Justice For Jacob

Quoted post



2015-07-22 02:17

Get justice for Jacob. Commit this kind of crime do adult time. Criminals need to realize that the community is tired of the gun violence in this town. People shouldn't have to be afraid to leave their homes. What gives anyone the right to think they can murder someone to get something they want. Where were his parents? Where did he get the gun? These people are the "responsible" people in this kids life?  They are just as responsible as the killer himself. If he is tried as a minor what kind of message are we sending the 'future of our world'. We're basically telling them to forget working hard and to forget about respecting others. We're telling them that you can do whatever you want to get whatever you want because you'll only go into the juvenile system until 21 at most. 



#406 Re:

2015-07-24 20:51:20

#121: -  

 The more I think about this crime the more irate I become. I am so tired of people pulling the race card. His mother's speech was as fake as fake can be. There was no sympathy or empathy at all for what her wanna be gangster son did. I honestly wish our state had the death penalty instead of the tax payers footing the bill for his family reunion. On one of his Facebook pictures he is shown sitting with his homies flashing a wad of cash. I'm quite sure at 14 he didn't come by that kind of money legally. He could have used that money to by quite a few bikes instead of a gun. This little bro needs to pull up his pants. The kid is going to learn the real reason as to why people wear their pants below their butts and it's not because it's 'cool'. He'll be someone's bitch if he doesn't. Jacob rest in peace and my sympathies to his family and friends. He was a fine example of what a young man can do with his life if they are raised in a decent family. Not slinging crack on the street corner at the age of 14 because no one in their life cares about them. This is prime example of reverse racism. Fry the monster.