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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition KEEP THE WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE CENTER, IRVINE!.
Guest |
#262014-09-25 03:46The Irvine Company is all about money. This petition is not for them at all. This petition is to let the elected politicians and officials of Irvine know how you feel about this issue. With enough support from you, the City of Irvine can shape the actions of the Irvine Company and keep them in line with the values of the citizens of Irvine. |
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#272014-09-25 03:53Enough apartments already! Put back some quality clothing stores, restaurants and markets! |
Guest |
#282014-09-25 05:06Apartments will ruing the atmosphere of Woodbridge, it's has been a very pleasant place to walk and feel relax around the area. |
Guest |
#292014-09-25 05:18I have lived in irvine all my life. Where has all the land gone. Where are the beautiful crops and orange trees. It's time for the irvine company to stop building . For there will be no land or natural resources left to be appreciated! |
Guest |
#302014-09-25 13:27Enough is enough Irvine Company. Please allow us to keep some of the charm. You have made enough money in this town. Stop with the building already. Spend some money on your outdated shopping centers , so you can keep your tenants in and attract new ones. |
Guest |
#312014-09-25 13:27My family and I have frequented the Woodbridge center since we moved here 4 years ago. We love Ruby's dinner, Barnes and Noble, the movie theater, toy store, candy store and I enjoy Core Power Yoga. It would be a terrible disappointment if these all went away! |
Guest |
#322014-09-25 17:54I love that plaza for the quiet and the only plaza we love to walk with our little kid. My elder son enjoys his book store. Pls keep as it is! |
Guest |
#332014-09-25 17:59How are the roads, shopping centers and parking lots are handling the additional population. How will Irvine Police be able to keep the city safe with no added officers, especially when some housing are temporary (apartments). |
Guest |
#342014-09-25 18:10They take the center away and they take away 30% of the appeal of Woodbridge, being a total community within a city! No more holiday events , movies, hikers getting refreshment and just having a small town center to meet and greet! |
Walkablecity Guest |
#352014-09-25 18:25Redmond, Wa had a great example of a family friendly community mall. Crossroads Redmond. Perfect place to visit on into the evening with little kids on up. So many ways we were drawn there and lingered ...1/2 priced book store, coffee shop, remote library, live entertainment, public market restaurants(diverse authentic ethnic foods), cheaper version of color me mine, candy/snack store, coin operated ride-ons, games store hosting board/card games, Hallmark, Old Navy, Party City, Bed Bath. Irvine needs a small walkable place where kids/tweens are safe to practice some independence and or money matters within parents view. They had staffed remote community police office with pamphlets on all topics of safety. We had so many family meet ups there. Grandparents easily roamed with grandchildren allowing parents to steal date moments. I popped back on their website and it looks greatly expanded from 2006. I'm very pro community after growing up with early Bay Area nostalgia and then having lived and traveled around the world. We are all displaced from our families or original towns where we grew up. A place to feel connected with other people is what a community center builds. I wondered if naturally friendly people congregate there or do you become friendlier there? |
Guest |
#362014-09-25 18:56Time to save AND revitalize the Woodbridge Center. With room for a grocery store, coffee house and small shops in between, there is no reason to tear it down and add tacky apartments to our beautiful neighborhood. |
Guest |
#382014-09-25 21:07My family love this center and, as Woodbridge residents, visit the Ruby's, Barnes and Noble, and theater often and poke around the others. |
Guest |
#392014-09-25 21:36I'm truly saddened by the possibility of tearing down the iconic Woodbridge Village Center. As a recently-retired employee of one of the Woodbridge elementary schools, this center has provided us with MANY LOCAL opportunities to enjoy the charm and family atmosphere of the Woodbridge community. I believe keeping this area open and available to those that live within the "loop" serves a necessary purpose for residents of ALL ages! |
Guest |
#402014-09-25 23:27It saddens me to see so many of our neighborhood stores no longer in Woodbridge Village. I would love to see some local stores reopen, and not just medical stuff there. |
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#412014-09-26 01:53Please don't touch the woodbridge village center. Onve of the reasons we moved to woodbridge was because of this center and with all the homes building around us, I'm considering moving out of woodbridge. Thank you, Tina |
Guest |
#422014-09-26 03:03When our two children were little, we practically lived at the Woodbridge Family Center -- dance, tae kwon do, piano, art, Ruby's every Tuesday, haircuts, Barnes and Noble..... you get the picture. We have watched the center deteriorate as the Irvine Company forced businesses out by raising the rent, preferring to have spots, such as Chevy's, empty for years, waiting for another "desirable" medical practice to move in, instead of allowing the small business tenants to stay. Ten years later, despite the attrition of our family favorites, we are still there at once to twice per week! This is the true center and heart of Irvine, where families gather and minds and bodies are enriched. Let's work on revitalizing this center and the soul of Irvine! |
Guest |
#432014-09-26 04:01I grew up in Woodbridge and was there when they first built the Woodbridge shopping centre! This is a iconic site that makes Woodbridge special! |
Guest |
#442014-09-26 04:21I have lived in Irvine for 36 years. It's unbelievable what has taken place . .. from a beautifully planned city to a congested, polluted and unplanned development of ugly apartments and businesses. Gone are wonderful restaurants such as The Waters because the Irvine Company keeps increasing the rents. They're being replaced by pizza parlors and other take-outs. If this unplanned development keeps on, we are on the verge of losing our status as one of the safest places in the county. |
Guest |
#452014-09-26 06:28Please do not in any way destroy our beloved Woodbridge Village Center. Tell us what we as individuals, living in Woodbridge can and must do, to keep it open. |
Lea |
#47 Re:2014-09-26 06:31I too raised my children in Woodbridge. Now my grandchildren walk from my home to the Center. What can we do to revitalize the "soul of Irvine"? |
Lea |
#48 Re:2014-09-26 06:32I agree! Where is our favorite little coffee shop? I want small stores back in our Center. |
Guest |
#49 Re:2014-09-26 13:22Well said. The news on the street is that the Irvine Company is now trying to drive Rubys out. I guess then they can say that it's a ghosttown that needs to go. We will all see through that. |
Guest |
#502014-09-26 15:39I have lived in Irvine since 1988. The Woodbridge center brings a lot of memories. It is a place for all Irvine residents and not just a few home owners. Please keep it, upgrade it if you have to but Keep it. |
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