Arrest Justin Trudeau and Liberal MPs for TREASON immediately.



The Gov has totally ignored the will of the people.

(Windsor, 2018-12-17)


I agree with these charges being laid against Trudeau and All Liberal MP’s, as they are knowingly funding and supporting Terrorists and Terrorism,

(Lloydminster, 2018-12-17)


We need to keep them out of Canada

(Edmonton, 2018-12-17)


I'm signing this because if trudeau and his government people aren't stopped our lives and country will be in danger

(Lacombe , 2018-12-17)



(Québec , 2018-12-17)


Against the UN having authority over who comes to Canada. Fighting for Canadian Freedom of speech! Fighting the carbon tax. Fighting against Trudeau for bringing Isis fighters back to Canada.

(Airdrie, AB, 2018-12-17)


I feel my own government is choosing to ignore the needs of it's own people. Justin Trudeau is making big decisions without asking the people who pay the taxes in this country. The government's responsibility is to work for the people not the other way around. Justin Trudeau is corrupt and needs to be charged for Treason.

(Saint John, 2018-12-17)


Canada is a strong, proud and free country. As a patriot, it is my duty to take a stand and defend it for the sake of every true Canadian.

(Vancouver, 2018-12-17)


I survived Trud#1
Want Trud#2 GONE

(Medicine Hat, 2018-12-17)


I'm a Proud Canadian and will defend my sovereignty to death.

(Gananoque, 2018-12-17)


The people of Canada never voted for a tyrannical leader who has totally corrupted the system that my forefathers fought and died for. The people who support him are traitors without the common sense that god gave a knot in an oak tree

(whitbourne, 2018-12-17)


I totally agree that Trudeau have committed treason & high treason by his actions and as such must be arrested immediately, charged accordingly and jailed.

(Lake Country, 2018-12-17)


We need change in this country and soon

(Kamloops , 2018-12-17)


Trudeau is a treasonous traitor.

(Port Alberni, 2018-12-17)


Trudeau is a traitor!!!! Has turned his back on Canada and stealing our taxes!!!

(Kamloops , 2018-12-17)


My government has failed me as a canadian citizen and as a first nation, by handing our s border to a global agency without consulting to the canadian men and woman first. By taxing the air we breath, the water we drink and the food we eat to the point of nearing unaffordable. By hiding behind the word free while selling us out to other countries.

(Red deer, 2018-12-17)


I don’t believe our current prime minister has Canada’s best interests involved in any of his decisions and I believe he is trying to go against Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

(Edmonton, 2018-12-17)


He has ruined Canada.

(Wainwright , 2018-12-17)


I and many many Canadians against the un compact for migration.

(Minitonas , 2018-12-17)


Get rid of ISIS TERRORIST lover Justin Trudeau out of Canada!!! He should be deported to IRAN!!! With his beloved people!!!! He is the worst prime minister in Canadian history!!!

(Toronto , 2018-12-17)


He has betrayed the Canadian people

(Edso, 2018-12-17)


Trudeau and his cabinet are CRIMINALS

(Niagara falls Ontario , 2018-12-17)


Trudeau is corruption is destroying our Canada

(High prairie , 2018-12-17)


Canada needs to get rid of this guy.

(Saint Calixte, 2018-12-17)


I believe in this CAUSE

(RedDeer, 2018-12-17)


I feel canada has given away its soverignity. And there is a real threat to public safety.

(Humboldt, Saskatchewan, 2018-12-17)


I am sick of Trudeau & the Liberals giving everything to migrants & selling out Canada

(Brandon, 2018-12-17)


Je signe parce que je crois que M. Trudeau est un traître a son Pays

(Montreal, 2018-12-17)


Traitors are ruining our country. These traitors include elected politicians and non elected Judges and Bureaucrat *******s

(Medicine Hat, 2018-12-17)


I see the failures of current government and I have enough of it. As well I don't want my children to live in place Trudeau dream of changing Canada into.

(Wetaskiwin, 2018-12-17)


To take down the world bank!!!!

(Edmonton , 2018-12-17)


If anyone else broke the law they would be arrested.He is no different.

(Binbrook, 2018-12-17)


I believe Trudeau and his liberal part have committed these treasonous crimes and must be fully investigated by RCMP , immediately!

(Edmonton , 2018-12-17)


You have put a clear and present danger on all Canadians and I demand you step down. You do not represent my Canadian Values and you have let enemies not only onto our soil, but spent our taxes to do so. You have not upheld the Canadian Charter and you are an enemy to Canadian people

(Kitchener, 2018-12-17)


Justin has made a mockery of Canadians and made massive amounts of debt we have to pay mean while taking our jobs away so now we are in debt and can’t feed our children because of him

(Swan hills, 2018-12-17)


I don’t want my country destroyed!

(Strathmore, 2018-12-17)


Because every move Trudeau does is to cripple our oil economy, sell out our country to foreigners and he's doing business which terrorists , criminals and pedophiles

(Edmonton, 2018-12-17)


I dont support terrorists!

(Onoway, 2018-12-17)


I want a future for my kids

(Grande Prairie , 2018-12-17)


Justin Trudeau is a traitor.

(St. Albert, 2018-12-17)


This is treason! We need a referendum immediately.

(Regina , 2018-12-17)


I sign this to voice my concern for the safety of our home land.

(Fort St. John, 2018-12-17)



(Cardinal, 2018-12-17)


My husband works in the oil patch and we are suffering just like thousands of other families

(Grande prairie , 2018-12-17)


Justin Trudeau committed treason.

(Edmonton , 2018-12-17)


We have been sold out and betrayed. We are under attack by our own government!

(Claresholm, 2018-12-17)


This is long overdue. Prosecute to the full extent of the Law!

(Belle River, 2018-12-17)


It’s time for a change

(Tomslake , 2018-12-17)


He goes against everything we stand for in this beautiful Province of Alberta! You need to go Trudeau!!

(Blackfalds, 2018-12-17)


Justin Trudeau is in direct violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights, along with enforcing a Carbon Tax that is so absurd.

(Red Deer , 2018-12-17)


Trudeau belongs in jail for high treason!!!!

(BARRIE, 2018-12-17)


To save my country from oppressive dictatorships

(Langley, 2018-12-17)


Justin Trudeau is destroying Canada with his messed up immigration pact along with his attack on lawfull PAL holders in Canada, and his useless money grab of a carbon tax that will have a tax to be paid on top of the carbon tax, so a tax on top of a tax, he just wants to get more possible votes to keep himself in power on the backs of the citizens of this once great country.

(Pembroke, 2018-12-17)


Because he is a traitor and is doing what he wants to at the severity of tearing our sovereignty and Country in half.

(Calgary, 2018-12-17)


I am signing because as an Albertan. I have had enough of Quebec with their comments about our oil. As far as I Am concerned we no longer responsible for them financially. It is time we forbid any more equalization payments. Also well we are at it I feel Alberta should be reimbursed for previous years of payments, since Quebec feels that our “Oul Indrustry” is so dirty. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH

(Swan Hills Alberta, 2018-12-17)


We need our country back in one piece!

(Okotoks, 2018-12-17)


I agree with everything in this petition nothing more I need to add

(Ottawa, 2018-12-18)


The prime minister of my country is guilty of treason.

(Hornepayne, 2018-12-18)


I believe Justine trudeau is a traitor along with most of his cabinet.

(Fort saskatchewan, 2018-12-18)


He’s destroying my country

(Sherwood park, 2018-12-18)


I refuse to let this happen.

(Swift Current, 2018-12-18)


I can read

(Britt Ont, 2018-12-18)


This man has done more harm to Canada than anyone in history.

(Red Deer County, 2018-12-18)


He needs to go.
He's not a leader he's using canada as his own personal platform and killing this country.
I shouldn't even have to mention he's a drama teacher not fit to run a country. Can't justify money for our vets but has no problem giving it to everyone else.
Can't get pipelines built here but can in China.
Running up huge debts.
Money for his personal ski trails and swing sets and personal family vacations.
This guy is not what Canada needs.

(calgary, 2018-12-18)


against the UN policy, against Trudeau giving away our tax paid dollars to terrorists, against Trudeau and his NO ID voting policy, against Trudeau for giving our tax dollars to ISIS countries, against Trudeau and the OPEN border policy, against the freeloaders that I have to pay for with my HARD EARNED DOLLARS, Against Sharia Law, Against the removal of my free speech,

(Turner Valley, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is a lying, treasonous and divisive pos. who is trying his damndest to UN-canadianize our country. We deserve better than him and his ridiculous decisions and policies. He does NOT represent me in any way, fashion or form. He needs to go...away...and pay for his pathetic performance. Lawfully.

(Elgin, 2018-12-18)


I don't want Canada under Sharia law and let immigrants go through the proper channels. No more Muslim illegal refugees and migrants.

(Calgary, 2018-12-18)



(Cranbrook, 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is the worst Prime Minister ever, calling Isis radicals from Canada, "foreign travellers", he has denied our own Vetran's help while throwing money around to every other Country. Blindly letting migrants in to our Country is dangerous, and foolhardy.

(Calgary, 2018-12-18)


I’m signing because I love my country and Trudeau and the Liberals are destroying it

(Medicine Hat, 2018-12-18)


Him & his team needs to go in jail.

(Edmonton , 2018-12-18)


Hes destroying our country ! He has got to go!

(Saskatoon, 2018-12-18)


This loser had got to go. He is destroying Canada! Bringing in all these non Canadians that expect money!! Help our homeless, our veterans, and our children and seniors first. He is the dumbest human being I have ever seen.

(Prince George, 2018-12-18)


I never voted for the United Nations to run the immigration of my country and to open my borders I never elected as prime minister to give all our money away and tax us to death and treat us like we're a burden that we have no core identity while he tries to destroy that core identity the prime minister of Canada is a treasonous piece of s*** and should be hung

(Surrey, 2018-12-18)


Need a proper Prime Minister

(Saskatoon , 2018-12-18)


I'm tired of working and paying all these taxes and hydro bills and just for our government to give it out to immigrants and tax breaks on the rich , I have 4 kids and my girlfriend and I both work full time decent paying jobs and we live broke , and I'm just plain pissed off that justin Trudeau is ripping Canada apart , I'm a ******* Canadian and I'm just feed up as well as lots of other hard working Canadians who are being robbed of our hard earned money #makecanadagreatagain

(Espanola , 2018-12-18)


Trudeau is a idiot and so is who ever voted for him

(Regina, 2018-12-18)



(Grindrod, 2018-12-18)


He don’t speak for Canadian. Never has this country been so divided or in such term oil. He is not in it for Canadians he is in it to get a seat on the UN counsel. His treatment of the Canadian people is deplorable. The is us of Canadian tax payers funds for his own personal gain is as crooked as it gets.

(Sydney , 2018-12-18)


Migration needs to stop

(Ponoka, 2018-12-18)


My constitutional rights are being violated due to the signing of the global migration bill

(Swift current , 2018-12-18)


Because I love Canada

(Campbell river , 2018-12-18)


I agree

(Prince George, 2018-12-18)


I am sick of Trudeau screwing Canada over for his globalist ideals.

(Niagara Falls Ontario, 2018-12-18)


I don’t agree with what the PM is doing.

(Alberta Beach , 2018-12-18)


We need to save our country

(Berwyn , 2018-12-18)


Justin Trudeau has failed Canada, failed Canadians and failed Democracy. The Government had no right to sign on to the Migrant pact without our consent. A referendum was required to enable all Canadians to have a say in the matter. It is not up to the Government or Justin Trudeau to sign and decide what is best for Canada and its citizens.

(Cold Lake, 2018-12-18)


This is criminal, plain and simple, also hang Soros.

(SASKATOON, 2018-12-18)


I strongly disagree with just about everything this Liberal government has done! Also they have not even asked us, the people, before he pushes his ideology on us the Canadian People!!

(Sherwood Park , 2018-12-18)


Need a change now

(Medicine Hat, 2018-12-18)


I am sick of the west being neglected

(Calgary, 2018-12-18)


I am against wide open borders to Canada where criminals can freely enter our country. These people are jumping ahead of those who are applying properly. The open borders is costing taxpayers a lot of money that could be well spent on deserving Canadians. I guarantee our Primeminister locks his house doors and has sufficient security against anyone walking into his house. Why should Canadian borders be any different.

(Port Hardy, 2018-12-18)


He is a criminal along with all forms of government

(Richmond, 2018-12-18)


For destroying our nation.

(Kelowna , 2018-12-18)


I’m sick of what the Liberals are doing to our Wonderful Country .

(Wetaskiwin , 2018-12-18)


This prime minister is a traitor to Canada & doesn’t represent the majority of Canadians! He and his Liberal cronies have signed away Canada to foreign entities & he is the one who is totally responsible! The charter should be put to use & he should be charged with treason and removed from office &/or put in jail!

(Dartmouth , 2018-12-18)