Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Navrátil Radek

Radek Navrátil (Füssen , 2021-12-01)


I am signing this petition because it is of the utmost urgency to protect those from the administration of experimental medical devices against COVID-19 who have been coerced and will be coerced in the future due to governmental misinformation and due to a de facto mandate to get vaccinated.

Edgar Siemund (Mühldorf, 2021-12-01)


The perpetrators of covid, the vaccines and the great reset, deserve to be held accountable to the highest laws and the people, when so many have now died and continue to die directly as a result of their actions.

Philip Crombleholme (Manchester , 2021-12-01)


I don't want to be forced to do anything against my free will

charmain Merwe (Cape Town, 2021-12-01)


This needs to stop!!

Vanessa Tate (Whanganui , 2021-12-01)


I'm signing because I should have the right & freedom to make an informed decision on what I believe is good for my body! I am losing my job that I love as a result!

Jo Murphy (Invercargill, 2021-12-01)


I want the covid evil agenda, to stop in my country.

Heather Mars (Adelaide, 2021-12-01)


I don't want to be forced to do anything against my free will

Marek Borůvka (Rychvald, 2021-12-01)


I’m signing this because I would like to see some level of justice meted out to those who are humanly responsible for developing this bioweapon and causing so much suffering across humanity.

Dominic Mancine (Wilton, 2021-12-01)


Against the so called Great Rest and vaccine mandates for the fake pandemic

Prarthana Narang (Firenze, 2021-12-01)


Enough is enough if this maniacal crazed government this bill is not required and should never ever be an option for any government of a democratic society

Robyn Wilson (Wonga park , 2021-12-01)


It is unequivocally unacceptable under any circumstance to coerce, force, abd/or threaten a medical intervention on another man, woman or child who does not consent. God given human rights must be protected at all costs or we lose humanity.

Ursula Carey (Melbourne , 2021-12-01)


jde o největší podvod a zároveň genocidu lidstva.

Zdeněk Řehulka (Prostějov, 2021-12-01)


I'm signing here because these evil people created this virus and pandemic, and caused death and suffering globally and they need to be punished for crimes against humanity for their actions. Please also look into lyme disease which is also a global.pandemic and the same people involved in this were involved in lyme disease , weaponization , well some dates back to 1930s, but they deny the disease and deny treatment for the chronic form of the disease which is so hard to treat because it has been denied as a chronic infection by the CDC and IDSA , and they punish drs who try to treat it.

Marguerite Ganz (Valparaiso, 2021-12-01)


As a full time carer I need some form of work because of low income but now I have lost my job because I refused the experimental Covid 19 Vaccination

Adam Plug (Albany, 2021-12-01)


I m signing because I am a free citizen

Monika Racova (Slovakis, 2021-12-01)


I am signing, because too much people around me have very big health complikation after aplication of vaccine and I know some people, which are dead after them. It is very very dangerous.

Milan Sedlacek (Trutnov, 2021-12-01)


I'm signing because I know that they suppress early treatment, I know the vaccination rate doesn't win against highly polimorphic respiratory diseases making the strategy a fail per definition, I know Cov1d is about global control, and not about disease.
It must have been created deliberately and released deliberately.
In 2021, those in power create the problem and the solution... whereas the solution is not getting vaccinated but soft-forcing people into compliance by social sanctioning...

I call for NUREMBERG 2.
Epstein's of this world have run unpunished for 100s of years, and it should change...

Let's get the ruling class sociopaths to face justice. It's long overdue.

Pascal Halbherr (3014, 2021-12-01)


I am signing because I want to see this world become a fairer kinder more humane world

Heather Kell (Mandurah , 2021-12-01)


Those responsible for these crimes against humanity must be held accountable.

Julie Roberts (Glen Maye , 2021-12-01)


The Government are not protecting the public and with holding vital information on vaccine adverse reactions......this is not about health...its clear its about control.

Sarah Savazzi (Manchester, 2021-12-01)


I'm signing because of mass genocide and to regain freedom of movement

Mandy Boshoff (Brisbane , 2021-12-01)


Nesouhlasím se zločinci

Josef Kozak (Odry, 2021-12-01)


This global tyranny has to stop.

Miriam Prendeville (Newcastle , 2021-12-01)


Podpisujem, pretože chcem aby už skončil tento covid fašizmus a genocída, chcem aby boli za to potrestaní všetci, ktorí to spôsobili na čele s Klausom Schwabom.

Ingrid Sečanská (Bánovce nad BebravouBánovce nad Bebravou, 2021-12-01)


Human Rights.

john langdon ( Noosaville, 2021-12-01)


They need punishing for the genocide they are performing

Darren Cotton (Echternach, 2021-12-01)


Because the murders have to pay for thier crimes

Mark Grant (Nambour, 2021-12-01)


Som proti pokusom vykonávaných na ľuďoch.

Rudolf Purgat (Bratislava, 2021-12-01)


The vaccinations have got adverse reactions and know of people who have died from them

Jade Crockett (Dysart, 2021-12-02)


Stop world genocide

Robert Zelazek (Buenos Aires, 2021-12-02)


I’m signing because the Evil people behind this agenda need to be accountable for their Crimes against Humanity

Craig Smith (Newcastle , 2021-12-02)


We the People world-wide is the force that must act to stop the 38 billionaires orchestrating the New World Order though their Crimes Against Humanity.

Jane Trainor (Fairbanks, 2021-12-02)



Daniel Čech (Ostrava, 2021-12-02)


There can not be an allowance for such conspiratorial crimes against all humanity and further damages, economic, social, governmental must be prevented

David Brewer (Mathias, WV, 2021-12-02)


I've read enough to know that these injections are:
a) a violation of the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva Protocols, the Helsinki agreement and US laws.
b) NOT vaccines by definition
c) admitted by their creators to NOT provide immunity against anything d) have a high probability of causing harm
e) have not been statistically shown to have value in diminishing the effects of SARS-2
f) have potentially heritable detrimental effects

Dennis Rodgers (Novato, 2021-12-02)


Vaccina is nit good for our health

Michaela Piovarciova (Liptovsky Mikulas, 2021-12-02)


I wish to maintain my medical freedom.

Tyler Hopfner (Amsterdam, 2021-12-02)


I'm signing because it has become blatantly obvious that the mandating of the covid vaccines is unlawful, unsafe, immoral and here's the kicker: INEFFECTIVE!
People's lives are being destroyed, worse than the virus itself, economically, psychologically and as evident in global Adverse Event Reporting databases and statistics of hospital admissions and fatalities, physically. Research is clearly showing that the vaccines are not our way out of this. As more information comes to light, it is very evident that this response is NOT about health, it is about control. The people are rising up. They are seeing the corruption. They will not be swayed, threatened or ever accept this tyranny.

Maree Martin (TWEED HEADS, 2021-12-02)


Povinne očkovanie je proti všetkým sloboda. Je to moje telo a len ja budem rozhodovat o ňom. Žiadny skorumpovaný politik, či sudca, či zdravotník. Politici na SK nie su ockovany ani ich rodiny a deti. Tento jed chcú pichnúť len chudobe aby mohli zhrabnúť do vrecka ďalšie milióny. Utláčajú Slovákov a okrádajú ich nevraviac o politických vraždách. Títo “politici “ majú a musia visieť. Nikto nemá právo znehodnocovať ľudské práva, a SK politici nerobia nič iné len to. Je to banda mafiánov a vrahov a fasistov.

Lenka Majer (Oxford , 2021-12-02)


podpisujem, súhlasím s obsahom peticie a že konanie súvisiace s covid 19 sú proti ludskosti

Edvín Ing.Smiga (Bratislava 5, 2021-12-02)


People should not be forced to take the vaccine, especially if the risks are too high and it is harming people.

Cindy Spiteri (Victoria , 2021-12-02)


Someone needs to be accountable for the crimes against humanity. It’s a must to end this war against people.

Eirene Psallas (Victoria, 2021-12-02)


We need to put a stop to these crimes against humanity

Cheryl Breadsell (Grafton, 2021-12-02)


Súhlasím s touto petíciou v plnom znení.

Miroslav Ikréni (Dunajská Lužná, 2021-12-02)


These lies and corruption by all we held in authority leading to genocide on a scale never before seen in history, must stop now.
Also I have the greatest admiration for Reiner & his team. He keeps you smiling!!

Libbie Nrice (Sydney , 2021-12-02)


Because it is nessecary and we need our lifes back !!!

Michaela Kadlcikova (Uherský Brod, 2021-12-02)


Podepisuji, protože nesouhlasím se současnou situaci s už vůbec ne s očkováním. Vše je proti lidskosti dá se přirovnat k genocidě.

Dana Bohátková (Brno, 2021-12-02)

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