Save Vine!

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save Vine!.



2016-10-27 23:10

Because Vine is such a funny and great app I don't want it to go



2016-10-27 23:10

Because vine kept me going when ever I was sad or upset or needing a laugh all I had to do was go on vine



2016-10-27 23:11

Vine is an amazing experience for everyone in this world to see. why take that away from us. We deserve to to #Keepvine



2016-10-27 23:15

Because without bine life is boring and I literally have no other meida. Also because Vine is original content unlike musically or something.



2016-10-27 23:17

Vine has been a safe place for me. I met so many fantastic people and honestly I've seen 2 very special people who have changed me in such a good way.i gained confidence because of them and I think it's unfair VINE is ending. People have made careers from it so why shut down opportunities?



2016-10-27 23:18

I love vine and my friend is very famous because of it we are also known as a gaming clan which does many social apps such as Instagram YouTube Facebook twitter and of course Vine! We love vine and that's 1 less way to get famous on our list Twitter is now an Enemy to us and they are money hungry people they don't deserve to take vine from the peoole of All Country's around the world Lets take a stand against money hungry people that are cold hearted and unworthy to take what we own Such as Drug Companies Twitter Casinos anything big that thinks thy can do what ever they feel like Twitter don't you dare take this away from us sincerely ~ Cooper Liegey AKA Evap Sorcery
Instagram: Evap_Sorcery
Vine: Cooper
Name: Cooper
Country: United States of America
<3 vine



2016-10-27 23:18

Because Vine means everything to me. It's my absolute favourite app. It's literally the only app I use and i will be heartbroken if it's gona forever. There are so many videos on vine that make me happy. Please donmt get rid of it. It's too loved.



2016-10-27 23:19

Vine is an app that made life amazing. Without it, who would cheer me up when im upset, who will make me laugh, and above all who will be there for me. #Keepvine #savevine



2016-10-27 23:21

because vine is goals



2016-10-27 23:23

Vine has started many great careers and this is such a fun and amazing app



2016-10-27 23:24




2016-10-27 23:25

I am a upcoming viner, I love all my friends and want to show them more of my edits, and be there for them..... Ease don't take this away



2016-10-27 23:26

Anytime I had a hard day I would come come and watch funny vines and unwind but sadly that can't happen anymore until vine is saved



2016-10-27 23:27

It wrong to take away something that brings people together. People work so hard on their edits and videos and taking it all away will ruin people's lives. I am alive because of vine.



2016-10-27 23:27

Vine is Where I met a lot of my friends and where I can express myself creatively. To see it go would upset me.



2016-10-27 23:27

I love this app, I have so many friends and want to show them more of me....... More of my skills..... To be there for them.... Please don't take it away.



2016-10-27 23:27

Vine is my platform for showing my creativity with anime edits. It's pretty much a part of my life!



2016-10-27 23:28

Vine is my life, I've been on it for 3 years and their just gonna cancel it? What happened? At least update it for 1 last week so we can all save our vines. Please vine.



2016-10-27 23:30

I am a creator on vine and I would love to see this stay.



2016-10-27 23:31

This is where all my idols started



2016-10-27 23:33

I signed this petition because vine has changed some people's life! It's something some people are excited when they come home or it's where some people share there talents of editing or humour!



2016-10-27 23:37

Vine is a hilarious app where people can express themselves



2016-10-27 23:37

Because vine is everything
Don't Go!


2016-10-27 23:38

Twitter, please do not get rid of Vine. Just because it isn't getting as many downloads as it used to and isn't the top ranking app this year doesn't mean you should just throw it in the trash. Apps go through stuff like this! There are millions of people who still love this app, myself included. It helps bring a smile to my face when I've been going through a hard time. Please don't take my happiness away.



Faithful Vine User

amv vine editor

#325 vine

2016-10-27 23:39