Justice For Jacob
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Justice For Jacob.
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#3512015-07-22 23:4114 years old is old enough to know right from wrong...over a bike??!!! His family is claiming racism...a black "man" killed a white man over a bike...perhaps he is the racist. |
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#3522015-07-22 23:51It is very sad for both families..BUT, the kid knew what he was doing, at 14 you know right from wrong...he should be tried as an adult ! |
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#3542015-07-23 00:22This is justice, you are old enough & think you are tough enough to do the crime, pay for it! |
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#3552015-07-23 00:23I am from Erie and I was informed of this horrendous crime from a family member. I wonder if the Obama administration is going to send anyone to attend the funeral. is Al Sharpton going to give a eulogy?? where's the outrage? how come this isn't on national news? |
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#357 Re: Re:2015-07-23 00:36Don't point fingers anywhere but his family. |
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#3582015-07-23 00:38I was SO glad to hear about this petition! What a tragedy. This boy needs to be held ACCOUNTABLE so he isn't a further detriment to society. |
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#3592015-07-23 00:40I work with children in this neighborhood. I hope the best for everyone of them but they have been told for too long that consequences for their behavior are minimal. Please do not send the message that Jacob's life was less important than Derrys'. |
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#3632015-07-23 01:12This was a violent act over a bike! The person that shot him didn't,t think twice, I fear if released into society again he would take another life! |
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#3642015-07-23 02:04That little punk doesnt deserve to be tried as a kid. He did an adult crime he needs to do adult time. He took this poor kids life over a stupid bike. Thats messed up. Ended a worthy life cause his life is so worthless he had to steal at gun point. What a effing coward. Thats all he is, is a coward!!!! |
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#3652015-07-23 02:20could have been my kid that was shot don't know what I would do was the right thing to do |
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#366 Re: Re:2015-07-23 02:48Kids today have much more to do than I did when I grew up and there were less murders then. Maybe that's the problem they are handed too much for free now a days and have a sense of entitlement. What's yours is mine? I don't think so. Earn what you want like the majority. That kind of learning starts at home. The world, nor the police cannot fix a problem that should be addressed as these kids are growing up. Morals and values begin at home! Need to stop making excuses for someone who, plain and simple, knows right from wrong. |
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#3672015-07-23 03:16The reality of a fair justice system has been lost, especially to our youth. Bring back morals and values, it has to start with a stern hand and lessons being taught. He knows right from wrong, he chose wrong, he shall be punished. He is not a toddler, he is old enough to have a child himself, just thinking of his parenting skills is scary enough...make sure he doesnt parent ever! |
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#3692015-07-23 03:22Victims father works at my childrens' school. He is a hardworking man whose family deserves better than this violence. |
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#3702015-07-23 03:26There is way to much violence in this City. It is pretty bad when a kid cannot even ride a bike in their own neighborhood on a nice day during summer vacation. How pathetic is that? People should be entitled to live wherever they want not having to look over their shoulder, or fear that if they go out they may become the victim of a drive by, or otherwise. A couple weeks prior to Jacobs death, on a weekend evening, my cousin's daughter and her boyfriend were coming back from getting ice cream. They had to stop at the light on 6th and Ash. Two teen males approached the car with guns, aimed the guns at their heads and told them to get out of the car and lay on the ground. They took her phone. My cousins daughter screamed. Two women came out to see what was going on and the boys ran. If it wasn't for that my cousin may have had to bury her daughter and her boyfriends family him. How much of this stuff goes on that isn't publicized. For all anyone knows Jacobs shooter could have been one of them. I say try him as an adult and send a message to this community that this will not be tolerated any more! If the system can't do that I believe that they will be making themselves part of the problem in this city. The life of a young man with a promising future was taken by someone who apparently didn't think Jacobs life was worth more than the cost of a bike. That makes me ill!! Learning morals and values start at home, but I believe even if you're not taught those morals and values at 14 you sure do know right from wrong. Let him pay the consequences for his actions! RIP Jacob. My thoughts, prayers and sympathy go out to Jacobs family. |
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#3712015-07-23 03:53The killer deserves no more breaks or mercy than he showed to Jacob when he shot him to death over a bicycle. Where was his family when he was running amok on the streets? But now they want to come out of the woodwork and have him tried as a juvenile? He should be locked up for the rest of his life, and the only way to guarantee that is to try him as an adult. |
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#3722015-07-23 04:58Letting his killer off when he turns 21 wouldn't scare other 14 year olds not to commit the same crime. Events like this frighten me to live and raise a family in our community. Poor Jacob won't be able to ride his bike, why should the person who took that away from him? |
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#3742015-07-23 05:40Justice...... Not to Let Some Shit Ass Lawyer Plea Bargain Away Anything....This Should Not Even Need A Lawyer It Was Cold Blooded Murder With Witnesses in broad Day Light...No Trial Or Jury Needed....Murder With Witnesses!!!! |
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#3752015-07-23 06:32I can't believe that this all happened over a "Bike" WHAT??.. And a 14 year old kid did this horrible act!. How does this14 year old kid even get a hold on a gun!! Let a lone know how to use it..I hope he gets trailed as an adult and spends the rest or his life in prison!! Like seriously how does this even happen and why! STOP using guns as power fight with ur fist like in the old days.. R.I.P... Jacob u did not deserve this u r too young to die my man!! Keep ur head up and fly high!!! |
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