Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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#1512014-11-19 22:03I am a very liberal, very athiest, very feminist, but I do support the Duggars. I enjoy watching their family for a few reasons: 1. I understand that everyone cannot have the same liberal views as me, I totally respect that. 2. They do not have drama and stuff such as the Kardashians, they're wholesome regular people. 3. I enjoy seeing how other people chose to live their life, the ways they go throughout their day-to-day lives. 4. I am open to learning more about their religion, their reasoning behind their beliefs. 5. They don't try to force their viewers to believe what they do. They always explain the reasoning behind things they do (courting, side-hugs) to help others understand their way of life but aren't trying to force it. 6. They family itself is funny, smart, and loving of one another.
The key to the Duggars is their love. They love each other and they respect each other. They don't let media attention pull them away from their views, which is something I greatly respect. I also respect their political fight for their beliefs. Though I am pro-choice, I respect that, instead of sitting on their butts, they are getting out and at least trying to make some sort of change in the world. That's more than the rest of us! |
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#1522014-11-19 22:04LOVE this show and this is a free country and everyone is allowed to have an opinion. This is great show. I love TLC, 19 kids and counting is one of my favorite shows on the network and a big reason why I came to love TLC!!! |
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#1542014-11-19 22:05With as many sick things going on television now, this is a breath of fresh air and is a show you can watch with your children. |
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#1552014-11-19 22:05Keep it going. We have every right to have such a show as 19 Kids and Counting. It is an amazing and uplifting show. Hang in the Duggar Family and fight this. The devil is out to get you. Don't let him. Love you all!! |
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#156 Re:2014-11-19 22:06I'm very liberal, very athiest, but I still support them. I respect other's views and understand that not everyone sees the world I do. They're a fascinating, smart, loving family who just happens to have different views than me. I also resepct their fights politically, though I disagree, at least they're trying which is more than a lot of people can say for themselves (even libs) I've watched most episodes and not once have I seen them trying to force people to convert or practice their religion. I think it's good for people to see other families and their lives so we all can open our minds. I also love Josie haha she's a cutie. |
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#1582014-11-19 22:07I don't know the Duggar's and do not watch the show but they have a right to their beliefs and their way of life. I feel homosexuality is immoral and I am tired of a vocal minority trying to tell normal people how to live. |
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#160 Re:2014-11-19 22:08LOL Can we cancel Kardashians and get two episodes of Duggars ?!? lol |
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#1612014-11-19 22:09Love the Dugger's! Will not watch TLC ever again if they take this family off the air. |
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#1622014-11-19 22:09 Excellent way to make TLC pay attention. If they cancel 19 Kids and Counting then I'll cancel watching any TLC programs for a two year period. |
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#1632014-11-19 22:09each of us has choices to make. if u choose something i don't like, that's ok. but don't tell me or anyone else that i'm antianything. i stand in what i believe, u stand in what u believe. STOP TEARING PEOPLE UP! i have the right to believe and live the way i see fit as do u. i am a blood bought, Bible believin', redeemed child of God. got a problem with that? take it up with God. it's time to stop this bickering and work together. |
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#1642014-11-19 22:10Love their show & would hate to see it gone. In fact, I would like to see additional shows of the kids & their families!! |
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#1652014-11-19 22:10Freedom of speech, freedom to follow your own beliefs, freedom of religion - the Duggers (and all of us) have these. I support gay rights and would not want to limit anyone's rights. |
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#1662014-11-19 22:10I love this show! It is my favorite show! Watching it every week is something I soooooo look forward to! All that they stand for is pleasing to us & honors God1 If TLC cancels the show, I will never tune in to their channel ever again- this network will be marked off my channel list forever....& that's a promise! |
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#1672014-11-19 22:10Honestly I hate reality tv and I do not watch this show, but feel it should NOT be pulled. It is getting to the point that if you do not agree with someone all you need to do is start a campaign against them--well as long as you politically lean left. This is NOT right and it needs to stop. Just as those FOR gay rights use their money for platforms that promote it, so should the Duggars be able to use theirs for things that are against it. Tolerance should go both ways. |
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#1682014-11-19 22:12They are a family who have Christian values, and teach their children to respect others and live for God, if you don't like their views, don't watch the show, but don't ruin it for others who value who they are and what they stand for! |
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#1692014-11-19 22:12This is a wonderful family who love the Lord. If there is anyone who does not care to watch it, then they have the right not to just as I have the right to watch it. Thank you for this petition. |
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#1702014-11-19 22:15Do not take this show off the air, I wish it was on every day. A family with morals and love for family and God, how refreshing!! |
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#1712014-11-19 22:15One group of people should not and can not determine what is broadcast on national TV! |
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#172 Re: Re:2014-11-19 22:17I so agree!! |
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#1742014-11-19 22:17This great nation allows us the freedom to choose what we believe, watch and how much we succeed or not....why do so many harbor such anger over someone not having the same belief as you? Freedom is a TWO way street....please be mindful and respectful of that! The Dugger family has chosen a certain lifestyle, if you do not agree...just don't engage in it. |
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#1752014-11-19 22:17I think the people against this show is just feeling guilty.Because if they didn't feel guilty there would be no petition to take this show off the air. And It's The Duggars own site they posted that on so if ya don't like it then don't go on their site. |
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