OCADU COVID19: Temporarily Close OCADU and Postpone GradEx

This petition strives to temporarily close OCADU and postpone the 2020 GradEx 105 due to the novel coronavirus 'Covid19".

The virus, still increasing in cases and fatalities, currently sits at approximately 134,500 cases and nearly 5000 deaths.

Ontario schools have officially extended March break from March 14, 2020 to April 5, 2020 in recognition of the rapid danger and spread of the novel coronavirus. Additionally, Harvard university has officially closed to encourage students to self-quarantine as are many other education systems across the globe in hopes of reducing the spread of this new virus. Yet, Canadian/Ontario universities are still not committed to school closure.

Allowing school to be open only increases the exposure to the novel coronavirus for both staff and students of OCADU.

Furthermore, GradEx is a working portfolio and the livelihood of many OCADU graduates. The major event should, instead, be postponed rather than completely cancelled as it infringes on the success of OCADU students and the purpose of committing to thesis.

The number one priority of OCADU and all other universities should be the health and safety of staff and students attending the institution.

Catherine KunYu Zhang    Contact the author of the petition

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