Petition to Fedeen from the EK players
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Petition to Fedeen from the EK players.
Guest |
#12015-11-29 22:19Because the state of EK keeps getting worse with no improvement in sight. I still love this game (particularly the players i know) and want to see it become fun again. Thanks for listening. |
Guest |
#22015-11-29 22:55I dont feel like fedeen has been making the game very fun lately their focus hasnt been on fun events its been on releasing a bunch of random cards and bad events. Elemental wars had no gems as a final give away and various other bad things. 13 clans finished out of many. |
Guest |
#32015-11-29 22:58I signed because I love the game and recently it seems as though they don't care about the players at all. |
Guest |
#42015-11-29 23:36Essa petição pode ser um avanço no jogo, pois os eventos são desanimadores. Espero que seja realizado bons eventos o mais rápido possível, dasanimei um tempo atrás pela falta de criatividade do EK, voltei a jogar na esperança de melhoras. Boa sorte toda equipe EK, espero que nos proporcione mais diversão. |
![]() Anonymous |
#52015-11-30 00:20Dear Fedeen, we the players, are pretty fed up of your poor rewards and nonsensical decisions. Not only are your terrible decisions making the game worse, but you're costing your company money. What we want is more clarity in events and the month of events planned out on Facebook, so that we know what to expect. Let's talk about recent decisions, why they were bad and how they could have been better. World Tree... Both of the reward cards are truly terrible rewards, every one has dozens of those cards spare, no one needs the rewards, so no one will really be gemming World Tree. The players and Fedeen both lose. Give us desirable rewards, we'll give you gems. The Thief event... These are just terrible in general and a waste of gems because getting the one desirable card is almost impossible. Either ditch Thief events, make it clan based or give us a good main card, so it makes the chase for the special card, worthwhile. Angra Mainyu... You released the fodder for Angra Mainyu before any one knew it was the fodder, not only did this punish the players, but it lost you a lot of money. This was a mess up of epic proportions. If you had let people know Skydweller was the fodder beforehand or ideally, released the Skydweller packs after the Arena Event ended, you would have made a hell of a lot of money and the player base would have been much happier. Moving forward, you need to get out of this crazy mindset of this event doesn't make much, let's give them bad rewards. Maybe if you gave us good rewards, you would make much more. We're stuck in a vicious cycle of you give us poor cards, we give you no gems, you give us poor cards, we give you no gems... So on and so forth. Only you can break this cycle. Give us value for money, give us something we desire and we will give you our hard earned money. The way you're going, it's like you're trying to kill the game because your decisions aren't logical and don't benefit you or us. The server problems that are currently still ongoing need to be fixed and fixed fast. The game is very unstable compared to a month ago and the issues that happened on Destiny need to be learned from so that can never happen again. People are leaving in droves through all the server issues, the cheating and terrible decisions and Fedeen look like they're in panic mode and don't know how to handle the situation so we propose that you have some kind of week long holiday event that's fun with good rewards to try and lift this cloud of gloom that is hanging over all of us and to make us think positively about the game again. Hopefully this brings back the players that recently quit, so the sooner the better really. Please sign this petition with your in-game name, clan and server. |
Guest |
#62015-11-30 00:32Because fedeen has done nothing to help me when my acct was screw up. They promised to compensate me then later said they was going to take my rewards back, and I didn't receive anything. |
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#92015-11-30 01:21Also better compensation for the destiny server for what they they have gone through. Also ek took away rewards from f2p on the updated compensation. WRONG MOVE |
Guest |
#102015-11-30 01:56I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game in the almost 3 years I have been playing. The only thing I have ever really asked for is a better and solid way of communication. Expecially for kingdom war. Most of the time chat doesn't work. The pm system in kw doesn't work the way it does in wc. Ie you can see clan and pm's in different colors, but in kw you have to jump in between to see, and doing such usually causes chat to break. EW is a joke for all clans and people who are not high levels....if they were trying to make something for the higher ups to do, then there should be a clan level limit or something..or even anonce it is ment for higher level people...but having people waist there gems to end up falling extremely short is not cool. Honestly I have mostly moved on to another game, and I'm trying my hardest to bring the family of people I have gained for ek to this new game. HELLO EK THAT SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING! What it says is we love you but if u won't love yourself, and work to fix the things in your life, we have no choice but to let you go. |
Guest |
#132015-11-30 03:57EK is sliding a down a slippery slope. Players love the game, the game needs to return the love. Quack! |
Santorai |
#192015-11-30 12:00We all still have hope to play a more fun game, whether we are gemmers os not. It is not fair to be a player for such a long time and be disappointed the way we have been. I doappreciate the game otherwise I would not be claiming for it! |
Guest |
#202015-11-30 18:20Best Card game on the market, There are a few simple things they can do to radically improve everything. Can we get Proper Listing of Which battles you win when the enemy attack your Defense Deck PLEASE?! Win or Lose it says LOSE which is annoying as hell. |
Guest |
#21 Re:2015-11-30 18:52Thats nice. 3 years.... If the game exists 2 years and 2.5 months |
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#222015-11-30 20:35New cards are being custom built for specific events, primarily DI. It becomes all to clear when these come out that they are being released apecifically for this reason, and knowing that we will see this, will likely do whatever we can to obtain these. Those who are f2p and limited gemmers spent a long time just getting decks set up to be able to compete and level up, then 5* versions are released on top of them...what a bunch of bs. You made the first few readily available, like the butcher, malevolent dryad, and blackfire assassin. But what about the others? I understand that you are catering to the aspect of the game that is the most prevalent, but that just means you are looking at the $$ rather then what we the players want. The advent of the evolution system i feel was the beginning of the end in a way. There were already to few ways to get 5* cards without a ton of luck and a ton of time, or a ton of gems. Now we're expected to sacrifice those hard earned cards to make one card better. Things worked initially because everyone who had played for awhile had cards stocked up...but any new card that came out...only the top spenders were able to take advantage. Its my belief that any format that utilizes an evolution system needs a trade/gift system so that players who miss out on a card or didnt have enough gems to aquire enough to fully evo one, have an outlet to barter with another player within the game to get what they need, and possibly give that player something that they need as well. Its a format that works extremely well in many many games and should be seriously considered. But only AFTER the server move and AFTER you have resolved the security issues with your coding that allowed the serenity disaster. |
Guest |
#232015-11-30 23:05Very excited for you all to listen to us as a group (who truly love this game), rather than being blindsided by a few who only cared for themselves... Still hopeful for the future of this game. |
![]() Anonymous |
#242015-12-01 22:13What's funny is with all these complaints, top players still gemmed to be top 5 in EW on day 2 and 1st on day 2 for WT.
You go to he store, it doesn't have what you want. Do you randomly grab something off the shelf? Or do you leave?
Just because you have them and don't need or want them doesn't mean other players do. Know how to fix EK:
Sorry I just can sign something that is going to benefit the top players and top spenders on EK |
Guest |
#25 Re:2015-12-01 22:18Way to easy to abuse this. Players will be creating all sorts of alt accounts to get cards and trade to their main account |
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