Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6607

2011-12-22 16:43

Sects / "the International society of consciousness of Krishna"

Having read Krishna books, Kemerov citizen has chopped off heads to the daughters

The inhabitant of village Coastal the Kemerovo region, fond of reading кришнаитских books, in Easter седмицу has chopped off heads to two daughters and has wounded the wife.

As the head of Novosibirsk branch "the Center религиоведческих researches" archpriest Alexander Novopashin has informed Agency of national news, the native father has cut an axe of two daughters of 13 and 11 years, Tatyana and Margarita and has wounded the wife. From conversation with mother of girls it became known that her husband, the father of killed children, Nikolay Rodikov, from the middle of 90th years so was fond of the doctrine about Krishna that starved for 50 days, without accepting food "for the sake of Krishna".

In some years, being the successful farmer, having the house, the earth, a tractor, cattle, Rodikov has burnt property, as he said, having brought it in a victim to Krishna, having allowed to take out nothing, than has doomed a family to poverty. After that it has been surveyed at the psychiatrist and has been recognised by mentally healthy.

For the murderer frequent words were characteristic: "In me there lives Krishna!". Nikolay very much loved children, the wife never "a finger touched". Within a month previous murder, the father with new force was fond of reading of books. In the night from 25 for April, 26th Nikolay Rodikov has left to spend the night separately from a family in a bath. Early in the morning has entered into the house, has killed an axe of girls, having beheaded them, and has wounded the wife. The arrived militia has found Nikolay with blood-stained hands, to someone praying.

Alexander Novopashin has noticed that recently law enforcement bodies of Novosibirsk have fixed the fact of threats to orthodox priest Andrey Romashko with whom local кришнаиты have promised to finish even more refined, than it was in Tuva with celibate priest Grigory Jakovlevym when called кришнаитом the criminal cut off to it a head.

According to an archpriest, the measure of the "peaceful" doctrine кришнаитов eloquently is opened also by recent incident in the Moscow underground when professor A.L.Dvorkin became a victim of aggression кришнаита Sergey Kosenko (тридцатитрехлетнего the citizen of Moldova, without documents and without a certain residence), trading without the permission кришнаитской the literature at station "Kuznetsk bridge", known религиовед.

The attacked has been detained, in militia corresponding documents are made, physicians make survey of the victim and the document on character put to it the sectarian of physical injuries is made.

ANNAS - 5/17/2006.