Better sports facilities for children in 111 Breiðholt

Parents in neighborhood 111 - Breiðholt, ask Reykjavík city for better sports facilities for our children by allowing Leiknir to manage Austurberg sportshall. 

In the image below you can see how close Leiknir area is to Austurberg sportshall, but despite of these facilities being so close together, Leiknir has not been authorized to use the sportshall for the children that practice at Leiknir in the recent years. 


We believe that taking this step, sports attendance in the neighbourhood would increase for both girls and boys, Leiknir could start practices in basketball and volleyball but at the moment it is almost impossible for the club to hold practices due to lack of facilities. Leiknir only has Fellaskóli sportshall to use for indoor practices and the use of that hall is limited, can only be used after hours and is not large enough. 

Sports attendance in 111 is not nearly as good as it could be, the usage of the leisure card is the least here in 111 of all neighbourhoods in the city. 

By allowing Leiknir to manage and use the Austurberg sportshall, Reykjavik city would be taking an important and necessary step to improve the experience that children have of their own neighbourhood and the sports that they attend and attendance would surely increase. 



Tengiliður foreldrahóps iðkenda Leiknis; Bjartey Ásmundsdóttir    Contact the author of the petition

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