Justice For Jacob
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#2012015-07-22 09:21Why should the killer be able to walk when he took the live of another |
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#2032015-07-22 09:36I support ur family in this time of need.Hopefully your family will get the justice it deserves |
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#2042015-07-22 09:52If found guilty they need to make an example of this little thug. These pieces of crap have NO respect for the sanctity of life. I'm usually against it, but in this case... DEATH PENALTY. |
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#2052015-07-22 09:54if a young child has a gun and kills someone like this little one did then he needs to treat like an adult u do adult crimes do adult time he no differt then any one who shot and killed someone smh |
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#2072015-07-22 10:06Because he knew what he was doing when he pulled the trigger and he can sit there n flash gang sighns on facebook with his buddies..system needs to make an example of him for all the other young kids vive something to think about |
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#2082015-07-22 10:08That is terrible. the 14 yr old should be tried as an adult. it has to quit. what is the matter with youths that they think they can take a life and don't do the time. |
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#2092015-07-22 10:14I signed the petition because the accused commuted an adult crime purposely&deserves to suffer the consequences.. |
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#2102015-07-22 10:22Jacob needs justice ... its sad we have to sign a petition for him to get it! it should be a given! |
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#2112015-07-22 10:29I signed this petition because I feel these young kids who want to play grown up need to be punished as a grown up you do the crime you do the time. And who ever gave him the gun should also be held responsible. My heart goes out to the young kid who was killed just out minding his own buisness and to his parents who have to live with this pain the rest of their lives may God give you the peace and comfort you need in this difficult time. |
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#2122015-07-22 10:29Wrong is wrong. Even toddlers know right from wrong He did the crime now he does the time. |
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#2132015-07-22 10:38It was heartbreaking that Jacob was killed so senselessly. His murderer needs to be punished as an adult. |
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#2142015-07-22 10:46Kids are out of control and have to be taught there are consequences for their actions, especially taking a life. These are not yesterday's children. |
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#2152015-07-22 10:46Because I think he should die for what he did . A life for a life . He deserves what he gets- and more! He's nothing but a low life piece of crap! |
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#2162015-07-22 10:48People need to be held accountable for their actions. Need to bring back respect and responsibility. If it takes making examples out of some then so be it. God bless and help Jacobs family |
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#2172015-07-22 10:50In support of this family first. And to hopefully help shake up our justice system to start doing things right. Leniency of the courts will only cause more crime. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth justice is needed. I do not believe in death sentences. That is Gods judgement but if our courts were doing things correctly.... Things may not get to the point of killing. |
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#2182015-07-22 10:57I am outraged by the murdering little thug punk who took Jacobs life. If Derrys Sanders Jr. Is capable of committing cold blooded murder at the age of 14 , I fear to imagine what he will be capable of doing at , say age 24. He is now out of society and the community is a safer place with one less ghetto minded reckless, heartless, killer street thug. However the community is a much more sadder and empty place with the loss of Jacob Pushinsky. I did not know this young man , but I know enough to know that he was a blessing to society and that he will be missed. He was a positive impact on the community as a member of the ROTC , and a soon to be Soldier. I think that speaks loudly of this young man's character. It is so sad that he had to die so young and now will be remembered as a murder victim. I choose to remember him as a brave young man who had the courage to stand up to the ghetto thug punk , and refused to give up his property. His bicycle. He was killed by a coward for being brave. My sincere condolences to the family and friends of Jacob Pushinsky. Let us remember that ALL LIVES MATTER !!! That includes White lives and the lives of our Police Officers also. |
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#2192015-07-22 11:00Should be charged like a adult lets stop these kid .old enough to load a gun old enough to do the time |
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#2202015-07-22 11:08I think that the sentence should be strong enough to send a message to all the young people ! |
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#2212015-07-22 11:12People need to be held responsible for their actions - 14 years-old is old enough to know right from wrong! |
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#2222015-07-22 11:15What are we suppose to say, poor little black boy, he's a minority, I say hell no!!! look around people, the white race is the minority! What I say is " Attempted Murder, life in prison" "Murder, Death Penalty" Try him as an adult and the verdict should be death! I dont care how old the criminal or the race of the person.
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#2232015-07-22 11:16Anyone who picks up a weapon with intent to hurt/kill should be tried as an adult no questions asked, no matter the age...Jacob needs justice! |
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#2252015-07-22 11:29He killed a young man that didnt even have a chance to live his life over a bike and did a crime with a gun its time we take a stand. |
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