

As stated in the Petition... We need urgent intervention for positive change and upgrading of our station to a higher rank. We need vehicles, we cannot curb crime with one available vehicle per shift. Our rural area is left unattended at best of times. And the larger community has lost faith in the SAPS.

Ricky Louw (Pretoria, 2025-01-16)


We urgently need a new Station Commander please. Someone that cares about this community and how they are treated. The Community Care Centre is a nightmare. Various complains from the community. We need more SAP vehicles in Hercules SAPS. We need more manpower. But instead there is a possibility to down grade our station. The community is very negative about Hercules SAP, the result - they do not want to open cases. Crime is rising. The Rural area of Hercules - Sector 4, need urgent attention. Trust must be restored. Response time is very long, sometimes we have 1 or maybe 2 vehicles to attend to the whole of Hercules. We need someone to know what the CPF means and take hands with them. Eveybody's moral is low regarding this. Cases just get closed. Is the detective really done? No feedback from the cimmunity. We hardly ever see the Station Commander. We see Col Tebele - Vispol, and have a very good understanding with him.

Edna van Vuuren (Pretoria, 2025-01-16)


I think we need new blood and better police service so that we as a community can feel safer 24/7

Sydney Fontini (Daspoort, 2025-01-16)


It's time that we get new blood @ Hercules SAPS that will serve the community with pride. We need to take back our community from the thieves.

Henk Kottier (Pretoria, 2025-01-16)


The future of my family depends on the well beeing and safety of our community

Charlotte Smidt (Pretoria, 2025-01-16)


Poor service delivery in our subberb by saps.

Schalk Coetzee (Pretoria, 2025-01-16)


Crime is out of hand.

Lindie Du Toit (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


We need more law and order to prevent the out of hand crime

Okkert Smit (Pretoris, 2025-01-17)


People do not report crime because there are no or very little response from the Hercules Police station. This influences statistics negatively.

Amanda Nel (Pretiria, 2025-01-17)


We need saps on all levels for a safe erea

Abel Prinsloo (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


This impacts all residents and we need to be sure our tax money is used well and serves in our needs. We can't even go away without worrying about our property and safety.

Grieta De Bruyn (Kameeldriftwest, 2025-01-17)


Because of the high crime levels in the area. As a property owner I can’t rely on SAPS if it wasn’t for private security companies and CPF I wouldn’t have peace of mind that there is quick response to crime incidents. The high financial expenses I have to pay to keep my property and tenants safe.

Amanda De Koker (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


I just what the best for our community safety and helpfulness

Christine Jackson (Hercules, 2025-01-17)


Crime is very high and please take all the poor (street people) to a place where they can stay. They are a problem for us

Catharina Basson (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


Our Vispol Commander is the only Vispol Commander without a vechicle. Vispol members aswell as the entire station members are so negative, most want transfers. SC is in-competent. No Management skills.

Cliffton Shedrick Manené (Hercules, 2025-01-17)


We have the right to a better functioning Police station! We have a right to protection and service from the SAPD.

Tanja Hohowsky (Kameeldrift west, 2025-01-17)


Service delivery is paramount, if that area lacks then the dead roots need to be plucked

Conrad van Wyk (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


Crime is out of hand. We had tresspassers regulary on our plot
We cannot sleep. Sitting and watch every night
Desember we had a break in and damage a dubble garage door completly. Cannot be fix again. Steal each and every tool we had. Weateater elecrical tools wheelbarrows ect. Andeon are extremely dangerous lately

Constance Ferreira (Pra Andeon, 2025-01-17)


Hercules Saps need beter public support services aswell as beter/much quicker response to support community in any cases

Steven Fogarty (Booysens, 2025-01-17)


I am worried about the current way Police cases are handled

Leoni Schoonraad (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


We need our Police to assist the community with their issues. They should be there for our safety. We need to trust them.

Virginia Fryer (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


We urgently need help with our police station, so many crimes go unreported as they don't come out anyway, there is never a vehicle for them to respond to your call with, there is no working phones, they have a horrible and very rude attitude with the community when we do go in to report.

Janima kelly (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


Absolute no assistants when needed., seems like always on a slow strike.. not doing what the police suppost to do.. need more vans because always when needed there's not a van available.. please..

Marie van Wyngaard (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


The Hercules station officer do not do her work at all. If we ask for help then she have alot story's. I think it's better to look for a station officer who know how to do the work.

Ann Venter (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


We have a lot of crime in our community and need our police station Hercules to do better. They are not visible in our community

Annelise Buchling (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


I live in bookenhoutkloof and the crime is really get out of control

Dino Dos Santos (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


There is a lack of overall proper policing in our area under the Hercules police station.

Jan Reynierse (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


I am concerned about the crme in our area

Shan Ellis (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


we as a family are not happy with Hercules Police station at all. We lost a member of our family in March 2022, due to someone driving a high speed, under the influence and WITHOUT A DRIVER'S LICENCE. And guess what that person is still free. we gave up on this matter due to no feedback from SAPS. We leave it in the hands of the Lord.

Petro Olckers (Pretoria Gauteng, 2025-01-17)


We need better policing to minimise crime

Gordon Jay (Pretoria, 2025-01-17)


We need more vechicles and more visibility from the SAPS. We need more involvement from the station urgently. Community lost trust in the sap and does not want to report cases anymore

Nico Van vuuren (Pretoria, 2025-01-18)


We need more assistance from SAPS and more vehicles in the Hercules area to assist the community as well as visibility

Hanlie Naude (Pretoria, 2025-01-18)


The current SC, is in-competent. She doesnt listen to any advice. She bully staff members threatened them. She has no clue how to run a station. Brought ojr Vispol unit down from a 5star to a 2star. She must leave asap. Our station will function fully assoon as she leaves.!

Leatitia Hietbrink (Ptetoria, 2025-01-18)


I am a concerned land owner.
Our roads are falling apart.
We pay licences taxes levies and have no service.
We waits days for our electricity to get fixed.
We are gatvol

Leni De Witt (Pretoria, 2025-01-18)


I agree with this petition. Tried to get assistance from the police in different occasions but they never have vehicles

Nanette otto (pretoria, 2025-01-18)


To improve the service delivery in our community.

Pieter Roos (Pretoria, 2025-01-18)


New Commander
Uplifting station

Charel de Nysschen (Pretoria, 2025-01-18)


The street light is never working.
When the power is out or we report it they take 2 days to come out and fix it.
When there is a water pipe that burst they even take longer to fix it or just to come out and look at it.

Veruschka Van Wyk (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


Our neighbourhood is a dangerous place to live in. Police is very arrogant.

Gert Olivier (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


Poor service. On many occasions. When you need they help. They don't come out at all. Or you wait one year for some one to arrive. Poor service at the station. No service. And some of the Hercules police station helps. And others not at all.

Corne Corries (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


I agree

Fernando De Jesus (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


I do not want to see our police station going in to incompetence because of one person.

Tshidi Thapedi (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


For the last 21 days, we did not have one day of full watersupply due to old infrastrukture that is not getting upgraded.

Riekie Stroebel (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


Crime is not manage by Hercules Police station. Lack of Leadership is visible in the don't care attitude of police members of the Hercules police station.
Crime are out of control in all 4 sectors of the Police station

Anton Van Staden (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


The crime rate in this area is totally out of control.

Pierre Burger (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


Of the crime

Frans Buys (Pretoria, 2025-01-19)


I fully concur with the reasons stipulated above and further confirm that I have been a victim of crime in Booysens where nothing was done by the police

Simon Malebane (Pretoria, 2025-01-20)


Total neglect of our whole neighbourhood

Amanda Tossel (Pretoria, 2025-01-20)


I have recently personally experienced poor communication, disrespect, racial discrimination and a general lack of wanting to assist a complainant from this station.They would rather send you to another station than actually help you.

Chrizanne Scheepers (Pretoria, 2025-01-20)


Poor service delivery; water supply, electricity supply(including street lights), road repairs, including extra circles and speed humps), crime(due to lack of visible policing(patrolling), inefficient police and unwilling to open cases and investigations.

Lucas Jansen van Vuuren (Pretoria, 2025-01-20)


My aria where i stay is getting more and more dangerous to live in because of crime and there i 0 to none help from the police station. As a fact i get called to help officers with broken down cars and flat wheels. I am convinced that we need a station commander that's mor on hand and competent to do do the work and support the team.

Jan Badenhorst (Pretoria, 2025-01-20)


We need to besave at all times and we need the help of SAPD

Cindy Van Schalkwyk (Preroria west, 2025-01-20)


We as community needs stability, piece and order with out any criminal element and activity in our community The SAPD must assist and strengthen and support us, to achieve this. We want to trust SAPD and will support them as well.

Adriaan Croucamp (Pretoria, 2025-01-20)


Everything is falling apart..

J J Prinsloo (Pta, 2025-01-20)


I recently visited the station for affidavids that was needed for my kids school. I was at the station for more than an hour just to get 3 affidavits. The ladies on duty were all young officers and were sitting behind the counter chit chatting and making jokes and playin. There were also no parking space in front of the station as the parking lot was filled up with staff and official vehicles which is inappropriate.

Gideon Hough (Pretoria, 2025-01-21)



Nicci Botha (Pretoria, 2025-01-21)


The service to the community is very poor, no visible policing, reaction time on complains is very poorly, the comunity have no trust in our policestation. Complainants who reports crimes at the policestation are shown away and no cases are opened. Stats of crime in our area is fals and incorect. No management from station commandeer.

Ferdie Boshoff (Pretoria, 2025-01-21)


I believe the police knows about the drug den at the containers and behind Shoprite but they are not doing anything about it. The root cause of high level of crime and unemployment in our area is because of drug addicts.

Kedibone Phasha (Pretoria, 2025-01-21)


I'm signing because the police needs to make the community feel safe and if they are not able to perform their job as they should, the community in return don't feel safe.

Margaret De Lange (Pretoria, 2025-01-21)