Justice For Jacob
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tired of being PC |
#301 Re:2015-07-22 17:12What kind of justice did he show Jacob? I only wish we had the death penalty for this piece of trash. The mother should rot in jail with him for using him as a paycheck and not raising him like a child. She's gonna get hers too! |
Guest |
#3022015-07-22 17:12The monster that shot ur son can never be rehabilitated. He has been in trouble since he was born practically send him to jail for the rest of his life. Maybe his mom's will become a better mother now. RIP JACOB. |
Guest |
#3032015-07-22 17:14If a 14yr. old can kill a person acting like an adult...then they deserve to serve a sentence like an adult! |
Guest |
#3042015-07-22 17:15Because being tried and serving time as a juvenile will do no good. He will get out and commit more crimes, quite possibly murder again. More importantly, a life for a life. Derrys should spend the rest of his life in prison for ending Jacob's life. |
Guest |
#3052015-07-22 17:20I feel he knew what he was doing was wrong. The boy didn't care it was about getting what he wanted. Jacob lost his life over a bike this kid should not have his sentence in juvenile court not fair to Jacob's family. |
pmc |
#306 max punishment!!!!!!!2015-07-22 17:33This guy went looking to commit a crime with a deadly weapon; he knew EXACTLY what he was doing!!!! Try him as an adult and give him the MAX punishment!!!! |
Guest |
#3072015-07-22 17:34In 2008 my mother was a victim of a homicide. She was 86 years old at the time. This senseless crime must stop. The punishment should fit the crime. If I had known that Tom Wolf was going to put a moratorium on the death penalty, he wouldn't have gotten my vote. |
tired of being PC |
#3082015-07-22 17:36The family of the murderer is scheduled to make a statement tomorrow from Gene Placidis office at 502 W 7th. This is an outrage. Another sneaky tactic by Placidi just like telling the family to make sure the gun was never found. |
Guest |
Guest |
#3102015-07-22 17:42any person child or adult murders someone at point blank with any weapon deserves the death penalty. In the old west this person would have been hung in public for committing such a criminal act. |
Guest |
#3112015-07-22 17:50I signed this because killing people is wrong, whether the harmful is young I believe still is old enough to know that harming, killing of another person isn't right. |
Guest |
#3122015-07-22 18:19I believe he should be tried as an adult, although I said from the beginning that his attorney would try for juvenile. This little thug should have to do the time, he acted BIG with a gun, now it is time to man up and pay for the crime he committed. Jacob's family needs this to happen, even though it will NOT bring back their son/brother, it would be a slap in the face to them to not have this done. He acted like a big man, now pay the price like a big man! |
Guest |
#3132015-07-22 18:39This young man, (race does NOT matter) has already been in the Juvenile System. He should be tried as an adult. He took it upon himself to pull out the gun and carry through with fatally shooting and killing an unarmed young man. Furthermore, parents need to be educated on how to raise their children. |
Guest |
#3142015-07-22 18:45Accused needs to pay for his crime. Since there were positive identifications he does not even deserve a trial, he did it - let him pay. He wants to act like a man, then he can pay like one. |
young chick |
#316 Re:2015-07-22 18:49so be it, you reap what you sow. He made his bed now let him Liam in it. |
Guest |
#3172015-07-22 19:31I feel that he should absolutely be tried as an adult. Not only was this person attempting to committ theft he brutally murdered the victim in the process. Now we decent human beings are to believe that this thug is a victim of society, parental neglect, poverty and/or lack of education. To me those are just rehearsed excuses for poor choices and bad behavior. Race has nothing to do with the issue. I feel that murder is murder regardless of the color of the killer's skin. People need to be held to a higher level of accountability for thier heinous actions. In the end he committed a horrific crime and should do adult time. |
Retired Erie County Correctional Officer Guest |
#3182015-07-22 19:39Because derry sanders jr. deserves exactly what the judge gave Andrew Wurst when he shot and killed Teacher John Gillette in Edinboro. 30 to 60 years or more. This case is no different. a senseless killing over a bicycle. the people in charge need to start setting examples and putting people in jail for very long periods of time. Judge Brabender erred when he had this kid removed from vision quest. he placed in vision quest for removing an ankle monitor, Derry sanders was in a secure program for rehabilitation. judge brabender had him removed and sent home, where he killed an innocent young man with a very promising future. The only victim here was Jacob. Derry Sanders jr parents should have been involved and concerned before he killed Jacob, not after. |
Guest |
#3202015-07-22 19:46There is too much violent crime in Erie with not enough punishment. I can't imagine what Jacob's family is going through, and they deserve to know their sons killer gets the justuce he deserves. |
Guest |
#3212015-07-22 19:5414 years old or not, he took a life and now he needs to pay for his actions |
Sparky |
#322 Re:2015-07-22 20:00Amen!!!! |
Guest |
#3232015-07-22 20:42My grandmother was murdered in 1978 by a ️then 16 year old boy. Murder victims and their families deserve justice and some peace. |
Guest |
#3242015-07-22 20:43It wasn't fair what happened to Jacob. His life was cut short. He will never get to do the things he wanted in life, so why should his killer get the chance? |
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