We love our new beach in Seaford

Quoted post


#31 Voice of Reason

2014-02-17 09:51

The level of ignorance in participating in this petition is astounding.

It's akin to listening to a coach load of excited school children who have stepped on to a sandy beach for the first time. Thankfully the majority of locals (who have an IQ above the average sand castle) will have concerns at the damage and will lobby the council to see the beach repaired and the seafront protected against further adverse weather.

Let's just wait for the first dog / child / adult to take a tumble off the promenade on to the beach and see how quick everyone is to blame the council for the beach being made unsafe. Or the homeowners opposite when their homes flood.

As for the people who are insisting what's left of Seaford beach is better because it can 'be used again properly' I suggest you take a walk down the seafront on a hot summers day or better still try and get a parking space down there. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of people who manage to use it properly.



#41 Re: Voice of Reason

2014-02-17 17:29:03

#31: - Voice of Reason

Well said ,


Has anyone had a look at the damage to the last piece of the promenade ,The bit past the terminal groin , It has been severly damaged and the council engineer said it will be fenced off due to public safety concerns , That is exactly what would happen to the sea wall all along the foreshore if it wasnt protected by the pebbles