Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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/ #80472012-04-17 21:53Translation from Russian into English Based оп соurt records in relation to the "Bhagavad-Gita'' iп Tomsk In the Leninsky district court of the city of Tomsk the federal judge Galina Butenko considers tAhse Icta Isse" iwnirtiitatteend ЬЬуу Аt.hСe. sBtahtea kptrivoesdeacunttoa r Sinw aTmomi sPkra fbohru rpeacdoag n1iрziunЬgГ istпhеed bЬoуo kth 'e'B Bhhaagkatvivaedd-aGnittaa Book Trust) to Ье ап extremist material. The prosecutor stated in the affidavit: "Ассоrdiпg to the report of Тоmsk State (Jпiчеrsiф's rceolmigpioreuhse Пhasitvree de, xapbeurts eе хoаf mhiuпmаtаiопп diсgопmiфm isоsпiо tПh ea ib aoifb 2 o5f/ 1g0e/п2d0e1r0, irharcrec, sпiаgtпiоs пoаfl iфiп,s tliаgпаgtiuоапg еo, f origiп, religioп iп the teпets of the religious betief as ехрtоцц4"4 iп the book. pRrеaсbоhguпpitaiоdпa otof tЬhеe ebxotorekm "iBsth aisg aпyеaеdd-еGdi ttao рArsе vIеtп Its "iп'wstriigttaetiпo пЬ уo Дf s,Сoc iBahl asktrtiiyfee doarп ctali scSowrda,m аiпd its further spread. Mass distributioп of this book аmопg ап uпrestricted пumЬеr of people mау lead to the iпstigаtiоп of social hatred or discord, апd its further ехtепsiоп also violates the prohibitioп of the extremist activiф uпdеr the сurrепt laws of the Russiaп Fеdеrаtiоп. Based оп the аЬоvе, Ьеiпg guided Ьу the Articles 45, Part 2, Art. 2б2 of the Ciyil Procedural Code of the Russiап Federatioп, Articles 27, 35 of the Federal Law ''оп the Prosecutor's Office of the Russiап Fеdеrаtiоп'' I KINDLY дSК to; PLr aRbehcuopgaпdizae ttoh eЬ еb oeoxtkr e"mBhisat.gavad-Gita As It Is" writteп Ьу Д.С. Вhаktiчеdапtа Swami J2u sDtiecleiy etor itпhсel uсdоер уt hoef аthьeо vjuе dbicoioakl iyпetоrd tichte fteo dteher bfle dhestr aolf еeхxеtrсeumtiчisеt а*u,othjrоrriiiФtr .iп the field of 3, Notifu the Tomsk prosecutor of the datb апd time of the claim сопsidеrаtiоп. прOфq({и*нfiJ.lьньD{ пер8вOдсвD The Prosecutor explained his statement, in particular, Ьу the following First, the Vedas апd the соrrеsропdiпg age are уоuпgеr thап assumed iп the Вrаhmапiсаl traditioп. Моdеrп scieпtific datiпg of the Vedas refers to ХХ-ХТПI сепturiеs ВС. Sесопdlу, the Krishпa's сult iп the Vedic era сап Ье attributed tofraud, because по Кrishпа dеiф's паmеfоuпd iп the Vedas. Thirdly, Krishпaism dепiеs the iпviоlаЬlе life рriпсiрlе established Ьу the Vedas апd developed withiп Нiпduism - Vаrпаshrаmа, or the system of vаrпаs, iпvоlviпg dерепdепсе of religious rights апd duties of the mап оп his birth iп а particular Vаrпа. Prabhupada always tried to show апd prove compatibility of Krishпaism апd Сhristiапiф, but these attempts haye поt lead to апу "ecumeпical" result, siпсе the iпcompatibility Ьеtwееп the Christology апd Krishпaism оп mапу key priпciples is obyious. Krishпaism represeпts the world as Krishпa's pastime (Lila). Krishпa is everythiпg, Therefore eYil has the Dеiф as its source. Diуiпе eyil is поt eyil апу mоrе. Eyil becomes а relative сопсерt: we take sеmЬlапсе for rеаliф, what we thiпk to Ье eyil is iп reality поthiпg else but the same dеiф. Еvil iп its real mапifеstаtiоп is krishпa. The christiaп yiew iп this case is iпсоmраtiЬlе with that of the Krishпafollowers. KrishПa is persoпified iп the Ьеliф of MOSK (ISKCON, traпslator'sfootпote) as the dеiф of death апd destructioп: "Дmопg those who rепdеr justice I аm Yаmа, the Lord of death "("Bhagavad-Gita as it is", chapter l0, text 29). "I аm the аll-сопsumiпg death ..." (ibid., text 34). Such idепtфсаtiоп of God with death is uпimаgiпаЬlе апd uпthiпkаЬlе iп the biblical f;fs 7 ttlieнTpЧ \, l; .] { проф*i;о,ffltальньifi } i 1,?\ }*р.оýOдOр} /ý ч" the opposite of the God ("God's Мопkеу"), always hostile to the world а The word 'fool" iп the sепsе of "stupid mап" reflects the reality пegatively perceived Ьу the public сопsсiоusпеss. This word апd other words with пеgаtiуе semaпtics deriyed from the same root with words as well as their sупопуms ("igпоrапt", etc.) that characterize those who are поt gепuiпе, true folloluers of Кrishпа, that is, represeпtatives of other Ьrапсhеs of the same religioп, people of other religioпs or atheists are also fоuпd iп the followiпg coпtexts: "Iп this age of Kali most people are too stupid апd igпоrапt to Ье able to uпdеrstапd the philosophy of Vеdапtа (BG 2:46, р. 136). (stupid, igпоrапt, to Ье able to uпdеrstапd) "Those who repudiate Му iпstruсtiоп because of malice апd епчу are deпied all kпowledge, hopelessly stupid, апd all their attempts to achieve рефсtiоп are doomed to fail" (BG 3.32). (repudiate, dепiеd, stupid, doomed) "Д fool апd ап igпoramus does поt uпdеrstапd that the Supersoul, while iп his heart, directs all its actioпs" (BG 1В:]б, р. 73а). (does поt uпderstaпd) The iпfеriоriф of those who are поt followers of Кrishпа is declared: they are stupid mеп апd iпferior mеп. "Similarly, the sacred duф of а Kshatriya is to fight, апd he must execute it, еvеп if he has to fightwithfrieпds or relatiyes." (BG 2:15, р. 99). There is а callfor уiоlепt асtiоп - the battle with епеmiеs. The lexemes "песеssаrу" апd "should" сопtаiп iпсепtivе semaпtics апd соmЬiпе gепrе features of advise, appeal, rесоmmепdаtiоп, guidапсе, directiye, Iп these сопtехts апу of these mеапiпgs сап Ье sееп, iп particular, the mеапiпg of "calliпg Ltроп". The defending lawyer in his speech pointed out the noncompliance of the prosecutor's accusation with the provisions of the Constitution and the international law, there was а failure to prove their claims the prosecutor for the recognition of the book to Ье "the extremist material". The Court was presented with the speech of the ex-Prime Minister of India АВ Vajpayee's speech at the opening of the cultural center "Glory of India" in Delhi, where the Prime Minister praised ISKCON and "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" translated and commented Ьу the Society's founder Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In addition, during the court proceedings, different opinions of scholars from around the world with positive respons9r-.tflgbЦ@Rlation were attached to the case materials. }.оý|.:/,У -" " \,4\\б\\ rзр*фе{ilнmfiаJ,Iьfrь!х m*$iеýýдФвý V.N. Svistunov being questioned in the court as ап expert, stated that he does not support the conclusion of the philosophical part of the expert assessment that the Prabhupada's statements indicate sectarian orientation of his philosophy, including intolerance of other religions, the idea of chosenness, denigration of апу other form of social and religious commitment. In his opinion, there аrе no extremist statements in "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is", it only contains polemical statements. During the court proceedings expert S.S. Avanesov testified that he had not directly participated in the study of the book in question "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" and answered по questions asked of experts. His function was to edit and assess the quality of conclusions. According to the expert's opinion, the reasoning and structuring of the text were performed satisfactorily, with references to the source, in а scholarly style. Не has no objections to the findings of scholars V.N. Svistunov and V.G. Naumov. Не confirmed that the idea of chosenness and exclusiveness of followers of this denomination occurs throughout the text of the commentary, in some cases quite rigidly, and that there are рrеtф strong statements that mау Ье perceived as insulting. In this case, everything depends on perception. According to the testimony of expert V.G. Naumov, the text studied Ьу him contains statements in the form of assertions in which there is negative information, and information of hostile, derogatory, defamatory nature. In the study he used contextual analysis, while he did not investigate everything assooiated with the interpretation of the text, with its conceptual apparatus, with clarification of the meaning of individual words, phrases, since such studies fall under the title of psycholinguistics. At the same time, during the court proceedings, in accordance with Art. 56 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation the interested persons presented the expert opinion of S.I. Ivanenko on scholarly level of the assessment of Tomsk State University's comprehensive expert examination commission of 25.10.2010, in which he states that the assessment of 25.10.2010 is of а паrrоw linguistic nature, it does not meet the level of modern scholarly analysis of religious studies. Experts substitute the analysis of "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" with subjective assessments of the International Society for KTishna Consciousness. According to S.I. Ivanenko's findings, "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" does not contain information of hostile, humiliating, insulting nature in relation to persons of any nationality, ethnicity, social and religious groups. The book does not contain any condemnation of other forms of religious practice, as well as апу specific religions. It is recognized that апу authoritative religion seeks to worship опе God, the source of а11 things. "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" does not contain апу expressions of propositional nature related to calls for hostile оr violent acts against people of а certain nationality, of one social, religious group against another, calls for Specialist E.S. Elbakyan, having assessed from the perspective of аса the ехреrt assessment of the Tomsk State University's comprehensi commission of 25.10.2010, indicated in her rероrt dated 15.08. .q{0€ ilЁffiФв$в i. }л\ \?r}* examination does not contain any analysis of religious studies and that its attempts to build а declared "contextual" analysis are of а purely "linguistic-sophistic character" and are not convincing in most cases. Specialist N.V. Serebrennikov, who was questioned during the court proceedings, explained that the book "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" does not contain anything offensive, aggressive, no call for violence, hostility. As ап expert in style and phraseology, he pointed out that it is impossible to judge the meanings of words and their perception within this text in isolation from the context. Explanations Ьу а specialist N.N. Karpitsky maintain that the book "Bhagavad-Gita As It Is" does not contain any negative information, апу information of hostile, humiliating, insulting nature in relation to persons of any nationality, ethnic, social, religious group, i.e., does not contain any elements of extremism. The court was presented with the conclusions of а number of Moscow scholars in religious studies, which categorically denied any extremist ideas in the book. After listening to the parties, the соurt, rrpon the prosecutor's request commissioned а judicial comprehensive psychological, theological and linguistic expert examination which shall Ье performed Ьу the Кеmеrочо State University's experts. In connection with the appointment of the expert examination, the соurt proceedings оп this matter are suspended until December 1, 201 1. Address: Moscow, Р1. TverskayaZastava bld.3, office |5217 Т е|: +7 (495) 649-6 8- 89, +7 (499)7 04-1 5 -49 fi рs* g{tl,,iff нýJ,ihжь!х fтgрgýфдýý}} http://gita-tomsk.ru/sites/default/files/BG%20Court%20ENG.pdf |
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