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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition KEEP THE WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE CENTER, IRVINE!.
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#512014-09-27 15:11There are so many reasons why we need to keep the WVC and why we do not need more high density housing. The WVC has had successful businesses like Rubys, B&N, Movie Theater, Yoga, the art studio, the toy store and Self Defense. We need more businesses that are innovative, community building, and fulfills a need. Anaheim's new Packing House is a great model. We have the space, we are a walking community. Imagine bringing in shops, bistros, specialty retail, and live music. Those are all things local residents love and things others would be drawn to. On the flip side, why on earth would we build more housing - with limited resources, water, and space, why would we bring more residents into the community that we put a strain on our resources. PLEASE DO NOT CONSIDER THIS PLAN!!! Bring life back to the WVC, makde it a walking destination that engages residents and OC folks alike. My family would be so disappointed to stop our weekly walks to Rubys, Sticky Fingers, and B&N. |
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#522014-09-27 19:47Irvine already has TOO MUCH HIGH DENSITY HOUSING, with too much nearer the airport now, Jamboree & Alton area, and too many around Spectrum. TOO MANY CARS, AND TRAFFIC. We need TO RETAIN areas of RESPITE, rest, relaxation, convenient services---not more housing, CARS, CARS, CARS. WE NEED TRAFFIC MITIGATION--NOT MORE OF IT! |
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#542014-09-28 00:22It is very sad to see another "home town" area being taken over by the Irvine company all for the sake of profit in their pockets. Woodbridge Village Center is a connection with the past and it is so enjoyable to go there and stroll around visiting the shops, going to the movies, chatting with other strollers, with their children, very often walking their dog. Young couples strolling and holding hands. Very often concerts in the park or at the lake. It's like a link with the past. No hustle bustle, jostling crowds - just a relaxing time away from all that. Certainly hope enough people will protest this mostly unwanted change and the Center will remain. |
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#552014-09-28 18:19I moved into the Cove which is across the street from Woodbridge Village Center ten years ago. We bought our home because of the environment that surrounds our home community. The Woodbridge Village, the lake, the walkway around the lake are the reason we still live here. Destroying the Village would destroy our community too. |
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#562014-09-28 18:55Please keep irvine the way it is!! We don't need more houses and apartments!! |
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#572014-09-29 01:43This little shopping center is a very important part of woodbride. The book store toy store and movie theater we have all grown up with. Please keep it alive. What would we do without RUBYS?The Movie Theater, the movie theater the movie theater |
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#602014-09-29 04:30We just moved to different city not too long ago, because we couldn't afford to buy a single family home to Irvine especially at Woodbridge area. We really like the community of Woodbridge because of the parks and lakes, even though we do not live in that area before I am taking my kids there for a morning walk and play. Irvine is already getting crowded, please preserve the unique and lovely area of Woodbridge. |
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#612014-09-29 05:20SAVE THE MALL! Its the only place with a bookstore and movie theater right next to each other. Besides its been like a second home to me and a lot of families. |
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#622014-09-29 05:22SAVE THE CENTER!!! Ive made so many memories at this mall. Most memorable is spending time at the theater when everybody is outside watxhing fireworks and my family and I are watching some Tom Cruise movie. Don't tear the center down! |
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#642014-09-29 05:25This will shine a horrible light on the irvine company and forever changing Woodbridge if they do this. It will change the community forever if the appartments are built. |
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#652014-09-29 05:43This center has been here for years and while it may not be doing well financially, it is a place which has amazing benefits for the community. |
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#672014-09-29 14:45The Irvine Company is ruining Irvine. It is destructive of Irvine being a home for families. Businesses are constantly being put out of business because of their greed. They are gangsters in suits. Holding us all hostage to their draconian financial tactics. Family and the needs of family does not come first with them. Community building has no priority for them. It is time to protest! |
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#682014-09-29 17:05Have enjoyed this center since the 70's. It is TRULY a place for families, friends and neighbors to get together. If the need is so great to tear it down, perhaps a remodel for the retail. But high density apartments...heck, even low density apartments... That's a terrible choice to put in. It'll RUIN that area. Don't do it! |
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#692014-09-29 19:33The Woodbridge center is a safe local hangout for students and families. The dollar theater provides affordable movies when theater costs are getting out of control. Spectrum and the District are too far away for our kids to walk. Keep the Woodbridge Center alive for the sake of the irvine community |
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#70 Re:2014-09-29 20:46And a coffee shop again! More stores, less Dr/DDS offices! |
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#722014-09-29 21:49My parents often complain about the high ticket prices at AMC, and go to the dollar theatre for movies instead. The Barnes and Noble there is a great place for relaxing and recuperating close to home, since the other barnes and nobles in Irvine are too far away. |
Wtf u guys doing ._. |
#732014-09-29 21:59Not everyone can afford to pay $12 to go to the movies and it's a perfect place to hang out for families, kids and teens alike. |
Guest |
#742014-09-29 22:26THe woodbridge village center is where lots of art students take their art classes! Please don't tear it down!! |
Guest |
#752014-09-29 22:38The Woodbridge Village way of life, as we know it, will end with this latest development! I moved to WB in 1994 because I could walk to Waters restaurant and all the shops in the Village Center. Please leave the WB Village Center alone! |
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