Petition to Fedeen from the EK players

Quoted post



2015-11-30 01:56

I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game in the almost 3 years I have been playing. The only thing I have ever really asked for is a better and solid way of communication. Expecially for kingdom war. Most of the time chat doesn't work. The pm system in kw doesn't work the way it does in wc. Ie you can see clan and pm's in different colors, but in kw you have to jump in between to see, and doing such usually causes chat to break. EW is a joke for all clans and people who are not high levels....if they were trying to make something for the higher ups to do, then there should be a clan level limit or something..or even anonce it is ment for higher level people...but having people waist there gems to end up falling extremely short is not cool. Honestly I have mostly moved on to another game, and I'm trying my hardest to bring the family of people I have gained for ek to this new game. HELLO EK THAT SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING! What it says is we love you but if u won't love yourself, and work to fix the things in your life, we have no choice but to let you go.



#21 Re:

2015-11-30 18:52:36

#10: -  

 Thats nice. 3 years.... If the game exists 2 years and 2.5 months