Help ODE become complete. Need a liquor license for Martinis

     Greetings "ODE" Community,

"ODE" home of authentic Thai cuisine has been operating as of January 9, 2015.  Unfortunately "ODE" has not been able to offer full services as a restaurant and martini bar, due to opposition of an approval for a license to sell alcohol. 

Please help us show Departamento de Hacienda that "ODE":

  • Is an important business that enriches the town of Rincon with cultural variety
  • Is important to the local economy and tourism industry
  • "ODE" is a respectable business that complies with local ordinances
  • Support the sale of alcohol, including: Martinis, wine, beer, and cocktails 

Please take a moment to fill out the information and submit your support.  Let Departamento de Hacienda know, "YES....I want Martinis" 

Ronald Clayton Burnsed    Contact the author of the petition