4120 Kurth St S, Salem, Oregon, Land Use Application
I am very concerned about pedestrian safety with the number of additional cars this development would bring to an area with no sidewalks.Elena Guevara (Salem, 2020-06-16)
I agree with concerns raised in the petition. Maybe a smaller size development of the property would be appropriate.Jeffrey James (Salem, 2020-06-16)
This development would cause too much traffic on Browning and our city is unwilling to provide the proper upgrades to make it safe. I am a real estate investor and normally welcome this sort of project, but this area isn't suited for it.Michael Lowery (Salem, 2020-06-16)
This will be too much traffic on such a narrow street.James McDonald (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I am opposed to a zoning change to the Kurth/Browning property.Beth Fountain (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I’m oppose to 3 story apartment buildings in a single family home neighborhood.Dave Fountain (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I do not approve of this proposal.Angela Norse (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I'm signing because what is outlined in this petition is correct and accurate.Paula Hansen (Salem, 2020-06-17)
Wrong location for the amount of units proposed. Would create horrible increase in traffic on the already too narrow streets in Kurth and Browning areas.Greg Duff (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I live in this neighborhood and am familiar with all the infrastructure issues outlined by Mr. Willingham. The picture he paints is very accurate. A major infrastructure rehab would have to take place to support the proposed development.Jean Severson (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I agree with the stated argument that this development won't be a positive addition to the neighborhood. Rezoning should not be allowed and this project should be relocated in a more suitable spot.Ezra Cimino-Hurt (Salem, 2020-06-17)
Already too tough to walk or bike on Browning. This plan does nothing to mitigate or improve that. Parking needs to be sufficient as there is no place on Kurth or Browning for overflow parking. At a minimum this needs to be less unitsRobert Stewart (SALEM, 2020-06-17)
A zone change to allow construction apartments in an area of single family residences is totally inappropriate. A better match would be single family homes or perhaps duplexes.Kevin Slater (Salem, 2020-06-17)
The street infrastructure is not adequate to handle the added traffic nor on-street parking. If you put the cost of developing Browning Ave properly from Kurth to Liberty as part of t he developer's cost, I doubt the developer would proceed with the project.Robert Johnson (Salem, 2020-06-17)
This proposal violates the Salem Comprehensive Plan. The Zoom meeting violates SRC 300.320 for "open house" location and for improper signage.Jeff Graham (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I live on the corner of Kurth street and I’m worried there is already a lot of traffic on our street, this would bring a large amount of traffic on top of that. We are also worried about the number of kids in the school in this zone. Another factor is the level of crime. We have had several instances where our cars have been broken in to, this will bring more people and more cars, possibly more crime.Hillary Lund (Salem, 2020-06-17)
No sidewalks, no major intersections, this is a stupid place to put an apartment complex. The developers need to look elsewhere.Jordanne Marggi (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I support the reasons set out in the petition.Pauline Calaba (Salem, 2020-06-17)
I disagree with authorizing zoning to allow multi family units at Kurth and BrowningMichael Mann (Salem, 2020-06-18)
Adding an apartment complex to the neighborhood is inconsistent with the surrounding area. I would be more supportive of a few townhomes or duplexes.Jennifer Quisenberry (Salem, 2020-06-18)
Too much traffic in private neighborhoods would be the end result.Sandra Pritchard (Salem, 2020-06-18)
A 3 story apt complex will bring in too many people into an area zoned for single family dwellings. Infrastructure doesn't support density an influx from 36 apt units will bring.Mary Anne Schieffer (Salem, 2020-06-19)
Because I whole heartedly agree with the statement in this document.Candice clark (Salem, 2020-06-26)
As a resident near the site for proposed changes I attest to the accuracy of the information provided in this petition and request to deny the zone modification on the basis of safety for the existing neighborhood and preservation of the local wildlife.Todd Clark (Salem, 2020-06-26)
I think this project will have a significant impact on the community. The density is too high.Terry Mangum (Salem, 2020-06-30)
I have concerns about the impact on property values and safety because of increased traffic. Browning, Kurth and Cunningham would all need serious improvements to the streets and sidewalks to protect pedestrians.Suzanne Hill (Salem, 2020-07-07)
I'm signing because I live on Kurth St and do not want the excess traffic and noise associate with a 42 unit apartment complex just down the street. I bought this house because it was a quiet, safe neighborhood.Emma Endicott (Salem, 2020-07-11)
I agree completely with the objections stated in the petition. I live in the neighborhood and that is the wrong location for such a large number of units. I oppose rezoning this property.Steve Wolfe (Salem, 2020-07-14)
I am signing because this apartment complex walk in just the already congested street of browning there are no sidewalks and Would be even mor unsafe for our childrenBob Kramer (Salem, 2020-07-25)
I’m signing because my property is adjacent to this development and my bedroom will face the apartments/road that will increase with noise. This will also drastically decrease the value of my home buy turning a family subdivision into a fast paced mixed residential area.Katie Carbaugh (Salem, 2020-07-25)
My father lives on this road and my grandparents lived on this road for years. This road can not handle the amount of traffic this would bring and would cause way more hassle than it’s worth and cause accidents on that road every week.Drew Carbaugh (Mill city, 2020-07-26)
improper use of landKellee Dalke (Jefferson, 2020-07-26)
It will directly impact my family members.Susan Peters (Salem, 2020-07-26)
This is not okay. There needs to be a bigger overview for something like this..Jerry Goodrich (Salem, 2020-07-26)
I want to retain the integrity of our neighborhood and a large apartment complex doesn't fit in.Marcie Carter (Salem, 2020-07-27)
i am against a 36 unit apartment building at the end of my street. The wont be enough parking spaces and my street does not have room for the overflow. Browning is not set up for increased traffic. There are no side walks for safe pedestrian travel, the speed zones are already ignored. Kurth and Cunningham also do not include sidewalks. The city bus does not travel any of these roads and it is dangerous to be walkingKAYE Frye (salem, 2020-07-28)
This is not a reasonable rezoning request. The city has zones for a reason and we as residents rely on those protections when we make the investment to purchase a home. Our city should not now disregard that. The owner may put up townhouses or other authorized multiple buildings as allowed by the city within RS zoning.Erin Kingsley (Salem, 2020-07-30)
Someone i know will be impacted by this. I do not believe there is enough parking spaces available for these proposed residents based on the drawing as well.Sid Stoker (Silverton, 2020-07-31)
I am signing because neither Kurth nor Browning can handle the increase in traffic that will result from building the apartments. Both streets are narrow without sidewalks.Cornelia Paraskevas (Salem, 2020-08-04)
I am concerned about the number of apartments, parking, lack of transportation and the fact that they are considering putting up buildings that tower over the homes around it.Diane Stevenson (Salem, 2020-08-04)
I live very close to this proposed development and i am firmly of the opinion that this development is not in the best interests of our community.Robert Driskell (SALEM, 2020-08-05)
Our community of neighbors have come together for an important purpose. I hope our elected community leaders pay attention as this is how our political system is supposed to work.Paul Sundermier (Salem, 2020-08-11)
This project is entirely unacceptable. It is inconsistent with neighborhood planning, incongruent with the surrounding environment and presents an unacceptable safety risk on all roads which would be affected. Kurth is, for all intents and purposes, a single lane road just south of the development site. All traffic to and from Cunningham has to navigate this single lane. Browning has no shoulder, let alone sidewalks. Cunningham has incomplete sidewalks. All of these streets see consistently moderate to heavy foot traffic.Kevin Wilson (Salem, 2020-08-18)
I'm signing this petition because I live in the neighborhood and the amount of traffic this would bring would be a nightmare!Linda Bruton (Salem, 2020-08-19)
I have lived in the Sunnyslope Neighborhood for about 31 years. I am very familiar with the Kurth/Browning intersection and the proposed development property. While it appears This project will not impact me or my travels significantly, it WILL affect many of my neighbors who live near or whose travel takes them past the proposed project on Browning Avenue or Kurth Street. These streets are not designed for the additional traffic that will result if this development proceeds; Browning And Kurth are both 2 lane streets with no sidewalks, and provide little space for on-street parking for visitors. For these reasons, and the additional hazard to pedestrians on Browning and Kurth, I oppose the development on this property as currently proposed. Duplexes or single family homes would be more suitable for this location.Al Creswell (Salem, 2020-08-20)
Currently all multi-family housing in Salem is located on major arterial roads, as per the Salem Comprehensive Plan. These 3 story apartment buildings deep within our mostly single story single family neighborhood is a bad precedent to set, and will negatively impact our property values.Victoria Clark (Salem, 2020-08-20)
I am signing this petition because the proposed development is an inappropriate use of the land and will have a significant negative impact on the neighborhood because of traffic that will result from too much traffic on roads that can barely handle the current level.John Moody (Salem, 2020-08-25)
I oppose the development of the current plans for an apartment at the corner of Kurth and Browning. I live on Sunray Ave a neighbor of the proposed developmentJoshua Fisher (Salem, 2020-08-29)
I live just up the street on Iler Street South, I purchased a home here because of the single family residential character of the neighborhood. I strongly oppose the rezoning of 4120 Kurth St S to RM 2.Kelly Freeman (Salem, 2020-08-29)
I live here and the streets are not made for that much traffic flow.Genelle White (Salem, 2020-08-29)
I'm signing because a three story apartment complex up the street would not align with why we moved to this area. Housing is one or two stories, the streets are narrow, cars already travel too fast and make it dangerous for my children to use the front yard. Increaded traffic would increase the danger. There are other complexes closer to Liberty. There is no reason for a three story complex that far from the main road.Holly Graf (Salem, 2020-08-29)
Browning and Kurth Streets are not developed appropriately to handle the amount of additional traffic that will be created by this multi-family housing project.
Mike Vollmar (Salem, 2020-08-30)
Browning Avenue is already busy enough, is not pedestrian friendly and too many people go well over the posted speed limit. I cannot imagine potentially adding 70 more cars per day going up and down the street every day. The neighborhood is pleasant with mostly single family dwellings; a big apartment complex does not fit with the overall scheme of the community.Donna Dyer (Salem, 2020-08-30)
The city's desire to build multi-family housing must conincide with the area the housing is to be built. Kurth st is much to narrow for the amount of traffic it will enounter and Browning, although wider, has no sidewalks. A development of moderate size & road improvements would be much more suitable for this property.Elizabeth Taylor (SALEM, 2020-08-31)
Worried about the impact this is going to have on our neighborhood.ANTHONY KERN (SALEM, 2020-08-31)
Traffic and noiseLisa Boupha (SALEM, 2020-08-31)
I do NOT want apartment buildings at the location of Kurth & BrowningBryan Davenport (Salem, OR, 2020-08-31)
I have lived on Kurth St. for 28yrs. its one of the most friendly family owned community. By allowing these apartments that do not belong in a neighborhood of family owned homes, not only is our streets not able to to handle the traffic flow. we have no sidewalks and the 3 story apt.s will be unfriendly to the home owner that have lived and are our neighborhood family. why not dupluxes or homes. please care our lives matter.shelley walling (Salem, 2020-08-31)
I concur with all reasons and basis of the petition filed by Kevin Willingham.Roger Evans (Salem, 2020-08-31)
I am signing because Browning is not a safe street to walk on NOW. More development with cause more problems and continue a dangerous trend. What about low income housing with less units? Limit the amount of families.Laura Mack (Salem, 2020-08-31)
Too big for the space!Linda Neugass (Salem, 2020-09-01)
I walk these neighborhoods, and I simply do not want additional traffic and congestion on these streets that are not suited for high density. I moved to this area specifically because it was predominately single family residences. Allowing apartment complexes without appropriate infrastructure is going to ruin our neighborhood.Kara Driskell (Salem, 2020-09-02)
I strongly oppose the idea to build a multi family units on 4120 Kurth St. S. I also question the motive to RE-ZONE the property to achieve it. Currently, the property is zoned for "single family or duplex units. So attempting to change the zoning code" in order to squeeze many units on this 1.5 aces property leads me to believe that the proposal is "for profit only" and it's GREED in my opinion. In addition, Kurth and Browning neighborhood has no sufficient infrastructure to support such multi family units: NO ROOM to build sidewalk, curbs or even widen current narrow streets. The project WILL NOT BRING ANY POSITIVE PROSPECT to this neighborhood except POTENTIAL TRAFFIC HAZARD AND PERPETUATED STRESS TO US WHO LIVE HERE. I don't oppose improvement or new development but (it) must be appropriate to this neighborhood, meaning follow the current zoning code, build single family houses or duplex units OR GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!Lily Carter (Salem, 2020-09-02)
This property is my backyard. How did I just receive notice of this only yesterday?!!??!Bill Davis (Salem, 2020-09-02)
Development is inconsistent with adjacent uses, primarily single family dwelling. The City needs to adhere to its own development plan.Lloyd Lowry (Salem, 2020-09-02)
I live on Cloudview Dr and I am certain that the apartment structure will adversely affect my home and life.Terry Nelson (Salem, 2020-09-03)
This is very poor planning.Shari Schonbrun (Salem, 2020-09-04)
I am opposed to the negative impacts this proposed development will have on the neighborhood my family has called home for over 20 years. Among the items of impact are:Congesting quiet, established neighborhood streets with more traffic than our quiet neighborhood can handle; placing pedestrians in danger due to increased traffic on Kurth, Browning and Cunningham - all of which do not contain sidewalks; endangering wildlife (deer) who have continued to raise their young and find peaceful refuge in this area for decades; making it difficult for emergency vehicles to access residents in the area; placing long-term residents at risk of experiencing decline in property values because, let’s face it . . . an apartment complex is not something you’re wanting in the neighborhood where you’re buying your home.
Barbara Cecil (Salem, 2020-09-04)
I am signing because I walk along Browning and visit my daughter who lives on Kurth. I believe the increased auto traffic would be very detrimental to the safety of the neighborhood.Barbara Holland (Salem, 2020-09-26)