

I don’t think the property is suited for the proposed development; the area lacks the infrastructure to handle it. I also strongly disagree with putting housing that close to the existing high school. In addition, nothing like this should be built anywhere on Hamilton Mill Road until Hamilton Mill is a 4-lane road with turn lanes from Pucketts Mill to Buford Highway!

Suzanne Lord (Buford, 2023-09-26)


I strongly oppose the proposed development of 700 apartments and 17,000 square feet of commercial and retail space located at Hamilton Mill and Sardis Church Road.

I live less than 1 mile from the proposed development area and have lived here for 8 years but locally within a 3 mile radius for more than 15 years.

I agree that our infrastructure cannot sustain and should not be overburdened with this type of development.

Lori Goodson (Buford, 2023-09-26)


I am signing because we don’t need anymore houses or any apartments in the area. Traffic is already terrible. The roads cannot accommodate all the additional cars.

Terri McCall (Buford , 2023-09-26)


I say no. No more apartments. No infosteuctire or handle this

Stephanie Matus (Buford, 2023-09-26)


This will add a traffic nightmare and potentially drop housing values. The roads cannot sustain this amount of traffic being added to the area.

Laurie Farmer (Buford, 2023-09-26)


There’s already way to much being built and also way to much traffic

tyler price (Buford , 2023-09-26)


The addition of these apartment buildings in this area is a dangerous addition. Traffic is already a nightmare, safety is compromised (especially concerning since theres a school nearby), and there is already an overflow of buildings and shopping centers in the area. Government money would be better spent trying to improve what is already there rather than adding to the chaos.

KateLynn Hurst (Buford, 2023-09-26)


The traffic is already horrible! Adding apartments is poor planning development.

Ginger Hurst (Buford, 2023-09-26)


Our area is already overcrowded and our schools can’t take much more. We moved out here to get away from this type development.

Renee Murrer (Buford, 2023-09-26)


I vote no to the apartment complex. We need affordable, single-family homes, bringing in apartment units to this particular area will bring up traffic congestion, which is already a growing problem within our community.

Gil Delrio (Buford , 2023-09-26)


My daughter attends Seckinger High School. These kids need an aquatic center so they don't have to travel so far for meets and practices. Our children need that additional space for parking during events and just to go to school. We have so many students, we already have to divide up how we can pick them up for events. Can you imagine if apartment residents were right there?The traffic would be horrible. Our students need the additional space. Not more residents and shopping centers causing congestion for these kids.

Kristin Love (Buford , 2023-09-26)


I don’t want overdevelopment

Chris Vazquez (Buford, 2023-09-26)


I don’t think these apartments would be good for this area.

Adriana Canales-Johnson (Dacula, 2023-09-26)


Over crowding

Loren Mcpartland (Buford, 2023-09-26)


I live in the area and this is not wanted we want a community center like a park or athletic association not apartments for more crime and traffic.

Russell Malone (Buford, 2023-09-26)


This area already has more traffic than the infrastructure can handle.

Wesley Mills (Buford, 2023-09-26)


It is already unbelievably crowded there…the road system doesn’t support it. Chick-filA alone is a nightmare to get in and out of! Ali, should not have housing check to cheek with the high school—especially the high school dance rooms. AND the property is much needed for community development—ie Aquatic center. Or Community Center.

Stephanie Archer (daculA, 2023-09-26)


There is to much traffic and we don’t need to add more with more subdivisions

Alicia McClure (Buford, 2023-09-26)


My grandchildren attend the high school n the project will add a lot of traffic to the area.

Linda Lindgren (Buford, 2023-09-26)


Traffic is already terrible and roads are already too big. Community space and park would be a reasonable use.

Lisa Cox (Buford , 2023-09-26)


Our area is perfect as is and there is already too much traffic. We do NOT need any additional housing in the area. Stop plopping these ugly lackluster industrial cookie cutter poor quality overpriced apartments everywhere. Take your greed elsewhere.

Noah Coffield (Dacula, 2023-09-26)


This area does NOT need apartments

The roads and schools can not support that many families and apartments would decrease our property value in the surrounding communities

Christy Chromek (Dacula, 2023-09-26)


I’d rather have a pool!

Gail Hill (Hoschton, 2023-09-26)


This area has a overcrowded enough. There are currently plenty of single family homes being built and there are new apartments behind Dunkin’ Donuts. This space could be better utilized for more commercial space or an aquatic center for the school or maybe and additional school.

Marissa Blochlinger (Buford, 2023-09-26)


We DO NOT NEED more apartments or people in the area. The traffic is terrible and the road can not handle more people.

Sheila Glover (Buford, 2023-09-26)


Too much growth in that area…don’t need apts to make it even more congested!

Elaine Smith (Braselton, 2023-09-26)


This directly affect me and my children. I would prefer to see something in this area for our youth/community.

Sholanda Eades (Buford , 2023-09-26)


Gwinnett has become way overbuilt! It’s like living in Atlanta!

Sally Allen (Lawrenceville , 2023-09-26)


My son and neighbor kids attend Seckinger - we need an aquatic center - Whole Foods - not more expensive appartments that cause even more traffic in a once nice area. Crime is on the increase - eventually these places will drop and crime will increase even more. Our children need a place to go and a future not $ in a land developers pocket. We have ENOUGH apartments.

Rebecca Doyle Hanks (Buford , 2023-09-26)


Building these apartments in an already busy area is NOT the best decision for the people who already live there, students attending this school, and people driving through this area. This area’s traffic flow has already increased with the school being built, let alone adding in apartments right beside the school. The student do not need the distraction and passing of people right beside their school as well.

Breanna Tolbert (Buford, 2023-09-26)


I'm a resident of the community, a mom of a Seckinger student and a board member of SKG AA that feels the land could be better utilized to benefit our community.

Cathy Harris (Buford , 2023-09-26)


This will bring in more crime. Save the trees and keep the land beautiful.

Megan Hicks (Auburn, 2023-09-26)


I used to live in Carlton - traffic was horrible trying to turn left out of our neighborhood two years ago. That road can’t support that many new cars and traffic on it

Marie DeLong (Buford, 2023-09-26)


I don’t want more traffic in the area I live

Lindsey Panos (Buford , 2023-09-26)


I do not want 3.4 billion cars in an already incredibly busy area. Go***** yourself.

Dane Driver (Buford, 2023-09-26)


No more added traffic. The infrastructure cannot support additional compact housing.

Francis Phan (Buford , 2023-09-26)


We do not need more apartments adding more traffic in this area. It is already over crowded. Our schools have just gotten a little relief with the opening of the new high school, adding 700 apartments will just over crowd them again. Every square inch of this area doesn’t need to developed into a neighborhood or apartment building.

Emily Gable (Hoschton , 2023-09-26)


I don’t want anymore Devevelopments going up. Too congested as it is.

Richard Burdette (Dacula, 2023-09-26)


Gwinnett County already has too much congestion. The infrastructure is not in place for this kind of development.

Karen Merring (Buford, 2023-09-26)


Our neighborhoods are crowed enough and our roads can not support the traffic as it is .. a facility like an aquatic center could support the families and existing community

Allison Jones (Buford , 2023-09-26)


I do not want an increase in traffic on our area and I feel that the developers are out of touch with the amount of traffic already in the defined area.

Stephanie Gerdes (Dacula, 2023-09-26)


I do not want the apartments built behind Taco Bell

Gina Davenport (Hoschton, 2023-09-26)


I strongly oppose the building of the proposed apartments and commercial buildings due to already congested area

Dee Bowbliss (Buford, 2023-09-26)


We are over crowded as it is!

Donna landino (Hoschton, 2023-09-26)


I have lived in the area for 26 years and raised my family in the Mill Creek/Seckinger school district. The hyper-growth in the Hamilton Mill/I-85 corridor over the last 5-10 years is out of control. At what point does it slow? We are taxing our infrastructure and reducing quality for quantity. The area is not equipped to become the next Pleasant Hill Road or Jimmy Carter Blvd. Stop the explosion of growth in this area.

Margaret James (Buford, 2023-09-27)


As a lifetime resident, history has proven that apartments have, by virtue of transient living, devastated and adversely affected once great communities schools like Berkmar, Meadowcreek, Duluth and Shiloh schools. Once to be were thriving and sought after areas to live in, after multiple apartment complexes were developed, crime increased, property values bottomed out and unimaginable traffic and infrastructure conditions. This area is one of the most sought after single family home areas in the state- apartments in this area would be absolutely devastating.

If they want to put up apartments; have them build or start working to fix the mess as part of the revitalization at Pleasant hill road or Indian trail or Highway 78 where apartments were allowed into bedroom communities that were thriving and left their schools and communities devastated and crime ridden.

Propose 55 and older mixed use if you need to check the multifamily box for zoning. Stop killing the property values. Model what Buford City had done.

Elizabeth Barrett (Buford, 2023-09-27)


As a real estate attorney and 20+ Buford resident I am certain of the tremendous negative impact of this proposed development on our local community.

David Sergio (Buford, 2023-09-27)


I am a Seckinger Parent, and work in the cluster. I worry about the safety of the students driving if the area is more congested than it already is. I also worry about overcrowding the school that was just built to relieve the overcrowding at Mill Creek.

Candace Jones (Buford , 2023-09-27)


That are is already too crowded and does not have the infrastructure to handle an apartment complex.

Dana Dunn (Buford , 2023-09-27)


Over development of the area

Jay Sharpe (Buford , 2023-09-27)


I do not like this to much congestion.

Cecilia Capela (Buford, 2023-09-27)


I regularly travel through Hamilton Mill road and it's already checked out.

Sreenath G (Buford, 2023-09-27)


My kids go to school there and I agree with this petition to stop the building of the apartments/homes in this area.

Jacob White (Winder , 2023-09-27)


Overcrowding, traffic, it is too close in proximity to Seckinger and makes an unsafe situation for the children, land could be used for something for the community

Natalie Bowen (Buford, 2023-09-28)


Too close to the school!!!

Kennedy Stevens (Dacula, 2023-09-28)


It’s too overcrowded already.

Connie Hobgood (Buford, 2023-09-28)


No more over burdened infrastructure adding to traffic, crime & lower school ratings!

Robin Marquez (Lawrenceville, 2023-09-28)


I’m signing because I SAY NO TO 700 apartments and 17,000 square feet of commercial and retail space proposed for Hamilton Mill at I-85 and Sardis Church Road.

I SAY NO TO 15 high-density multi-story buildings and SAY NO to more overburdened infrastructure.

Sharon Veverka (Buford, 2023-09-28)


I am a buford resident and I have kids that attend SKG high school, I will not like anyone over seeing children while they are in school.
Also these are leased and we cannot guarantee the safety of our children as we will never know what kind of individual will rent these.
Traffic will increase on an already busy part of town.
Home values will drop due to this type of developments and it will open the door for many other similar types of developments in our city.

Luis Gallego (Buford , 2023-09-28)


The area is congested enough all day. We don't need more cars and people adding to the traffic without accessibility, better infrastructure, public transportation, and or alternative transportation solutions.

Oscar Aguayo (Hoschton, 2023-09-28)


I live nearby and the traffic is already unbearable. This is not the right area for apartments.

Mark Wages (Dacula, 2023-09-28)


Enough us enough. Traffic is horrible. Don’t need to cram this many people in this close to the over congested roadways.

Matthew Popovich (Buford, 2023-09-29)


I feel the future proposal of aquatic facilities for all schools would benefit a healthier environment for the students in the community. As well as this area not able to handle this amount of traffic out Sardis church road making it unsafe for school traffic and student drivers.

Yvette Hendricks (Buford, 2023-09-29)


i go to a school near here and i believe that using this land for more apartments is not the right thing to do the planned aquatic center would be more advantageous for the students there

isa sheikh (buford , 2023-09-29)


This would be a tremendous strain on our community!

George Rivera (Buford , 2023-09-29)


We don't need more apts and shops

Dana Shackelford (Loganville , 2023-09-29)


This will overburden the roads, stores and hospitals in the area.

Jonathan McKee (Dacula, 2023-09-29)


Traffic is already terrible on the major streets and roads in, around, and through the Hamilton Mill area, I-85 interchange, and main routes to nearby towns and cities. It is excessively overburdened around schools, during morning and evening commutes on weekdays, and most of the weekend. Do not add more load to an already inadequate, jammed up traffic network.

Stephen S. Hatcher (Dacula, 2023-09-29)


Have you seen this intersection? It’s beyond me that there’s even an idea to build such a complex in this area. The roads are already thin enough in the area for access. ALSO, adding multi unit apartments raises the potential for more children and the schools are already over-crowded.

Christopher McDonald (Buford, 2023-09-29)


I am concern for the overcrowded schools and safety of my kids

Jhonal Diaz (Buford, 2023-09-29)


I am concern for the already overcrowded classrooms for our kids and the traffic in our community

Diana Diaz (Buford, 2023-09-29)


This area cannot handle that population

Samarah Cain (Buford, 2023-09-29)



Sheila Glover (Buford , 2023-09-29)


Areas is already saturated with traffic issues. People that live in apartments are idiots and can not use round abouts. We do not need anymore children in our schools as they are already overpopulated. Only bringing more crime to the area

Marcelo Bump (Buford, 2023-09-29)


I don't want this to happen

Kathy Love (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I don't want it to happen

Scot Love (BUFORD, 2023-09-30)


I love Hamilton, the beautiful houses and surroundings. I especially love Hamilton because it’s not filled with apartments. There are too many apartments in Buford by the mall and depreciates the location and values of houses.

Chelsi Bolanos (Buford, 2023-09-30)


We need what directly benefits the community, not developers

Khoi Nguyen (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I’m signing because I don’t want more Apts in the area. Also I don’t like the way it is being pushed through without proper procedure.

Kandy Kuglin (Buford, 2023-09-30)


We do not need anymore homes, people, traffic in our area!!

Angela Bump (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I do not want these apartments in our school district.

Eric Tippin (Hoschton, 2023-09-30)


Our grandson attends Seckenger HS.

Sharon Roberts (Buford, 2023-09-30)



Crystal Ramos (auburn , 2023-09-30)


Don’t want to see apartments built in this already dense area. Not a good location for this project. Would rather see a community center and pool.

David Rae (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I’m signing this petition because our roads can not handle any more capacity. There is already limited access getting in/out of our neighborhood and the surrounding area.

Tiesha Childress (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I oppose the apartments at Sardis Church Road. Too much over development.

Cecilia Engstrom (Dacula, 2023-09-30)


The area can not support these additional apartments!

Lana Maczei (Ga, 2023-09-30)


Do not want these to be build

Manchit Rivera (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I used to live in Gwinnett county and my mom still does. I don’t think these small apartments will add to Gwinnett.

Karen Green (Flowery Branch, 2023-09-30)


This is NOT a good fit!

Bruce Byrne (Dacula , 2023-09-30)


The growth in Gwinnett is out of hand. There is already a teacher shortage and bringing in potentially 700 more students to a newer school would stress that. Also this complex would be right next to the high school making safety of students a concern. Traffic would be a nightmare with 1,000's of cars on a road not equipped for high volume. Bad idea all around

Robyn Shoaf (Buford, 2023-09-30)


This area is overpopulated and traffic is already a disaster. This is completely unnecessary. Find somewhere else to build!

Stephanie Montgomery (Dacula, 2023-09-30)


I oppose the rezoning, the apartments and the retail development at Hamilton Mill and Sardis Church.

Kerrie Rogers (Dacula, 2023-09-30)


Our schools are busting at the seams. Traffic on Hamilton Mill Rd has gotten drastically worse within the 4 years we have lived here. They are already putting up 3 new neighborhoods that are in the zone for Ivy Creek Elementary and this complex will be in the zone for Ivy Creek. The destroying of the beautiful landscape and increasing traffic for greed and money is only hurting the community not helping it.

Jayne Gentry (Buford, 2023-09-30)


This area is already congested. We don’t need an influx of people to add to this

Carla Trogdon (Dacula, 2023-09-30)


I disagree with proposed mixed use development at Sardis Church rd & Hamilton Mill rd zoning change from C-2. & RA-200 to MU-R.

Steven Richardson (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I don’t want 700 apartments going up by me

Karen Fox (Buford, 2023-09-30)


My daughter goes to school in Hamilton mill and I drive there 2-4x a day. I spend my time and money in Hamilton mill and I do not support this.

Stephanie Potra (Hoschton, 2023-09-30)


We do not think it is a wise decision to build this proposed apartment complex plus commercial/retail space in this area which is already a very busy crowded area. Adding more traffic would be a nightmare and we are against this proposal.

Ann Rae (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I agree

Evan Veverka (Buford, 2023-09-30)


Gwinnett needs to manage growth and land use with a more strategic plan.

Kevin Jones (Suwanee, 2023-09-30)


This area is far too congested to absorb this development

Lisa Sims (Hoschton, 2023-09-30)


There will be an influx of traffic. Currently, there is already a lot of congestion in that area daily. This will overpopulate the city.

Isac Castillo (Buford, 2023-09-30)


We don’t need more developments. The traffic and roads can not handle the extra cars

Cate Nichols (Lawrenceville, 2023-09-30)


Too much traffic, and there's not enough room in the schools

Kara Dowling (Buford, 2023-09-30)


My children go to different schools and it will cause too much traffic

Walker Nelum (Buford, 2023-09-30)


I use exit 120 daily and everyday there is a long line of traffic. With this new development it will make the traffic even worse. There have already been numerous accidents and with this development I foresee numerous more.

Melisa Bustos (Buford, 2023-09-30)


We don’t need more traffic on Sardis Church Road !!!

Heidi Lorenz (Buford, 2023-09-30)

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