Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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#30512015-06-08 17:01In an imperfect world a world in which only God is perfect it is unfair that " Christians" crucify others for acts of imperfection. GOD alone is the final judge he sent his son because this is an imperfect world .We should judge not lest we be judged. |
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#30522015-06-08 17:09Because there should be good shows like 19 kids and counting on TV it's a great show about an awesome family |
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#30542015-06-08 17:19The Duggar family is being viciously attacked by the liberal media! They are a good family who did the right thing. They handled it themselves well over a decade ago. Stop harassing this family. #teamduggar |
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#30552015-06-08 17:33Because I think that this show is the only godly and good thing that I let my 5 grandbabies watch. Tuesday is the day we sit down and talk about the values and the faith that christian have incommon. This was the first Christmas that we felt as a family that we didn't have to break the bank and it was one of the best ever. We learn something from each show. We as humans have fault and have all done wrong. We are taught in the bible. The first without sin cast the first stone. It's not a big or little sin. Sin is sin.. And a stone is a stone. I can not judge because I am not my brothers keeper. I am praying for those that have a hand in keeping the show on and also praying for the Dugger Families. If the show goes off tlc then I know longer need cable or a tv. And I know my girls also feel that way. |
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#30562015-06-08 17:38I love the Duggars and don't feel the entire family should be punished for the actions of one! |
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#30582015-06-08 17:58TLC is now dangling by a "Little Couple" thread. If the Duggars are cancelled, Bill and Jenn's family will be my only TLC viewing. |
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#30592015-06-08 19:10I am a survivor of child abuse and only wish things could of been handled the way the Duggars handled the situation, which I do not believe in as child molestation. And love that this family live by their faith. This is an attack on their belief, just for haters to attack them. Bring them back! |
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#30602015-06-08 19:15I love the Duggars! The information about Josh NEVER should have been released as everyone involved was under the age of 18. It doesn't change the fact that they are an amazing family. |
Samantha |
#30612015-06-08 19:24Please look at the 19 Kids and Counting Facebook Page!! They have 2.4 MILLION fans!! All the hate directed at them is from people who never watched this show anyway! Don't listen to them! We are your faithful viewers of this show and The Little shows on TV! Please keep them on. This didn't happen yesterday...this was over a decade ago and the family has moved on. If you cancel, you will send a message to this family (children and victims included) that they are "bad" and "dirty" and that is just wrong!! Please keep the show on. The haters will soon find something else to hate on and they will move on. Thank you!! |
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#30622015-06-08 19:33This family has done more than any other family I know that has faced this issue! They have went above and beyond to fix the problem! God Bless them! Love the Duggars! |
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#30632015-06-08 21:29I simply believe in human brings making mistakes and being able to change!! I am one of them! They are my favorite family! No I don't live just like they do but they inspire me to be better. I love the Duggars!! |
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#30642015-06-08 23:00It's a great family show that shouldn't be canceled due to something stupid that was already taken care of the way it should've been everyone has a past but God can give everyone a future |
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#30652015-06-08 23:32I love the show and they are a great family. They teach great values. |
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#30662015-06-09 01:08people who. bash the duggar I'm sure would be the first to hide their child if police were looking for them bit yet they got help and turned, hI'm in. dont punish family for.1 mistake |
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#30672015-06-09 02:13They're being targeted for their beliefs. I believe Josh acted like a typical adolescent boy. He & his parents handled it correctly. This should never have been released to the public. |
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#30682015-06-09 08:10Love of the show and the family , want them back, love to see the kids growing up , and these children know the meaning of RESPECT and LOVE for the parents and every body else . refreshing to watch. |
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#30702015-06-09 13:01This issue was illegally brought forth by the media for their own profit with no regard that this was a juvenile record that was protected by law. This family have already dealt with the issue - it has redeemed and forgiven. Josh is not the same person - he received more reform than the state could ever have given him. |
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#30712015-06-09 15:18I believe the family is being persecuted mainly because people do not like their Christian beliefs. They are also being persecuted saying they are hypocrites because of their stance on the LGBT community and against same sex marriage. I am confused how their stance is hypocritical just because of what their son did. They dealt with their problem so because they dont believe in same sex marriage this correlates in what way? The only crime I see now is the illegal publication of the records. Talk about hypocrites. It is the people persecuting them. The Duggar's issue was a private matter and no one else's business. If they are persecuted then our nation truly has no hope. Without God we are a nation that will fall. |
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#3072 Re: Re:2015-06-09 15:22When they sign the petition it us in favor of keeping the show on, not against it. They may say something negative, but it is negated because they signed in favor of. |
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#30732015-06-09 18:44I love this show. They are a good family with good morals. You can't control everything your children do but you discipline them in the best way you know how. and I believe that's exactly what they have done. |
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#30742015-06-10 13:46I love this family.I watch any time I get a chance.Who are we to judge.There is only on judge that is GOD!!!!No worries And this to shall pass.Social media and news will have someone else to talk about before long. |
Guest |
#30752015-06-14 04:47Because I think this is a good and wholesum FAMILY. and they inspire young families to have and to learn. Don't take the actions of one and punish the rest ,, something that happened a long time ago. Bring them back I say ... |
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