Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Quoted post



2014-04-24 18:23

If all of you blasphemous people knew of these heinous crimes and behaviors of the Bloomfield Police Department before now, why wouldn't you have found a way to report them to the community? Or started a petition? People with morals stand up for what they believe in and DO something about it. They do not react to the actions of others by after-the-fact referencing ill will in a blog! Fearful for your fellow citizens? Maybe, but incapable or unwilling to SPEAK up until someone else says something first. Since all of you righteous do-gooders are out to save an "innocent" officer and knew of alleged corruption, but did NOTHING about it, what have you to say for yourselves? Mr. Calder was willing to do what he thought was right immediately. I haven't seen a reference of a police investigation report for derogatory comments, spousal abuse, or the like. Keep following sheep...


Maybe, just maybe

#105 Re:

2014-04-24 18:44:39

#103: Logical -

Maybe, just maybe this was all brought to the attention of Human Resources and the City Manager. This would be the way a governmental system should work. Using the avenues to bring concerns and problems to the attention of the City Government. But maybe, just maybe the managers of the city decided not to act on the information and decided to look the other way. Even after previous employees sued the city over just such incidents. This would be something to look into. Just saying