Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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#1012014-11-19 21:33Those who scream for tolerance are the most intolerant! |
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#1032014-11-19 21:34Keep this on it is nice to watch something that is not full of sex bad words We live in the United Sates where we can voice how we feel about things just because they may have a problem with Gays does not mean that they should be shut down this is no different then us shutting down the Gays about the way they live or speak we need to stop finding things to complain about and just get on with our lives. Please keep this on it is a great show. |
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#1052014-11-19 21:36Nobody has the right to cancel a show that isn't hurting anybody because they don't agree with something they did, its their page they can put on and take off whatever they like! LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!! |
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#1062014-11-19 21:36This is a great Christian, wholesome show. We need more (NOT less) shows like this on the air!!! KEEP this show on as long as possible!!! We love the Duggars!!! We want to keep up with what's going on with their family!! DO NOT CANCEL THIS SHOW, PLEASE!!!! |
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#1072014-11-19 21:37A lot of people do not like all the tv programs promoting the gay lifestyle, are they going to be taken of too? If 19 Kids and Counting is removed then so should all those shows!!!! |
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#1092014-11-19 21:38This is still the United States of America isn't it? Where people have a right to an opinion and an obligation as Christians to stand up for Christ and against anything that specifically states it's an abomination in the Bible |
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#1102014-11-19 21:38I really hope TLC will keep this show on. This is such a great family show that you do not have to supervise your kids watching. There is so much trash on tv including TLC that I wish would be off the air. Please keep this on! |
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#1112014-11-19 21:39leave the duggars alone everyone is so ultra sensitive these days they nedd toget over them selves and not make mountains of of mole hillls |
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#1122014-11-19 21:41If you don't keep the Dogard family, which will you keep? That is the kind of family dt will be in Noah's ark if you know what I mean. Kick out the ones that turn value and virtue upside down. I love u guys. |
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#113 Re: Re:2014-11-19 21:41Do you hate everyone you disagree with? |
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#1142014-11-19 21:41They should be able to express how they feel TLC knew they were religious and knew that this could arise. You don't have to watch the show if you don't like whats being said! |
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#1152014-11-19 21:42everyone is fine with Jersey Shore but upset with someone being opposed to gay marriage. Go ahead and show all the sex, drugs, and alcoholism you like! But wait, you have religious beliefs?!?!? YOU MONSTERS! |
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#1162014-11-19 21:42Thousands sign to have it cancelled d/t standing on their beliefs of 1 man 1 woman marriage. How about the MILLIONS that agree with them. It's time to be heard by this side for a change. It's not "gay bashing" or anything like it. It's only taking a stand on THEIR values. If you don't like it, turn it to another channel. It's the same as the "dirty laundry" aired on other stations. Whether it's cheating husbands with transvestites or other reality shows containing all the "truth & trash" of their lives, where's all the complaints about the crap they spew forth. Turn the channel. Nobody is forcing anyone to watch!!! |
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#1172014-11-19 21:43If you don't keep the Dogard family, which will you keep? That is the kind of family dt will be in Noah's ark if you know what I mean. Kick out the ones that turn value and virtue upside down. I love u guys. |
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#1182014-11-19 21:43I'm a born again christian and proud of it!!!! When people speak out about gay's it what we believe and because the Lord says so. read your Bible and it tells you all you need to know how we feel about cannot be a christian and believe it's not a sin to be gay you can't be both!!!!!!! |
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#119 Re:2014-11-19 21:43I support you 100% Love your family and your show! God Bless! |
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#1202014-11-19 21:43Why not have a petition to cancel some of this racy garbage that's on TV instead of a good wholesome show! |
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#1212014-11-19 21:44I love this family, I feel like an extended part of the family as I have been watching since they started with 14 and pregnant with Jackson |
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#1222014-11-19 21:44Please don't discriminate against Christian values as the government is taking away our rights and not protecting our freedom of speech. |
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#1232014-11-19 21:45keep the show....its a whole some show compared with the other reality shows....what about honey boo boo dating a child molester....they finally took that one off...this show even kids can watch |
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#1242014-11-19 21:47I believe what the Bible say's "marriage is between one man and one woman"I will stand for what the Bible say's until my last breath. |
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