban Bhagwad Gita?2011-12-19 12:33On what basis have you called Bhagwad Gita 'Extremist' literature? Does the Russian University/ Government have the knowledge and expertise to interpret the sacred sanskrit text present in the Gita without referring to any interpretation? If yes, then they should do it first and see what Gita says. If no, then based on some interpretation, you cannot call Bhagwad Gita extremist literature. The war in Gita was fought for the victory of good against evil and not for making money out of killing innocent civilians ( like the countries do today!) The Lord does not say fight the war for your pleasure, but He says fight the war dutifully to uphold the good. We do that in our daily lives....kill the bad in us and uphold the good....war does not necessarily mean the one on the battlefield...it means every war/struggle a person faces in life. DO NOT BAN THE GITA ! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT KNOWLEDGE TO UNDERSTAND IT IN FIRST PLACE! |
Guest |
#40642011-12-19 12:34The Bhagwad Gita is essential to read. If one believes, it helps in every aspect of life. |
hk |
#4065 bhagwad gita...2011-12-19 12:35...d blind..d deaf...n...d dumb.....evn if they r shown light.... they can't see.. they can't listen.. n they can't speak.... ... .......... unless they wish n will 2 do so |
Guest |
#40672011-12-19 12:36Любовь сильней всего! Пусть невежество этих духовных осликов станет сильнейшей любовью к Кришне! )) |
Guest |
#40682011-12-19 12:38The Bhagvad Gita is essential to read. if one believes, it helps in every aspect of life. |
Guest |
#40692011-12-19 12:38I strongly condemn measures taken by siberian court to ban bhagavad gita.This will cause a huge revolution not only in russia but also in many parts of the world. |
jmohini |
#40712011-12-19 12:39Bhagavat Gita, Song of God contains exclusive instructions for human evolution. Human civilization cannot prosper or be sustained if humans don't evolve. A civilized human society cannot think of banning any sacred literature which includes Bhagavat Gita. God save such a society which thinks of banning Bhagavat Gita. |
Guest |
#40732011-12-19 12:40Perform your duties with dedication and detachment without expecting any rewards. Know the distinction between right and wrong. These are the basic tenets of the Gita |
You better know this |
#40742011-12-19 12:43Compare the no. of people in Russia that read Gita to the no. of people who have alcohol, visit brothels, have participated in wars, have guns, watch porn on internet, molested kids and women, eat the meat of animals killed heniously for pleasure of their taste buds.........You will know what to ban! Banning one innocent holy scripture wont undo the defects of human existance...if you think so. |
Guest |
#40752011-12-19 12:43It is Holy Book of Mankind, it teaches the way of life. IT should not be banned |
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