Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Because it is time to put a stop to the crimes against Humanity NOW!!!!!!

Charles Duncan (Cropwell, 2021-10-27)


The Nazi Regime has never left. They have reared their ugly head even more for medical tyranny and harm to humanity. This must stop now! There is plenty of proof all around us. It is time to use it! Our children are in the cross hairs.

Sandra Kenelty (Libby, 2021-10-27)


Crimes against humanity have been committed.

Brian Jones (Decorah, 2021-10-27)


I want those people who have committed crimes against humanity to be held accountable.

Pamela Weller (Austin , 2021-10-27)


These injections have sent two of my family members to the hospital within 10 days of receiving them. One had her gall bladder removed (she never had a problem in the past with her gall bladder) and another that needed surgery for removal of an intestinal blockage (also no previous issues).

Ron Danklefs (Hyde Park, 2021-10-27)


We can't allow medical or any other type of tyrannical policies to see the light of day.

David Colgrove (Carmichael, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because medical doctors are doing harm and a worried about telling the truth or their license void or fired. Where is the oath ' FIRST DO NO HARM' that doctors had to say before getting their doctor degree? I have seen it first hand what these COVID vaccines are doing to my friends. This vaccine is too new , does not work, and still people are getting covid or dying even though they are fully vaccinated. PLEASE STOP the MADNESS.

Debra Erdmann (Park Forest, 2021-10-27)


I strongly believe that truth and justice must be pursued for this most urgent matter.

Marie Annette (Prineville, 2021-10-27)


we the people need the truth to be discovered and corrections made.

Behrooz Tahririha (St. Albert, 2021-10-27)


People need to be held accountable for the outright lies and deaths caused by their withholding information about treatments of the virus, manipulation of data and for trying to force vacinations on people. Espically one that causes debilitating health problems and even death.

Debbie Polen (Amarillo, 2021-10-27)


Our GOD given rights are being violated all around the globe!!

Rebecca-Anne Pember (Peoria, 2021-10-27)


Jerry santos

JERRY Santos (Vega Alta, 2021-10-27)


The time has come to take the power back from those "creatures".

Helder Marques (Toronto , 2021-10-27)


End this tyranny. There must be accountability.

Skot Kortje (Toronto, 2021-10-27)


These atrocities have moved me. Never in my life did I expect to see the crimes taking place in previously free countries, by so many, so publicly, while so many leaders remain silent.

Clayton Shearer (Coquitlam , 2021-10-27)


What has been perpetrated against citizens across this earth are crimes against humanity. We have been subjected to vaccine mandates for an experimental vaccine that has no long term data as to it's safety or it's ability to deter the spread of Covid 19. Fascinating and the others must be held accountable for their lies and deceit.

Randy Anderson (Guyton, 2021-10-27)


Anthony Fauci was responsible for promoting gain of function research to make viruses more deadly and has repeatedly lied under oath to Congress.

He needs to be hung as soon as possible for his crimes against humanity before more people are mandated to take his evil deadly poison vaccines.

Alan Pensiero (Hollywood, 2021-10-27)


Its time for the good people to stand up against evil!!!!!!

Brian Richards (Charleston, 2021-10-27)


These plandemic criminals need to be prosecuted for what they are committing!

Debra Eberstein (Idaho Falls, 2021-10-27)


I want to know the truth about the virus origin and release, and whether the vaccines have been properly assessed before injecting billions of people.

john cole (Saipan, 2021-10-27)


There must be accountability in a free world.

Steve Wexler (Lutz, 2021-10-27)


I am witnessing first hand the genocide and the censorship and the horrendous crimes against humanity.

Heidi Jones (Rocklin , 2021-10-27)


Afonso Lazo

Afonso Lazi (Calgary, 2021-10-27)


Must be made accountable !!!

Janette Govan (Coffs Harbour , 2021-10-27)


Whenever tyranny raises it's ugly head it is every good person's duty to oppose it, and shine the light of justice on it.

Jane Birkby (Brigg, 2021-10-27)


Because it needs to happen now

Paul Janney (Pocatello, 2021-10-27)


I know several people that have been damaged by the so called vaccine.

Scott Pierce (Welling, 2021-10-27)



Donald I Frazier (OAKLAND, 2021-10-27)


I see the truth that vaccines are bioweapons meant to alter our DNA and kill us or make us trans human

Anne Briggs (Gulf Shores, 2021-10-27)


I stand for freedom.

Marc Star (LOS ANGELES, 2021-10-27)


I want the Best for humanity. I had the two Moderna shots. My Immune system began to break down immediately. I haven't ever, had the flu, in this lifetime. I experienced neurological problems. PVCs and Arythmias, were occurring with my heart. Lastly, I was hospitalized for Pneumonia in September. Pulse Ox wasn't readable, upon admission. My BP 81/50. I tested negative for Covid. I'm so Grateful for people like you. Thank you, for all you do. My health is being restored, through Alternative Medicine Herbs, tinctures and some amazing people. Many modalities of Optimal Health.. We work hands on, with people who want to help themselves and others...

Ruby Rakes (Chesapeak Beach , 2021-10-27)


Too many people have died and almost 1,000,000 more changed for life by negative side effects

Marie Chrissikos (Powhatan,va, 2021-10-27)


I want this issue adjudicated.

Galen Currah (PORTLAND (MULTNOMAH County), 2021-10-27)


I'm signing this petition because it's the right thing to do! These criminals are committing crimes against humanity! This scamdemic is the worst crime ever committed in the history of humanity! I have been in a state of shock since the first day! It was so obvious to me on the very first day that this was a SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!

Keyna Collier (Elkhorn, 2021-10-27)


Those responsible for the development, release, and gross mishandling of this biological weapon need to face justice for their numerous crimes against humanity.

Jonathan Perryman (Rochester, 2021-10-27)


I know several people that have been harmed by this vaccine

David Mitchell (Fate, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because the cretins who are destroying our world need to be held accountable. They should suffer the same fate that they have sentenced to others.

jan johnson (Ellenton , 2021-10-27)


They need to be held accountable for the deaths and destruction of people’s lives.

Tonia Gardiner (Bonnells Bay, 2021-10-27)


I’m a family practice physician and am frustrated with all the criminal mandates for a vaccine that’s neither safe nor effective , these are crimes against humanity and should give us serious consideration for moderation of government in medicine

Tony Arnott (Cumming , 2021-10-27)


I am signing this petition because I believe in freedom and I believe in human rights. The perpetrators of this plandemic Who have poisoned the global populace with this experimental treatment need to be brought to justice and answer for their crimes against humanity.

David Dempster (Brantford, 2021-10-27)


I believe that people shouldn’t be mandated to have a vaccine that is experimental and the whole thing is criminal and goes against the Nuremberg code

Alison Lockhart (Lebrina , 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because I pray that the people perpetrating these crimes against humanity will be held accountable for their for their actions.

Freda Kurtz (Reno, 2021-10-27)


I am submitting this request for investigation and prosecution of the defendants in honor of my mother who was suddenly and inexplicably paralyzed by the experimental injections. I have concluded that the actions of Dr. Fauci and all of his associates strongly indicate a criminal intent which has been carried out by deception, obfuscation, omission of significant information, physical harm which should have caused the distribution of the experimental injections to halt and a multitude of "early" and unnecessary deaths.

Pamela C Johnson (The Colony, 2021-10-27)


I believe that these people need to be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity. We have had enough of this!

Heather Johnson (Edmonton, 2021-10-27)


These people, Faucci, Gates, and complicit others are murdering millions of women, children, men, elderly world wide, this is a global slaughter that will eventually kill Billions.

Mark Laurence (Greenfield, Massachusetts, 2021-10-27)


No one should be a guinea pig for science with out FULL consent. Full consent was not given.

Tammie Knight (Verona, 2021-10-27)


I feel that everything that's happening goes against everything we stand for. There is an agenda and we the people are not in on it. We're a part of it because these things are being done to us but most are unaware of their true nature which is diabolical.

Jason Cratty (Maple Ridge, 2021-10-27)


Time for justice!

Warren Dreiss (Chico, 2021-10-27)


I believe in my God given rights

Eugene Ferguson ( Hopewell, 2021-10-27)


For Justice

Merri Bauer (Omaha , 2021-10-27)


They must be stop!!

Dawn Finn (Virginia Beach, 2021-10-27)


I believe crimes have been committed against humanity in connection with the so-called pandemic and would like those responsible brought to justice.

Karen Talarico (STONEHAM, 2021-10-27)


Crimes against humanity.

Scott Beversdorf (Brighton, 2021-10-27)


This crime against humanity should stop

Mar Zlatin (Portsmouth, 2021-10-27)


Crimes against humanity should not go unpunished

Carl Edwards (Villas , 2021-10-27)


I Am A Veteran & I Believe In Our Constitution , As Well As, Truth.

Cathleen Mckenna (Oscoda, 2021-10-27)


The mass medical experiment addressing COVID infection is a crime against humanity and denies people their basic human rights.

Rian Smith (Bega, 2021-10-27)


This is a bio weapon. The people who did this need to be prosecuted.

David Seyler (Madison, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because I have long been aware of the suppression of simple and effective treatment methods for the recovery of SARS COV2 and believe that many crimes I have witnessed in the cover up of the promotion need to be held to account.

Brendon Blowes (St Lucia, 2021-10-27)


I do not agree with the principles in this pandemic laid down by Dr Fauci

Dianne Borlase (Darling Downs, 2021-10-27)


Nuremberg 2

Marybeth King (Scottsdale, 2021-10-27)


There's no sequence for the coronavirus . That means it's a fake
This is not a vaxine it is a depopulation shot to kill as many people as possible. These people are killers and need to be hung from the gallows. We have to save our planet from these sick deranged syco people. Everyone of the doctors and nurses and big pharma and government need to be held accountable. And now there going after our children for a fake virus and a killer vax. There's graphine oxide. Heavy metals. Parasite and HIV. This kills your amune system. And now boosters. They have to be stopped. Please help humanity. Before its to late

Randy Rioux (Lebanon Ct, 2021-10-27)

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