Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Because my mother who is a Registered Nurse in Brisbane, Australia was forced to have the experimental injection to keep her job, now she can not work due to suffering vaccine injuries, which are not being reported by Australian Authorities, including media, please stop these Crimes against Humanity and Genocide of not only the people of Australia, but the people of the World, you'd want this dealt with if you or your family were injured or killed, so please, put a stop to this in every country...Thank you

Matt Whitehead-Scott (Brisbane, 2021-10-09)


What is happening throughout Australia and the rest of the world which Aus has major media block outs on which is difficult to know exactly

Is a total failure for all people in this world…

I could certainly say more but it is mentally exhausting and not only do all the people I know & myself included are drained… Something has to be done !!

Paul Hutchen (Port Hedland , 2021-10-09)


Pour faire la part de vèritè ou pas.

Ephraim Maiarii (Dumbea, 2021-10-09)


Il est anormale de nous imposer un tel vaccin cotre notre consentement. On est pas là pour remplir les poches de big pharma sûr le dos des morts.

Mori Philippe (Bourail, 2021-10-09)


I can see crimes against humanity snd I want it to stop. People are amazing and we need them to keep diversity and interest in this world

Nina DIGIGLIO (Sydney, 2021-10-09)


I saw Dr Fleming’s presentation and because of all of the other data I have accumulated I have come to know these events were all engineered years ago. The people that have orchestrated and facilitated this evil must be held accountable.

David Hogan (Fort Worth, 2021-10-09)


Hold account

Benjamin Ainscough (Delungra, 2021-10-09)


I want to stop more people from being harmed by the vaccines.

Thy Da Meas (Ottawa, 2021-10-09)


I am against these vaccine Mandates

Theresa Wiid (Walland , 2021-10-09)


Covid disinformation has kept life-saving treatments from sick patients in hospital and my physician as well as many others are pressuring patients to get vaccinated with compounds that they have not researched themselves in violation of their codes of ethics

Peter Jansson (Lewisburg, PA, 2021-10-09)


silly me, i don't appreciate poison being forced into my body.

robert bergen (surrey, 2021-10-09)


Todo es ilegal.
Toda esta Cabal a la cárcel por genocidio.

LILIANA ORTIZ (Querétaro, 2021-10-09)


I care for Yah given free will of love and peace and blessings of humanity…

Karleen Nelson (Scarborough, 2021-10-09)


IT is time for those people who are controlling everything to go down so the citizens of the world can be free from their lies and manipulation

Wilma Payano (Mastic Beach , 2021-10-09)


I belive in gods given rights. I'm from former communist country. I lived through the oppression and I don't want my kids to live in fascism and communism. Thank you for fightong with us against it.

Peter Lewandowski (Oakville , 2021-10-09)


It's time to expose pharma lobbying and governments allowing to commit these crimes against humanity

Jack Jankowski (Craigieburn, 2021-10-09)


PCR test doesn't test for a virus
Masks don't stop any virus
Vaccines are killing people
Medical professionals are being silenced
Lockdowns are destroying people's independent income and business

Anthony Sadler (GLASGOW, 2021-10-09)


Time to end the elites

lee cushman (Chatham, 2021-10-09)


I am signing this because the corruption must stop, people must know the truth, enough is enough. The law has to uphold the truth and protect people from injustice.

Karen Green (Tlaxcala , 2021-10-09)


The Truth needs be heard

Gary Wayne (London, 2021-10-09)


I am about to lose my job

Beverly Hoefs (Burlington ON, 2021-10-09)


Australia is not a free democratic country anymore. I want free choices on COVID-19 treatments and I don’t want to be forced to take a vaccine or lose my job.

Kurt Bosma (Perth, 2021-10-09)


I’m not agree with a sanitary pass and the injection 👊

Sandrine Raiouard (Noumea, 2021-10-09)


I'm signing because I feel that what has been done to the world by pharmaceutical companies, medical agencies, & government leaders has been a crime against humanity. They all should be held accountable for the thousands of deaths, injuries, mental illness, suicides, and economic devastation this crisis has caused.

Susan Gage (Douglassville, 2021-10-09)


I believe in an open and free society. Dr Fauci has funded a bio weapon and now government officials at all levels are mandating a vaccine that is completely unproven and obviously dangerous to combat a man made virus.

Jaye Livingston (Cincincinnati, 2021-10-09)


I am signing this petition because I believe in their cause, and know the so-called vaccines are weapons of Mass Destruction!

Sharon Parks (West Jordan, 2021-10-09)


This worldwide mass mandating injecting of an unknown substance must stop immediately. The virus has a 99%survival rate with proven medications that can help combat it yet are banned.
Our freedom of choice and informed consent has been violated.What's going on is a crime.It must stop.

Susanne Harpur (Tylden, 2021-10-09)


The jab is dangerous and kills and I want medical freedom to use ivermectine and stop mandate that forces me or my family to choose between the deadly vaccine or loss of freedom. My body my choice

Emilia Wills (Hilo, 2021-10-09)


Chci žít svůj život se svou rodinou, byť chudý penězi, zato bohatý plnohodností.

Vít Dostál (Rakov, 2021-10-09)


What is happening to humanity is wrong and the people responsible for doing this, need to be held accountable

Gary Latcham (Biloela , 2021-10-09)


The whole plandemic is criminal.

Elma Ross (Strand , 2021-10-09)



Tomáš Švec (Nitra, 2021-10-09)


All the politicians big pharma , Gates , Whity , valance , Ferguson , soros , buffet and the rest especially Hancock & boris should all rot in jail

Niall McGuiness (Newark, 2021-10-09)


I sign the petition because I do not agree that pharma companies' experimental solutions should be applied to people. I do not agree that dreams should be tested with tests that are unreliable.

Peter Strycek (Galanta, 2021-10-09)


C'est le plus grand Crime contre l'Humanité !

silvano Trotta (Entzheim, 2021-10-09)


because the government of the Slovak Republic commits war crimes against its own citizens and the leader of the OĽANO party Igor Matovič promised the public that he would be bigger and stronger than Hitler was

Jozef Lubčo (Chminianske Jakubovany 63, 2021-10-09)


Our voices need to be heard.

Betty Lively (SAN DIEGO, 2021-10-09)


Trop d’inconnus dans ces vaccins et des effets secondaires effrayants, allant jusqu’à la mort!

Franciska GORODEY (Païta, 2021-10-09)


This scam-demic along with the subsequent pathetic governmental over-response to no more than the common flu, along with all resulting chaos and including the fraudulent 2020 stolen election needs to be fully investigated and exposed!

Jamie Redcloud (Burbank, 2021-10-09)


because it will not be possible to live here for a while, because we will have nothing to do ... the laws change according to themselves, more than 80% of citizens do not trust them, but they are still there and destroying our lives ... justice no longer exists in our country

Patrícia Kmeciková (Tulčík, 2021-10-09)


I’m siggning because is the truth.

Ballandras Muriel (Roanne, 2021-10-09)


I am signing because I am a Bioimmunoligist and I see these actions as necessary to bring justice . Crimes of treason and accessory must be addressed .

Cathy White Eagle -Moore (Granite Bay, 2021-10-09)


Un petit groupe d'individus soifs de pouvoir sur les peuples doivent être mis hors état de nuire.. Cette thérapie est un poison en période expérimentale. Il fzut cesser cette folie et cette corruption.

Youssef Rachdad (Rumelange, 2021-10-09)


Je signe pour ne pas connaître se qu ont subi les peuples juifs que dieu est pitié de nos âmes...😢😢😢

Frédéric Helbert (53150 MONTSURS, 2021-10-09)

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