Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


/ #6613

2011-12-22 16:51

The Hare-Krishna doctrine has demonic character

Known Petersburg priest Alex Moroz has commented on the actions which have taken place in the Russian regions кришнаитов …

"Society" Consciousness of Krishna "represents the modernised variant индуизма which inherently is демононаправленной religion in view of that it is free or is not free, the person by means of offered индуизмом an expert adjoins to the world of the fallen spirits. Besides кришнаиты the various modern psychotechnicians leading to deep internal defeats of the human person" use, – the known Petersburg priest, the head Diocesan has declared in interview to "Russian line" "Revival" is out-patient-consultation centre, the candidate of pedagogical sciences иерей Alex Moroz, making comments on the information on the mass action which has passed in the Saratov region "International society of consciousness of Krishna".

As it is informed in the statement of the press-service of the Saratov diocese, on September, 12th in the regional centre there has passed the mass action of this pseudo-religious organisation which is classified by modern religious studies as totalitarian destructive sect. By organizers of sectarian action have been planned "the dramatized procession with a chariot", "a free entertainment royal sweets", musical show "Mantra-fate-dans". The action passed in frameworks "Days of the Indian culture in Saratov", as "Festival of Vedic culture". Thus organizers of action, have naturally held back the ceremonial party of the "holiday" including ritual singing of mantras, taste идоложертвенной food and performance кришнаитского the preacher. Especially offensive for orthodox believers was also that the action кришнаитов took place in day of memory sacred благоверного prince Alexander Nevsky in Park "are sticky" – in immediate proximity from a place where was destroyed богоборцами the Saratov cathedral Aleksandro-Neva cathedral, – informs a diocesan site. Celebrating of "Radha-jatry" – one of the main celebrations кришнаитов, also has passed "within the limits of a year of Russia in India" and in other regions, in particular, in Primorski Krai.

As father Alex Moroz has explained РЛ, mantras кришнаитов are turned to demons which sectarians call "gods" and consequences such "молебствий" are obvious." The main mantra "Hari Krishna" which they constantly repeat, represents ритмологический an appeal to the world of the fallen spirits, whence демонологический the agent, standing up for a name "Krishna", responds and influences the adherents. As Krishna in one of transfers means a name "black", and "mugs" – "good fortune" or "gift" leaves that adherents of sect some thousand times a day call "black good fortune","black gift". It is obvious that as a result of such action their consciousness мутируется and opens for influence of powers of darkness. At constant repetition of a mantra the person enters into this rhythmics, all its body is adjusted on this rhythm, it starts to vibrate and opens for a source of this vibration. And after all behind each mantra there is a demon. It is known that one of the most ancient mantras – "аум" which Buddhists and кришнаиты use also, is a mantra of the Satan ", – the orthodox pastor has told.

"As a result, – the priest has added, – the person it becomes simple the patient. All event he perceives at an angle doctrines of the sect, naturally, its people, and our Native land any more its Native land escape from the native environment and Russian people for such sectarian any more. All that is here, for it there is alien, and that is close to it is in the homeland of Krishna, i.e. in India. They are the people who completely have dropped out of a context of Russian culture, working on its decomposition and destruction and finally разрушающе operating on our people, on our outlook and on our country".

Thus father Alex has underlined that movement of Krishna is criticised and in the India, where its followers much less, than in Russia and the countries of Europe. "Hindus consider that it is the deformed version of their religion which can harm more likely, than advantage. I.e. this doctrine there is not accepted and does not admit. And use modern the psychotechnician allows to carry this movement to totalitarian sects which change consciousness, spirit of the person, do by its slave to sect", – the priest marks.

"This sect, certainly, is dangerous both to the separate person, and for all country, therefore it is necessary for it to render counteraction. It is just necessary to explain to people that our Native land of more 1000 is the Christian country, all our ancestors were orthodox, and, receding from belief of fathers, – we betray them, our Native land, our culture, we become traitors and destroyers. We are obliged to tell about demonic character кришнаитского doctrines, about its negative influence on mentality. It dooms the followers to death, therefore any participation in this movement is the extremely harmful, both for the person, and for a society as a whole", – Alex Moroz has concluded иерей.

Russian line – 9/15/2008.