Protest against Hungary's new media law

Please sign,  and if you are on FACEBOOK (fb) join also the "Initiative for a Europe-wide protest against Hungary's new media law" too. On fb express your solidarity by CHANGING YOUR PROFIL PHOTO to a blank sheet or use alternatively our suggestion, see link END OF TEXT !

"Hungary's new media law violates OSCE media freedom standards and endangers editorial independence and media pluralism, said Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, on dec.22.

"The law regulates all media content - broadcast, print and online - based on identical principles, which ...runs against OSCE standards on free media. It also gives unusually broad powers to the recently established media authority and media council, which are led exclusively by members supported by the governing party," Mijatovic said."

Therefore we, civilrights activists, would like to ask across Europe to support the Hungarian journalists in their fight for press freedom in Hungary.

TO EXPRESS YOUR SOLIDARITY, WE SUGGEST THAT YOU LEAVE YOUR PROFILE BLANK. - Alternatively use our "profile declaration", see

Thank you for your important support !