Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing this because we have lost far more vaccinated family and friends this year alone than I have in the last decade

Amy Mac (Regina, 2021-10-27)


crimes against humanity.

william weiss (new fairfield, 2021-10-27)


I firmly against mandatory vaccinations and this global tyranny of evil.

jamie derksen (Nanaimo , 2021-10-27)


Dr. Fauci and others are murderers and need to be held accountable.

Val Quarfeld (Louisville, 2021-10-27)


Someone needs to pay for these crimes being forced onto us.

Teresa Wetzel (Findlay , 2021-10-27)



Judy Johnson (Tucson, 2021-10-27)


I am a scientist. We need ethics in science, not lies and cover-ups.

Lynda Wilson (Mt. Dora, 2021-10-27)


I don't want to see the morbidity and mortality caused by these synthetic pathogens (disguised under the fake title of "vaccine") when they are actually 'clot shots and kill shots' which are actually meant for mass murder, mass genocide against the human race, horrible pain and multitudes of neurological, auto-immune, and organ failures and population reduction. The "shedders" of the spike-prions will infect the unvaxxed who knew enough not to take the alleged "VAX", but may not be able to recognize the vax-bioweapons that are walking around in public spreading their own brand of (version) spike-prion death and disability disease caused by iatrogeny (purposely)!

John C McCombs DMD (Williamsburg Kentucky, 2021-10-27)


I believe all the Covid Vaccines are bio-weapons designed to depopulate the earth. I believe the pharmaceutical industry is experimenting on human kind by altering our DNA.

Delilah Luke (Baton Rouge, 2021-10-27)


I believe the prosecution of these individuals is critical.

Robert Ginn (Jacksonville, 2021-10-27)


_ lies, manipulations, deceive are their modus operandi
_ the evil side has no chance of winning if the good man does nothing in favor of the evil side
_ remember: evil is weak, weaker than you think, evil will not admit that it is loosing
_ the truth is not afraid of questioning
_ knowing means power

Adam Lipovský (Skalica, 2021-10-27)


No informed consent. Violates the Constitution of the United States of America!

Judith Lombardelli (Coto De Caza, 2021-10-27)


I dont even know how it's been allowed to get this far. I've read documents proving this should never have even begun in march 2020 when it was downgraded to less than the flu by uk scientific expert advisors. I've been blocked from sharing vital information by FB that would have provided many with the opportunity of full disclosure prior to getting the injections. This needs stopping and all those promoting ot on trial.

Karen Coupe (Preston, 2021-10-27)


This is vaccine fraud by illegal mandates.

Peter ORorke (Dudley, 2021-10-27)


so many people dying of a planned pandemic need justice.

Diane Rush (Waverly, 2021-10-27)


Im with you all the way my man. What wud we do without people like yourself. On behalf of my family and myself, i just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do. You are an amazing human being. My family and i stand with you all the way. We wud rather die on our feet, than live on our knees. I pray ur efforts will be successful. Thank you so much again, all the best Martin from Ireland

Martin Batsch (Arklow, 2021-10-27)


They need to be prosecuted.

Terry Turcotte (Hudsonville , 2021-10-27)


Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity.

We all need to stop this Genocide. I want a better future for my family, friends and everyone in this world.

Silvia Statuto (Waubaushene, 2021-10-27)


We either live by the rule of law or we don't. It is up to you to decide that path. Thank you.

Timothy Henwood (Portland, 2021-10-27)


This is an urgent matter that needs to be addressed by the courts in Eder that those responsible for the “pandemic” and the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, need to be held to account and prosecuted.

Kali Dass (Venice, 2021-10-27)


End the Medical Tyranny, and Follow the Science!

Tom Dienes (Leduc, 2021-10-27)


Mandatory vaccines/treatments are wiring when fused with experimental and unstudied drugs that have proven dangerous if not lethal.

Todd Michalak (Buffalo, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because the world governments have gone to far with with using bio weapons and using satellite surveillance that's uses directed energy weapons and voice to skull to abuse, torture and kill to silence us about crimes against humanity.

Patricia Rinaldi (Dammam, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because I want the injuries/deaths from the covid 19 vaccines to stop.

Elizabeth Lindsay (Lynchburg , 2021-10-27)


I believe in my right to freedom of choice. I believe in freedom of speech, and freedom of research? Since March 2020 both of those freedoms have been mandated against me.

Jill Campbell (Salt Spring Is, 2021-10-27)


I am signing this because people everywhere have the right to choose to participate in medical experimentations or treatments. No one should be forced into any medical procedure/intervention against their will and by declining the procedure they should not have to be concerned about how they will make a living to feed their families or whether they can shop or move around within their community or country freely.

Catherine Cox (Iroquois , 2021-10-27)


This is important. The people en masse must rise up against these acts of tyranny and put the tyrants behind bars.

Brian Wright (Novi, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because I am tired of all human rights violations and lies. And I believe that mRNA vaccine is a biological weapon.
This tyranny, lies and the New World Order must be stopped, and the perpetrators deserve the harshest punishment. I will not agree to any of the COVID 19 vaccines for any wealth and I will die of cold and hunger if I lose my job, rather than agree to this dirty blackmail.
The substance that has been called a vaccine does not protect the vaccinee from infection and from spreading it, so by what rights is it imposed?!?
For the second year in a row, I am educating myself every day about the content of these substances and everything that goes on around them, and who will compensate me and me like for our stolen life and constant stress?!?
I'm not scared of viruses, I'm more worried about the abnormal stress we all go through.

Inese Medne (Bognor Regis, 2021-10-27)


I have witnessed many of these side effects. I quit my nursing job to protect myself and will continue to fight against this terrible experiment on humanity!

Rachael Edman (Sauk Rapids, 2021-10-27)


Our (humanly flawed) founding fathers put their lives at risk to establish the foundation of an unprecedented social-political experiment of government of for and by the people. They were compelled to create the Bill of Rights but could not imagine the need for a medical / health rights amendment in their time. Since then there have been many events that are examples and have been acknowledged as crimes against humanity. We = the people of the world are in the midst of a crime against humanity. I believe in the original vaccine theory and practice where the human immune system is exposed to a crippled or disabled pathogen / virus so that the human immune system can respond and formulate a defense in advance of a live / deadly virus. I DO NOT AGREE OR APPROVE WITH WHAT IS GOING ON NOW! Medical tyranny, loss of fundamental rights (pursuit of happiness & to work) based on manipulated information and lies about a virus that has a >99% recovery rate, in all age groups, when properly diagnosed early and provided the correct medicine and medical care. FOLLOW THE MONEY! Vaccines are very profitable (even when they don't prevent infection) if they are mandated / legally required / forced on the whole world - and there will always be a new virus threat.

Roy Palhof (York Beach, 2021-10-27)


Vaccines - all of them - are a CRIME.

Jorge Aramuni (Belo Horizonte, 2021-10-27)


I believe this whole Covid situation is a crime against humanity

Holly Gadow (West St Paul, 2021-10-27)


Forced vaccination with an experimental vaccine is against human rights.

Jane Babcock (Manchester , 2021-10-27)


some people red to go to jail over this

craig fretwell (burlington , 2021-10-27)


I am signing because I believe in the integral humanity of people and I need those that are perverting this to be brought to book.

Greig Russell (Kommetjie, 2021-10-27)


Experimental mRNA vaccines administered during an outbreak seems very high risk for creating new strains

Timothy Sheahan (Auckland, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because all the governments of the world have betrayed their nations and people and are now acting as if the people are the enemy. Something is very wrong. In 2019 at the G7 meeting the big banks said they would wipe out small business and blame the climate on there being too many people alive and breathing out co2. The rich elite is trying to create a new world for themselves. Bill Gates is buying up land in America. The ICC must stop this global holocaust in our time.Arrest Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, the Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, The Cluncil of Foreign Relations and Henry Kissinger and the people from the Weather Underground org, extreme left teachers org. While you are at it, i vestigate Talpiot and Tavistock. And tbe crimes against humanity in China. Thank you.

Emmy Myhre (Stockhom, 2021-10-27)


I can't go home to Canada and I can't soon visit my fiancee in US because I am not vaccinated. Over the last two years I have been to casinos..concerts ball games and have not limited social activities. I am healthy and have not been sick. I have very high Vitamin D levels

Dee Dietrich (Spruce Grove North, 2021-10-27)


All of these measures are against basic human rights and the 'pandemic' is fabricated. 2020 did not see any increase in all-cause mortality.

Jennnifer Hogan (Terrace, 2021-10-27)


This is the biggest and most dangerous hoax ever perpetrated on the entire world. The evildoers must be punished via a method that would make anyone think twice before embroiling a nation in anything like this again!

Brad Wahlert (Cresson, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because I want crimes against humanity stopped!

Bonnie Miller (Albany, 2021-10-27)


Fear and Vaccine side effects have torn my family apart. Believe this is has all been planned to create a totalitarian world violating Nuremberg code as well as numerous treaties. d
Now working to heal Jab survivors and working to preserve human sovereignty..

Brent Barnett (Las Vegas, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because no one should be "forced" to get the shot, with a risk of death less than 1%---and giving an experimental vaccine shot to our children is a crime against humanity!

Daniel Cook (Albuquerque, 2021-10-27)


The USA is being overrun by wicked men who are trying to kill people. They were not elected but put there by China. God help America!!!

Norman Stevens (Portsmouth, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because my life has turned upside down and all because some very rich and heartless individuals want to get rid of the ordinary people. But there is a way to bring these people out in the open.

The fact is that all the v@@ines contain glycol polyethylene (a fancy name for antifreeze) and on the containers there is a picture of a skull and in very legible lettering is the word "POISON" . So we can say with confidence "every person who has had 1, 2, or more v@@ines is walking around with antifreeze in their veins." Please use this simple fact to try and wake up the toiling masses as to what is really going on. - especially before young children have been damaged for life. Poison is poison whatever way you look at it.

winifred rajsic (st. john's NL canada, 2021-10-27)


The wrong ppl have died in this matter.

Jason Whalen (Sault Ste. Marie , 2021-10-27)


I’m signing because I want hold whose responsible for violations of all our rights, Nuremberg code and crimes against humanity

Alex Dessau (Garfield, 2021-10-27)


I believe it necessary to pursue Nuremberg II,

for the benefit of humanity! God help us!

Anthony Arcuri (Fairfield, CA, 2021-10-27)


Totalitarianism is sweeping our freedoms aside using scare tactics and experimental jabs with impunity

Laurence Mulcahy (Nanaimo , 2021-10-27)


I grew up shortly after the 2. world war and I remember clearly the words "NEVER AGAIN". Now we are seeing governments passing bills and laws that look awfully close to the segregation politics of the Fascist Regimes in Europe in the early 20th century

Peter Novotny (Port Alberni, 2021-10-27)


These are crimes against humanity! They are coercing everyone to become medical experiments for something with a 99+% survival rate!!

Sara Meyer (14472, 2021-10-27)


I am deeply concerned regarding the incomplete regard of Big Pharma to be transparent with the public re the safety and efficacy of their products. It is egregious and criminal what is currently happening to the people's of the world.

Ennia Cundy (Prince George bc, 2021-10-27)


I lost my husband to the vaccine. It caused all the blood related problems and after 4 terrible months he passed in Sept. I tried to warn him, but he trusted Dr.Fauci and his own N.P. who obviously knew nothing of the danger. God help us. Jill Bevel

Jill Bevel (Drummond Island, 2021-10-27)


am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Paula Rode (Red Bank, 2021-10-27)


These people need to be held accountable for crimes against humanity and cruelty to animals

Carolyn DeRouchie (Monroe, 2021-10-27)


I’m signing because I have been stripped of my rights to make my own personal medical decisions about my medical treatment and care. My employer decided to remove me from my job position because I did not comply to their vaccine mandates even though I showed up to work every day when we were told to come to provide essential care when Covid-19 hit. How about giving me my freedom back?

Madeline Callahan (Falmouth, 2021-10-27)


I’ve had four family members die from this so called vaccine

Charisse Rose (Prescott, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because people need to be aware of the crimes against everyone in the world with this covid-19 shot.

Samantha Sheparski (Copper Cliff, 2021-10-27)


these criminals need to be stopped and punished.

Carl Mather (Kerikeri, 2021-10-27)


Because yoweri museveni's madness must be stopped.

Samue Suubi (Bloemfontein, 2021-10-27)


The vaccines are not safe.. .and are killing innocent people.

Michael Ruskin (Roswell, 2021-10-27)


am signing this petition to encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take action against those who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Craig Ossner (Colts Neck, 2021-10-27)


We are seeking justice for those who have lost their lives or have become forever incapacitated due to the malicious actions of a few. Please pray for discernment and then move forward with a pure heart and noble intent in this fight for all of humanity that we now face.

Jackie McHendry (Virginia Beach, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing because I am deeply concerned about our future... and especially our children and grandchildren's future. It's appalling that they are pushing mandated vaccines on workers in all trades, and on our young people, when the risks far outweigh the benefits!

Gwendolyn Gagne (Salt Spring Island, 2021-10-27)


Necítím že by očkování bylo dobrovolné a že by bylo přínosem

Veronika Šubova (České Budějovice - České Budějovice 5 (část), 2021-10-27)


I am signing because I want to stop this genocide and safe the people, the children of the Planet.I want these criminals to spend rest of their lives in prison...

Galima Bukharbaeva (Tashkent, 2021-10-27)


I'm signing this because these are crimes against humanity and EVERYONE found guilty must be punished to the full extent of the law OR these atrocities will be repeated again. We owe this to all the victims who cannot speak their truth anymore.

Ric Fierabracci (Simi Valley, 2021-10-27)


I believe that the vaccines are completely corrupt and that the Deep state is trying to destroy this world!

Dale Odom (Branson, 2021-10-27)

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